! Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Manuel Hasert <m.hasert@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Hueckelheim <j.hueckelheim@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2013, 2015, 2018-2020 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012, 2014-2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2014 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2018 Raphael Haupt <raphael.haupt@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Peter Vitt <peter.vitt2@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019 Jana Gericke <jana.gericke@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Gregorio Gerardo Spinelli <gregoriogerardo.spinelli@dlr.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> author: Manuel Hasert !! # Interpolation of flow quantities between different grid levels !! !! ## Interpolation !! !! The routines defined here, fill up the ghost elements with valid data. !! Ghost elements are employed at grid level interfaces to provide valid !! pdf values to the neighboring fluid elements. This way, the solvers can !! act on elements of the same size only, treating the levels successively. !! Target elements are the ghost elements, which have to be filled with !! valid values. !! Source elements are the fluid elements from other levels, from where to !! take the input values for the interpolation. !! The target ghost elements on the target level have corresponding source !! fluid elements on the source level. !! !! [[tem_topology_module]] For a detailed description of the grid !! !! ## Workflow <a id="interpolation-of"></a> !! !! Each interpolation routine acts on a list of ghost elements. !! This list contains pointers to the position in the total list. !! For each of these ghost elements, the source elements are identified. !! Before that, the sourceLevel is identified. However, the code is restricted !! to work with a level jump of only one level, so the sourceLevel is !! for sourceLevel = targetLevel+1 !! sourceLevel = targetLevel-1 !! !! For an overview over implemented interpolation methods, see !! [Interpolation methods](../page/features/intp_methods.html) !! ! Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Manuel Hasert <m.hasert@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Konstantin Kleinheinz <k.kleinheinz@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012, 2014-2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013-2015, 2019 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module mus_interpolate_module ! include treelm modules use mpi use env_module, only: rk use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_debug_module, only: main_debug, dbgUnit use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_construction_module, only: tem_levelDesc_type, depSource_append use tem_dyn_array_module, only: dyn_intArray_type, init, append, truncate use tem_grow_array_module, only: grw_intArray_type, init, append, truncate use tem_element_module, only: eT_ghostFromCoarser, eT_ghostFromFiner use tem_stencil_module, only: tem_stencilHeader_type use tem_matrix_module, only: init, append use tem_tools_module, only: tem_horizontalSpacer use tem_property_module, only: prp_fluid, prp_fineGhostClosestToFluid ! include musubi modules use mus_field_prop_module, only: mus_field_prop_type use mus_interpolate_header_module, only: mus_interpolation_type, & & mus_interpolation_config_type, & & mus_interpolation_stencil_type, & & weighted_average, linear, & & quadratic use mus_interpolate_debug_module, only: do_nothing, do_nothing_arbi use mus_interpolate_average_module, only: & & fillArbiMyGhostsFromFiner_avg, & & fillMyGhostsFromFiner_avg_feq_fneq, & & fillMyGhostsFromFiner_avgLES_feq_fneq, & & fillMyGhostsFromFiner_avg2D_feq_fneq, & & fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg_feq_fneq, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvgLES_feq_fneq, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg2D_feq_fneq use mus_interpolate_linear_module, only: & & fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_linear, & & fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_linear2D, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_linear_feq_fneq, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_linearLES_feq_fneq, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_linear2D_feq_fneq use mus_interpolate_quadratic_module, only: & & fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_quad, & & fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_quad2D, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_quad_feq_fneq, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_quadLES_feq_fneq, & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_quad2D_feq_fneq use mus_scheme_header_module, only: mus_scheme_header_type use mus_scheme_layout_module, only: mus_scheme_layout_type implicit none private public :: mus_init_interpolate public :: mus_init_levelDescIntpArrays public :: mus_dump_levelDescIntp_nElems public :: mus_intp_update_depFromCoarser public :: mus_intp_update_depFromFiner contains ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This subroutine initialzes the interpolation !! !! - setting the fillMineFromFiner and fillFinerFromMe function pointers !! to the interpolation function chosen by the user and !! - pre-calculating the weights based on the distances between source !! and target nodes !! - allocate buffers if required !! subroutine mus_init_interpolate( intp, levelDesc, schemeHeader, stencil, & & minLevel, maxLevel, fieldProp) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(inout) :: intp integer, intent(in) :: minLevel, maxLevel !