! Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019 Peter Vitt <peter.vitt2@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2022 Gregorio Gerardo Spinelli <gregoriogerardo.spinelli@dlr.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! **************************************************************************** ! !> This module contains data types, function and routines for gradient !! computation. !! !! author: Gregorio Gerardo Spinelli ! Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Manuel Hasert <m.hasert@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Konstantin Kleinheinz <k.kleinheinz@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012, 2014-2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013-2015, 2019 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module mus_gradData_module ! include treelm modules use env_module, only: labelLen, rk use tem_debug_module, only: dbgUnit use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_stencil_module, only: tem_stencilHeader_type use tem_param_module, only: qN00, q100, q0N0, q010, q00N, q001 use tem_construction_module, only: tem_levelDesc_type implicit none private public :: mus_Grad_type public :: mus_gradData_type public :: mus_init_gradData public :: mus_assign_GradCalculation_ptr public :: getGradRhoU3 public :: getGradRhoUVZ public :: getGradU public :: getGradXXU !> collection of properties of the Gradient type type mus_Grad_type !> function pointer to get Gradient U procedure(getGradU), nopass, pointer :: U_ptr => null() !> function pointer to get Gradient XX U procedure(getGradXXU), nopass, pointer :: XXU_ptr => null() !> function pointer to get Gradient rho U^3 procedure(getGradRhoU3), nopass, pointer :: RhoU3_ptr => null() !> function pointer to get Gradient Rho u_x u_y u_z procedure(getGradRhoUVZ), nopass, pointer :: RhoUVZ_ptr => null() end type mus_Grad_type !> Contains information required to compute gradient like position !! of six direct neigbors in the state array and coeff for the gradient !! operation type mus_gradData_type !> Stores position of 6 direct face neighbors in the state array for !! each element !! Size: nSize, stencil%nDims, 2 !! last index refers to left and right side !! 1 is left/negative side and 2 is right/positive side integer, allocatable :: neighPos(:,:,:) !> coeff to calculate 1st order derivative !! use forward difference for element with boundary (coeff = 1.0) !! and central difference for inner fluid element (coeff=0.5) !! size: nSize, stencil%nDims real(kind=rk), allocatable :: FDcoeff(:,:) end type mus_gradData_type abstract interface !> function pointers to obtain full gradient of U along all !! directions pure function getGradU( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradU) import :: rk, mus_gradData_type !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradU(nDims,nDims,nSolve) end function getGradU !> function pointers to obtain full gradient of U along main !! directions derived two times d^2U/dx^2 pure function getGradXXU( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradXXU) import :: rk, mus_gradData_type !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity: ! 1: Dxxu, 2: Dyyv, 3: Dzzw real(kind=rk) :: gradXXU(nDims,nSolve) end function getGradXXU !> function pointers to obtain grad Rho * U^3 along main directions pure function getGradRhoU3( auxField, gradData, velPos, densPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradRhoU3) import :: rk, mus_gradData_type !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3), densPos !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradRhoU3(nDims,nSolve) end function getGradRhoU3 !> function pointers to obtain grad Rho * u_x * u_y * u_z !! along main directions pure function getGradRhoUVZ( auxField, gradData, velPos, densPos, & & nDims, nAuxScalars, nSolve, elemOffset ) & & result(gradRhoUVZ) import :: rk, mus_gradData_type !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3), densPos !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradRhoUVZ(nDims,nSolve) end function getGradRhoUVZ end interface contains ! ************************************************************************* ! !> This routine initialize gradData with direct neighbors in state and !! finite difference coefficients. subroutine mus_init_gradData(me, neigh, & !levelDesc, & stencil, nSize, nSolve, & & nScalars) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Gradient type type(mus_gradData_type), intent(out) :: me !> neighbor connectivity array integer, intent(in) :: neigh(:) !!> levelDesc to access communication buffers of state array !type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(in) :: levelDesc !