> level descriptor is actually used type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) !> the stencil header type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil !> scheme header type(mus_scheme_header_type), intent(in) :: schemeHeader !> field properties type(mus_field_prop_type), intent(in) :: fieldProp(:) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iOrder ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(1),"(A)") 'Initialize interpolation: '//trim(intp%config%method) write(logUnit(1),"(A)") ' with scheme: '//trim(schemeHeader%relaxation) flush(logUnit(1)) select case (trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('fluid', 'fluid_incompressible') if (fieldProp(1)%fluid%turbulence%active) then call assign_intp_fluidLES( intp = intp, & & nDims = stencil%nDims, & & QQ = stencil%QQ ) else call assign_intp_fluid( intp = intp, & & nDims = stencil%nDims, & & QQ = stencil%QQ ) end if case default write(logUnit(1),"(A)") ' Multilevel interpolation is not supported' & & // 'for scheme: '//trim(schemeHeader%kind) call tem_abort() end select ! Used for debugging. Configurable variable, Default is False if (intp%config%noIntpFromFiner) then intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intp => do_nothing intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intpArbiVal => do_nothing_arbi end if if (intp%config%noIntpFromCoarser) then do iOrder = 0, intp%config%order intp%fillFinerFromMe(iOrder)%do_intp => do_nothing intp%fillFinerFromMe(iOrder)%do_intpArbiVal => do_nothing_arbi end do end if write(logUnit(1),*) 'Done with interpolation method.' end subroutine mus_init_interpolate ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Set up interpolation routines for fluid (weakly compressible) scheme subroutine assign_intp_fluid( intp, nDims, QQ ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(inout) :: intp !> Number of dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> number of stencil directions integer, intent(in) :: QQ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ii ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(3),*) ' Assign intp function pointer for fluid:' ! assign pointers to fillCoarser intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intpArbiVal => fillArbiMyGhostsFromFiner_avg select case(nDims) case(2) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillCoarser average 2D' intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intp => fillMyGhostsFromFiner_avg2D_feq_fneq case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillCoarser average 3D' intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intp => fillMyGhostsFromFiner_avg_feq_fneq case default call tem_abort('Unsupported nDims') end select ! assign pointers to fillFiner do ii = 0, intp%config%order select case(ii) case(weighted_average) intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg select case(nDims) case(2) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner weighted average 2D' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii) & & %do_intp => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg2D_feq_fneq case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner weighted average 3D' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intp & & => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg_feq_fneq end select case(linear) select case(nDims) case(2) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner linear 2D' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_linear2D intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii) & & %do_intp => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_linear2D_feq_fneq case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner linear 3D' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_linear intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intp => & & fillFinerGhostsFromMe_linear_feq_fneq end select case(quadratic) select case(nDims) case(2) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner quadratic 2D' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_quad2D intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii) & & %do_intp => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_quad2D_feq_fneq case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner quadratic 3D' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_quad intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intp => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_quad_feq_fneq end select case default call tem_abort('Unknown interpolation method') end select end do end subroutine assign_intp_fluid ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Set up interpolation routines for fluid (weakly compressible) scheme and !! turbulence active subroutine assign_intp_fluidLES( intp, nDims, QQ ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(inout) :: intp !> Number of dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> number of stencil directions integer, intent(in) :: QQ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: ii ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(3),*) ' Assign intp function pointer for fluid LES:' ! assign pointers to fillCoarser intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intpArbiVal => fillArbiMyGhostsFromFiner_avg select case(nDims) case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillCoarser average 3D LES' intp%fillMineFromFiner%do_intp => fillMyGhostsFromFiner_avgLES_feq_fneq case default call tem_abort('Unsupported nDims') end select ! assign pointers to fillFiner do ii = 0, intp%config%order select case(ii) case(weighted_average) intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvg select case(nDims) case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner weighted average 3D LES' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intp & & => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_weighAvgLES_feq_fneq end select case(linear) select case(nDims) case(3) write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner linear 3D LES' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_linear intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intp => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_linearLES_feq_fneq end select case(quadratic) select case(nDims) case(3) intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intpArbiVal & & => fillArbiFinerGhostsFromMe_quad write(logUnit(3),*) 'fillFiner quadratic 3D LES' intp%fillFinerFromMe(ii)%do_intp => fillFinerGhostsFromMe_quadLES_feq_fneq end select case default call tem_abort('Unknown interpolation method') end select end do end subroutine assign_intp_fluidLES ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Initialize levelwise ghost and source list for interpolation subroutine mus_init_levelDescIntpArrays( intp, levelDesc, minLevel, maxLevel ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(inout) :: intp integer, intent(in) :: minLevel integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel !> levelDesc type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iLevel ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(10),*) 'Initiale levelDesc intp arrays' do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call init_intpArraysPerLevel( & & sourceFromCoarser = levelDesc(iLevel)%sourceFromCoarser, & & intpFromCoarser = levelDesc(iLevel)%intpFromCoarser, & & sourceFromFiner = levelDesc(iLevel)%sourceFromFiner, & & intpFromFiner = levelDesc(iLevel)%intpFromFiner, & & nGhostFromCoarser = levelDesc(iLevel)%elem & & %nElems( eT_ghostFromCoarser ), & & nGhostFromFiner = levelDesc(iLevel)%elem & & %nElems( eT_ghostFromFiner ), & & intp_order = intp%config%order, & & nMaxSourcesFromFiner = intp%fillMineFromFiner%nMaxSources, & & iLevel = iLevel ) end do !iLevel end subroutine mus_init_levelDescIntpArrays ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! subroutine init_intpArraysPerLevel( sourceFromCoarser, intpFromCoarser, & & sourceFromFiner, intpFromFiner, & & nGhostFromCoarser, nGhostFromFiner, & & intp_order, nMaxSourcesFromFiner, iLevel ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> dynamic array of source elements from coarser type(dyn_intArray_type), intent(out) :: sourceFromCoarser !> growing array of ghost elements from coarser for different intp order type(grw_intArray_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: intpFromCoarser(:) !> dynamic array of source elements from finer type(dyn_intArray_type), intent(out) :: sourceFromFiner !> growing array of ghost elements from finer type(grw_intArray_type), intent(out) :: intpFromFiner !> Number of ghost from coarser on this level integer, intent(in) :: nGhostFromCoarser !> Number of ghost from finer on this level integer, intent(in) :: nGhostFromFiner !> current level integer, intent(in) :: iLevel !> interpolation order defined by user integer, intent(in) :: intp_order !> nMaxSources for fillMineFromFiner integer, intent(in) :: nMaxSourcesFromFiner ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iOrder ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(10),*) 'Initiale levelDesc intp array on level:', iLevel ! fromCoarser call init( me = sourceFromCoarser, length = nGhostFromCoarser ) allocate(intpFromCoarser(0:intp_order)) ! initialize only user defined order with nGhostFromCoarser since ! order below user defined order are fall back which will be small in size call init( me = intpFromCoarser(intp_order), & & length = nGhostFromCoarser ) do iOrder = 0, intp_order-1 call init( me = intpFromCoarser(iOrder) ) end do ! fromFiner call init( me = sourceFromFiner, & & length = nGhostFromFiner * nMaxSourcesFromFiner ) call init( me = intpFromFiner, length = nGhostFromFiner ) end subroutine init_intpArraysPerLevel ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> This routine dumps global nElems in intpFromCoarser, intpFromFiner, !! sourcesFromCoarser ans sourcesFromFiner subroutine mus_dump_levelDescIntp_nElems(intp, levelDesc, minLevel, maxLevel,& & root, comm ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(in) :: intp integer, intent(in) :: minLevel integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel !> levelDesc type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) integer, intent(in) :: root !< root process integer, intent(in) :: comm !< mpi communicator ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iLevel, iOrder ! amount of High and Low Oder Ghost elements form Fine and Coarser integer :: nGFC(0:intp%config%order), tSFC, nGFF, tSFF, iErr ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call truncate( me = levelDesc(iLevel)%sourceFromCoarser ) do iOrder = 0, intp%config%order call truncate( me = levelDesc(iLevel)%intpFromCoarser(iOrder) ) end do call truncate( me = levelDesc(iLevel)%sourceFromFiner ) call truncate( me = levelDesc(iLevel)%intpFromFiner ) ! get ghostFromCoarser for every order ( nGFC ) do iOrder = 0, intp%config%order call MPI_REDUCE( levelDesc(iLevel)%intpFromCoarser(iOrder)%nVals, & & nGFC(iOrder), 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_sum, & & root, comm, iErr) end do ! get total sourceFromCoarser ( tSFC ) call MPI_REDUCE( levelDesc( iLevel )%sourceFromCoarser%nVals, & & tSFC, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_sum, & & root, comm, iErr) ! get ghostFromFiner ( nGFF ) call MPI_REDUCE( levelDesc( iLevel )%intpFromFiner%nVals, & & nGFF, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_sum, & & root, comm, iErr) ! get total sourceFromFiner ( tSFF ) call MPI_REDUCE( levelDesc( iLevel )%sourceFromFiner%nVals, & & tSFF, 1, MPI_INTEGER, mpi_sum, & & root, comm, iErr) write(logUnit(3),"(A,I0)") ' level: ', iLevel do iOrder = 0, intp%config%order write(logUnit(3),"(A,I0)") ' Interpolation order: ', iOrder write(logUnit(3),"(A,I0)") ' ghostFromCoarser: ', & & nGFC(iOrder) end do write(logUnit(3),"(A,I0)") ' total sourceFromCoarser: ', tSFC write(logUnit(3),"(A,I0)") ' ghostFromFiner: ', nGFF write(logUnit(3),"(A,I0)") ' total sourceFromFiner: ', tSFF end do ! iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ end subroutine mus_dump_levelDescIntp_nElems ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> The required source elements for ghost from coarser elements are !! identified in this routine. Moreover, the weights for each sources based !! on distance are calculated. \n !! !! The depdendencies for ghostFromCoarser elements initially only include its !! parent element. !! Additional dependencies Y for the element x are found which were not !! included in the construction routine before hand. However, they are !! defined to be inherently part of the stencil and hence exist locally and !! can simply be added to the dependencies. Two different ways are !! implemented. !! Full interpolation stencil !! the complete compute stencil is included into the dependency list !!``` !! Y Y Y !! !! x o !! Y O Y !! o o !! !! Y Y Y !!``` !! !! Note: The view here is according to how the interpolation will be done. !! The coarse level does the interpolation for the finer level. !! Thus, we access the information from the levelDesc with the !! targetLevel and sourceLevel perspective. !! !! Steps of finding sources: !! 1. loop over all neighbors: iNeigh = 1, QQ !! 2. get neighbor posInTotal: elemPos = neigh(1)%nghElems !! 3. if elemPos > 0, !! add this source into depFromCoarser%elem !! add this source into sourceFromCoarser !! save its position in sourceFromCoarser into depFromCoarser%elemBuffer !! calculate its weight based on relative coordinates in stencil !! weight is inverse proportional to the distance from source to target !! weight is normalized at last, so that sum of weights equals 1 !! 4. save its offset on stencil !! !! After finding sources, append target to low or high interpolation list !! based on if all required sources are found. !! subroutine mus_intp_update_depFromCoarser( intp, levelDesc, stencil, & & minLevel, maxLevel ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(inout) :: intp integer, intent(in) :: minLevel integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel !> Level Descriptor type( tem_levelDesc_type ) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) type( tem_stencilHeader_type ), intent(in) :: stencil ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: sourceLevel ! level of source elements integer :: targetLevel ! level of target elements integer :: targetElem ! position of target element in total list integer :: iElem, iNeigh integer :: nGhostElems integer :: nFoundSources integer :: posInTotal, parentPosInTotal real(kind=rk) :: targetBary(3) ! barycenter of current target element integer :: mySources(stencil%QQ), myNeighDir(stencil%QQ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: posInMatArray, intpOrder, childNum integer :: iOrder logical :: success integer :: sourceElem, iSourceElem ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(1),"(A)") 'Updating dependences of ghost from coarser' ! DEBUG output ---------------------------------------------------------------- call tem_horizontalSpacer( fUnit = dbgUnit(1), before = 1 ) write(dbgUnit(3),"(A)") "Inside mus_intp_update_depFromCoarser routine" write(dbgUnit(3),"(A)") "Up to now, for each ghostFromCoarser we only have its parent." write(dbgUnit(3),"(A)") "Here we are trying to find all neighbors of this parent." write(dbgUnit(3),"(A,I0)") '' ! DEBUG output ---------------------------------------------------------------- do sourceLevel = minLevel, maxLevel - 1 targetLevel = sourceLevel + 1 nGhostElems = levelDesc( targetLevel )%elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromCoarser ) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") " source level: ", sourceLevel write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") " target level: ", targetLevel write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' nGhostFromCoarser: ', nGhostElems !!suppChild = 1 !do iElem = 1, nGhostElems ! !childNum = levelDesc(targetLevel)%depFromCoarser(iElem)%childNum ! !allocate(levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem )%bitmask(stencil%QQ)) ! !levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem )%bitmask = .true. ! ! !if (suppChild == 1) supp_bitmask = .true. ! ! targetElem = iElem + levelDesc( targetLevel )% & ! & offset( 1, eT_ghostFromCoarser) !write(dbgUnit(5),"(A, I0)") ' iElem: ', iElem !!write(dbgUnit(5),"(A, I0)") ' suppChild: ', suppChild !!write(dbgUnit(5),"(A, I0)") ' childNum: ', childNum !flush(dbgUnit(5)) ! do iNeigh = 1, stencil%QQ-1 ! no rest position ! ! !if ( iNeigh == stencil%restPosition ) then ! !! for rest position ! !supp_bitmask(iNeigh) = .true. ! !else ! ! Find neighor using neigh array because for boundary, neigh array ! ! points to current element so no need to check for existence of the ! ! neighbor element ! ! check for both first and second layer of ghost cells ! ! the second condition is true only if the secon neigh is fluid ! nghElem = levelDesc( targetLevel )%neigh(1)%nghElems( iNeigh, targetElem ) ! if (nghElem > 0) then ! nghElem exists ! if ( btest(levelDesc( targetLevel )%property( nghElem ), prp_fluid) ) then ! ! nghElem is ! !invDir = stencil%cxDirInv( iNeigh ) ! !supp_bitmask(invDir) = .false. ! ! then this is the closest fine ghost cell to the fluid cell ! levelDesc( targetLevel )%property( targetElem ) = & ! & ibset( levelDesc( targetLevel )%property( targetElem ), prp_fineGhostClosestToFluid ) ! else ! ! find the second layer of closest fine ghosts to fluid ! nghElem_2 = levelDesc( targetLevel )%neigh(1)%nghElems( iNeigh, nghElem ) ! if ( nghElem_2 > 0 ) then ! if ( btest(levelDesc( targetLevel )%property( nghElem_2 ), prp_fluid) ) then ! ! supp_bitmask = .true. ! levelDesc( targetLevel )%property( targetElem ) = & ! & ibset( levelDesc( targetLevel )%property( targetElem ), prp_fineGhostClosestToFluid ) ! end if ! end if ! end if ! end if ! !end if ! end do ! iNeigh ! ! ! !if (childNum == 8) then ! ! do iChild = 1, suppChild ! ! levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem - suppChild + iChild )%bitmask = supp_bitmask ! ! end do ! ! suppChild = 1 ! !else ! ! suppChild = suppChild + 1 ! !end if ! !end do ! Treat all the fromCoarser elements do iElem = 1, nGhostElems parentPosInTotal = & & levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem )%elem%val(1) targetBary = levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem )%coord(:) childNum = levelDesc(targetLevel)%depFromCoarser(iElem)%childNum ! target element treeID write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") '' ! target element position in total list targetElem = iElem + levelDesc( targetLevel )% & & offset( 1, eT_ghostFromCoarser) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' target treeID: ', leveldesc( targetlevel )%total( targetElem ) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' child number: ', childNum write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,3F8.3)") ' coord relative to parent: ', targetBary(1:3) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' number of sources (parent): ', & & levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem )%elem%nVals write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' parent treeID: ', levelDesc( sourceLevel )%total( parentPosInTotal ) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A )") '' ! --------------- treat parent element (first source) -------------- ! start with treating the parent element, which is located at the ! first position in the dependency list ! Later on, proceed to siblings of parent in the target element's ! directions from its parent element ! add the parent to the list of source elements on this level nFoundSources = 0 mySources = 0 myNeighDir = -1 ! Now loop over all neighbors and find maximum number of source elements do iNeigh = 1, stencil%QQ write(dbgUnit(5),"(A, I0)") ' iNeigh: ', iNeigh if ( iNeigh == stencil%restPosition ) then ! normally parent is the last source due to stencil definition posInTotal = parentPosInTotal else ! this is a neihgbor of the parent element -> ! access neighbor information. posInTotal = levelDesc( sourceLevel )%neigh(1)% & & nghElems( iNeigh, parentPosInTotal ) end if write(dbgUnit(5),"(A, I0)") ' posInTotal: ', posInTotal if ( posInTotal > 0 ) then write(dbgUnit(5),"(A, I0)") ' sourceID: ', levelDesc(sourceLevel)%total(posInTotal) nFoundSources = nFoundSources + 1 mySources( nFoundSources ) = posInTotal myNeighDir( nFoundSources ) = iNeigh end if ! posIntotal > 0, i.e. this source is a valid one end do ! iNeigh !write(dbgUnit(3),*) ' bitmask = ', levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem )%bitmask(:) ! if sources are found then determine which interpolation to use ! depending on available sources if ( nFoundSources /= 0 ) then write(dbgUnit(4),"(A, I0)") ' nFound: ', nFoundSources write(dbgUnit(4),*) ' myNeighDir: ', myNeighDir(1:nFoundSources) write(dbgUnit(4),*) ' mySources: ', mySources(1:nFoundSources) ! Find maximum possible interpolation order for current nFoundSources ! and update mySources, neighDir and nFoundSources if all sources ! in stencil are found. call find_possIntpOrderAndUpdateMySources( & & intp = intp, & & mySources = mySources(1:nFoundSources), & & neighDir = myNeighDir(1:nFoundSources), & & nFoundSources = nFoundSources, & & childNum = childNum, & & intpOrder = intpOrder ) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' intpOrder: ', intpOrder write(dbgUnit(4),"(A, I0)") ' nFound_new: ', nFoundSources ! Compute interpolation matrix for least square fit using stencil ! direction of available sources ! The parent of target childs coord is 0,0,0 so we could ! just use of stencil%cxDir to build up this matrix entries ! Every row in matrix is evaluated with coord of source element if (intpOrder == quadratic) then call append( me = intp%fillFinerFromMe(intpOrder) & & %intpMat_forLSF, & & order = intpOrder, & & QQ = stencil%QQ, & & nDims = stencil%nDims, & & nSources = nFoundSources, & & cxDirRK = stencil%cxDirRK, & & neighDir = myNeighDir(1:nFoundSources), & & pos = posInMatArray, & & success = success ) if (success) then levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser(iElem) & & %posInIntpMatLSF = posInMatArray else ! matrix is singular then fall back to linear intpOrder = linear end if end if if (intpOrder == linear) then call append( me = intp%fillFinerFromMe(intpOrder) & & %intpMat_forLSF, & & order = intpOrder, & & QQ = stencil%QQ, & & nDims = stencil%nDims, & & nSources = nFoundSources, & & cxDirRK = stencil%cxDirRK, & & neighDir = myNeighDir(1:nFoundSources), & & pos = posInMatArray, & & success = success ) if (success) then levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser(iElem) & & %posInIntpMatLSF = posInMatArray else ! matrix is singular then fall back to weighted average intpOrder = weighted_average end if end if if (intpOrder == weighted_average) then ! Compute weights for weighted average interperation. ! Weights are computed according to available sources. call compute_weight( & & weights = levelDesc(targetLevel) & & %depFromCoarser(iElem)%weight, & & nFoundSources = nFoundSources, & & neighDir = myNeighDir(1:nFoundSources), & & targetBary = targetBary, & & intp_config = intp%config, & & cxDirRK = stencil%cxDirRK ) end if write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' Final intpOrder: ', intpOrder ! assign current element to correct interpolation scheme according ! to available sources call append( me = levelDesc( targetLevel ) & & %intpFromCoarser(intpOrder), & & val = iElem ) else ! no Sources write(logUnit(1),*) 'Can NOT find any source for this ghostFromCoarser.' write(logUnit(1),*) 'Thus can NOT do interpolation.' call tem_abort() end if call depSource_append( & & me = levelDesc( targetLevel )%depFromCoarser( iElem ), & & sourceList = levelDesc( targetLevel )%sourceFromCoarser, & & mySources = mySources(1:nFoundSources), & & n = nFoundSources ) end do ! iElem = 1, nGhostElems write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' level: ', targetLevel write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' number of ghost elements: ', nGhostElems do iOrder = 0, intp%config%order write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' ghostFromCoarser: ', & & levelDesc( targetLevel )%intpFromCoarser(iOrder)%nVals end do write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,I0)") ' total sources: ', & & levelDesc( targetLevel )%sourceFromCoarser%nVals end do ! level loop do sourceLevel = minLevel, maxLevel-1 targetLevel = sourceLevel + 1 write(dbgUnit(4),*) 'sourceIDs for target level: ', targetLevel do iSourceElem = 1, levelDesc(targetLevel)%sourceFromCoarser%nVals sourceElem = levelDesc(targetLevel)%sourceFromCoarser%val(iSourceElem) write(dbgUnit(4),*) iSourceElem, sourceElem, & & levelDesc(sourceLevel)%total(sourceElem) end do end do write(dbgUnit(4),"(A)") "Outside of mus_intp_update_depFromCoarser routine" call tem_horizontalSpacer( fUnit = dbgUnit(4), after = 1 ) end subroutine mus_intp_update_depFromCoarser ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! **************************************************************************** ! !> Find maximum possible interpolation order which can be used for !! fillFinerFromMe by comparing nFoundSources with nMaxSources of different !! interpolation order starting from interpolation order defined by user subroutine find_possIntpOrderAndUpdateMySources( intp, mySources, neighDir, & & nFoundSources, childNum, & & intpOrder ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(in) :: intp !> Number of source elements found integer, intent(inout) :: nFoundSources !> position of found source elements in total list !! Update this list if intpStencil%isActive integer, intent(inout) :: mySources(:) !> cxDir for found sounce elements integer, intent(inout) :: neighDir(:) !> Curent finer ghost child number integer, intent(in) :: childNum !> interpolation order integer, intent(out) :: intpOrder ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iOrder, intpOrder_tmp logical :: allSrcFound ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Start with interpolation order defined by user and if requirement ! for that interpolation is not satisfied then fall back to lower ! order intpOrder = intp%config%order ! if interpolation order <= quadratic then ! Find which order to use for this ghost element depending on ! order defined in config and number of sources found ! Set to weighted_average if nSources does not satisfy ! for any higher order intpOrder_tmp = weighted_average do iOrder = intpOrder, linear, -1 if ( nFoundSources >= intp%fillFinerFromMe(iOrder)%nMinSources ) then intpOrder_tmp = iOrder exit end if end do intpOrder = intpOrder_tmp ! if weightedAvgStencil is defined then use only neighDir from ! stencilNeighDir as found sources for weighted_average. ! If all sources required by the stencil are not found then use found ! sources if ( (intpOrder == weighted_average .or. intpOrder == linear ) & & .and. intp%weightedAvgStencil%isActive ) then call updateMySources( & & mySources = mySources, & & neighDir = neighDir, & & nFoundSources = nFoundSources, & & childNum = childNum, & & nMaxSources = intp%fillFinerFromMe(weighted_average) & & %nMaxSources, & & intpStencil = intp%weightedAvgStencil, & & allSrcFound = allSrcFound ) end if contains ! ************************************************************************ ! !> Update mySources if all sources in required by the stencil are found subroutine updateMySources(mySources, neighDir, nFoundSources, childNum, & & nMaxSources, intpStencil, allSrcFound) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ !> Number of source elements found integer, intent(inout) :: nFoundSources !> position of found source elements in total list !! Update this list if intpStencil%isActive integer, intent(inout) :: mySources(:) !> cxDir for found sounce elements integer, intent(inout) :: neighDir(:) !> ChildNum of current target fine element integer, intent(in) :: childNum !> Maximum number of sources required for this intpStencil integer, intent(in) :: nMaxSources !> Interpolation stencil type(mus_interpolation_stencil_type), intent(in) :: intpStencil !> is true if all sources required by the stencil are found logical, intent(out) :: allSrcFound ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer :: iSrc, nFoundSources_new integer :: mySources_tmp(nFoundSources), neighDir_tmp(nFoundSources) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ allSrcFound = .false. nFoundSources_new = 0 do iSrc = 1, nFoundSources if ( any(intpStencil%neighDir(1:nMaxSources, childNum) & & == neighDir(iSrc)) ) then nFoundSources_new = nFoundSources_new + 1 neighDir_tmp(nFoundSources_new) = neighDir(iSrc) mySources_tmp(nFoundSources_new) = mySources(iSrc) end if end do ! all sources required by this stencil are found. update sources, neighdir ! and nFoundSources if (nFoundSources_new == nMaxSources) then allSrcFound = .true. nFoundSources = nFoundSources_new mySources(1:nFoundSources) = mySources_tmp(1:nFoundSources) neighDir(1:nFoundSources) = neighDir_tmp(1:nFoundSources) end if end subroutine updateMySources ! ************************************************************************ ! end subroutine find_possIntpOrderAndUpdateMySources ! **************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> This routine computes weights for weighted_average interpolation. subroutine compute_weight( weights, nFoundSources, neighDir, targetBary, & & intp_config, cxDirRK ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> computed weight real(kind=rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: weights(:) !> Number of source elements found integer, intent(in) :: nFoundSources !> cxDir for found sounce elements integer, intent(in) :: neighDir(nFoundSources) !> child bary relative to parent real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: targetBary(3) !> Interpolation config info type(mus_interpolation_config_type), intent(in) :: intp_config !> cxDir of current source real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: cxDirRK(:,:) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=rk) :: scalar_dist !> absolute distances real(kind=rk) :: distance(3) real(kind=rk) :: sumWeight integer :: iSrc, iNeigh ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(dbgUnit(4),"(A)") "Inside compute weight" allocate( weights( nFoundSources ) ) do iSrc = 1, nFoundSources iNeigh = neighDir(iSrc) ! distance from this source to target ! coordinates of source is indeed its offset to parent of target ! For 2D: use only X and Y distance(1:3) = abs( cxDirRK(1:3, iNeigh) - targetBary ) scalar_dist = sqrt(dot_product(distance, distance)) select case ( trim(intp_config%weights_method) ) case( 'inverse_distance' ) weights(iSrc) = 1.0_rk / scalar_dist**intp_config%IDW_powerfac case( 'modified_shepards' ) weights(iSrc) = ( max( 0.0_rk, 1.0_rk - scalar_dist ) & & / scalar_dist )**2 case( 'linear_distance') weights(iSrc) = (1.0_rk - distance(1)) * (1.0_rk-distance(2)) & & * (1.0_rk - distance(3)) case default write(*,*) 'Unknown weighting method, check inputs. Aborting ...' write(logUnit(0),*) 'weighting_method in lua file should be:' write(logUnit(0),*) 'inverse_distance' write(logUnit(0),*) 'modified_shepards' write(logUnit(0),*) 'Aborting ...' call tem_abort() end select write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,3F7.3)") ' distance: ', distance(1:3) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A,3F7.3)") ' weight: ', weights(iSrc) end do !iSrc ! Normalize weight, so that sum(weight) = 1 sumWeight = sum( weights(1:nFoundSources) ) weights(:) = weights( 1:nFoundSources ) / sumWeight write(dbgUnit(7),*) ' Weights: ', weights end subroutine compute_weight ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> All sources (children) have been found in treelm, !! updated number of sources needed, based on nDims !! collect all source elements into sourceFromFiner !! assign ghost intp list. Currently only average interpolation is implemented !! for fillMineFromFiner !! subroutine mus_intp_update_depFromFiner( intp, levelDesc, minLevel, maxLevel, & & stencil ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> interpolation type type(mus_interpolation_type), intent(inout) :: intp integer, intent(in) :: minLevel integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel !> Level Descriptor type( tem_levelDesc_type ) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) !> Stencil type( tem_stencilHeader_type ), intent(in) :: stencil ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iLevel, iElem integer :: nSources ! number of source elements actually appended integer :: mySources( intp%fillMineFromFiner%nMaxSources ) integer :: iSourceElem, sourceElem !integer :: nghElem, targetElem, iNeigh, invDir ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(1),"(A)") 'Updating dependencies of ghost from finer.' call tem_horizontalSpacer( fUnit = dbgUnit(4), before = 1 ) write(dbgUnit(4),"(A)") 'Updating dependencies of ghost from finer.' ! all levels except highest level do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel-1 do iElem = 1, levelDesc( iLevel )%elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromFiner ) ! Depending of dimension elements are added to source list ! nMaxSources in fillMineFromFiner is set according to nDims ! for 3D, all 8 elements are considered ! for 2D, only first 4 elements are considered ! for 1D, only first 2 elements are considered. nSources = min( intp%fillMineFromFiner%nMaxSources, & & levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem )%elem%nVals ) mySources(1:nSources) = levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem ) & & %elem%val(1:nSources) call depSource_append( & & me = levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem ), & & sourceList = levelDesc( iLevel )%sourceFromFiner, & & mySources = mySources(1:nSources), & & n = nSources ) ! add into interpolation list call append( me = levelDesc( iLevel )%intpFromFiner, & & val = iElem ) !targetElem = iElem + levelDesc( iLevel )% & ! & offset( 1, eT_ghostFromFiner) !write(logUnit(1),"(A)") 'Create mask for coarse ghosts.' !flush(logunit(1)) !allocate(levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem )%bitmask(stencil%QQ)) !levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem )%bitmask = .false. ! Now loop over all neighbors !do iNeigh = 1, stencil%QQ-1 !no rest position ! !if ( iNeigh == stencil%restPosition ) then ! ! for rest position coarse ghost has the correct value ! !levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem )%bitmask(iNeigh) = .true. ! !else if ( .not. iNeigh == stencil%restPosition ) then ! ! Find neighor using neigh array because for boundary, neigh array ! ! points to current element so no need to check for existence of the ! ! neighbor element ! ! check for both first and second layer of ghost cells ! ! the second condition is true only if the secon neigh is fluid ! nghElem = levelDesc( iLevel )%neigh(1)%nghElems( iNeigh, targetElem ) ! if (nghElem > 0) then ! if ( btest(levelDesc( iLevel )%property( nghElem ), prp_fluid) ) then ! levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem )%bitmask(iNeigh) = .true. ! end if ! end if ! !end if !end do !write(dbgUnit(3),*) ' bitmask = ', levelDesc( iLevel )%depFromFiner( iElem )%bitmask(:) end do ! elem%nElems( eT_ghostFromFiner ) write(dbgUnit(4),*) 'SourceIDs on targetlevel:', iLevel do iSourceElem = 1, levelDesc(iLevel)%sourceFromFiner%nVals sourceElem = levelDesc(iLevel)%sourceFromFiner%val(iSourceElem) write(dbgUnit(4),*) iSourceElem, sourceElem, levelDesc(iLevel+1)%total(sourceElem) end do end do ! iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel-1 write(dbgUnit(4),"(A)") "Outside of mus_intp_update_depFromFiner routine" call tem_horizontalSpacer( fUnit = dbgUnit(4), after = 1 ) end subroutine mus_intp_update_depFromFiner ! ****************************************************************************** ! end module mus_interpolate_module ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> \page intp_methods Interpolation methods !! !! \section intp_average Averaging interpolation !!\verbatim interpolation_method = 'linear' !!\endverbatim !! Simple averaging of all quantities with weighted summation !! \section intp_linear Linear interpolation !! Linear interpolation of the first two moments (density and momentum) and !! separation of equilibrium and non-equilibrium part to account for correct !! shear stress calculation !! This fine->coarse interpolation method is based on Dazhi Yu et. al. (2002): !! "A multi-block lattice Boltzmann method for viscous fluid flows". !! The basic idea is to split up the source pdfs into equilibrium- and !! non-equilibrum- parts, then interpolate both parts with average interpolation, !! and apply a corrective scaling factor to the non-equilibrium part before !! adding both parts up and writing it to the target element. !! Values are interpolated in a linear fashion by multiplying the quantities !! of the source elements by weighting factors