> stencil header type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil !> Number of elements in state array integer, intent(in) :: nSize !> Number of elements solved in compute kernel i.e. excluding halos integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> number of scalars in state array integer, intent(in) :: nScalars !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: nDims integer :: iElem, iDir, iFace, iMeshDir, iD integer :: nFaces integer :: nghElem logical :: hasBnd(3,2) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(3),*) 'Allocate gradient data ...' nDims = stencil%nDims ! allocate gradient data type allocate(me%neighPos( nSolve, nDims, 2 ) ) me%neighPos = -1 allocate(me%FDcoeff( nSolve, nDims ) ) me%FDcoeff = -1.0_rk write(logUnit(1),*) 'Filling gradient data ...' ! fill gradient data with face neighbor information for turbulence model !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'Filling gradient data ...' ! Number of faces per element nFaces = nDims*2 ! coeff to calculate 1st order derivative ! use forward difference for element with boundary (coeff = 1.0) ! and central difference for inner fluid element (coeff=0.5) me%FDcoeff(:,:) = 0.5_rk elemLoop: do iElem = 1, nSolve !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'iElem: ', iElem, ' treeID: ', levelDesc%total(iElem) iFace = 0 ! set to true for the direction it has boundary. ! This variable is used to set coeff for gradient calculation. ! if neighbor element is my element then my neighbor is boundary ! use Forward difference to approximate gradient hasBnd = .false. ! Loop over every link neighLoop: do iDir = 1, stencil%QQN !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'iDir: ', iDir ! Find neighor using neigh array because for boundary, neigh array ! points to current element so no need to check for existence of the ! neighbor element nghElem = int((neigh(( stencil%cxdirinv( idir)-1)* nsize+ ielem)-1)/ nscalars)+1 ! map neighbor direction to treelm stencil to identify the face iMeshDir = stencil%map(iDir) select case(iMeshDir) case (qN00) !-x iFace = iFace+1 me%neighPos(iElem,1,1) = nghElem if (nghElem == iElem) hasBnd(1,1) = .true. case (q100) !+x iFace = iFace+1 me%neighPos(iElem,1,2) = nghElem if (nghElem == iElem) hasBnd(1,2) = .true. case (q0N0) !-y iFace = iFace+1 me%neighPos(iElem,2,1) = nghElem if (nghElem == iElem) hasBnd(2,1) = .true. case (q010) !+y iFace = iFace+1 me%neighPos(iElem,2,2) = nghElem if (nghElem == iElem) hasBnd(2,2) = .true. case (q00N) !-z iFace = iFace+1 me%neighPos(iElem,3,1) = nghElem if (nghElem == iElem) hasBnd(3,1) = .true. case (q001) !+z iFace = iFace+1 me%neighPos(iElem,3,2) = nghElem if (nghElem == iElem) hasBnd(3,2) = .true. end select ! exit iDir loop if (iFace == nFaces) exit neighLoop end do neighLoop ! Update FDCoeff for the direction it has boundary do iD = 1, nDims if (any(hasBnd(iD,:))) me%FDcoeff(iElem,iD) = 1.0_rk end do !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'hasBnd: ', hasBnd !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'coeff: ', me%FDcoeff(iElem,:) end do elemLoop ! write(logUnit(1),*) 'Done with fill grad data.' ! write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'Done with fill grad data.' ! flush(dbgUnit(1)) ! call tem_abort('Verify fill gradData') end subroutine mus_init_gradData ! ************************************************************************* ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function returns function pointer of nonEquilibrium scaling !! for interpolation according to scheme definition function mus_assign_GradCalculation_ptr(label) result(Grad) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Scheme header information character(len=labelLen), intent(in) :: label !> GradRhoU3 function type(mus_Grad_type) :: Grad ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grad%RhoU3_ptr => null() Grad%RhoUVZ_ptr => null() Grad%U_ptr => null() Grad%XXU_ptr => null() select case (trim(label)) case ('d1q3') Grad%XXU_ptr => getGradXXU_1D Grad%RhoU3_ptr => getGradRhoU3_1D Grad%U_ptr => getGradU_1D case ('d2q9') Grad%XXU_ptr => getGradXXU_2D Grad%RhoU3_ptr => getGradRhoU3_2D Grad%U_ptr => getGradU_2D case ('d3q6', 'd3q15', 'd3q19', 'd3q27') Grad%XXU_ptr => getGradXXU_3D Grad%RhoU3_ptr => getGradRhoU3_3D Grad%RhoUVZ_ptr => getGradRhoUVZ_3D Grad%U_ptr => getGradU_3D case default write(*,*) 'stencil label = "', trim(label), '"' call tem_abort('Error: getGradAny not implemented for the given stencil') end select end function mus_assign_GradCalculation_ptr ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of velocity from gradient and veleocity !! data. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used pure function getGradU_1D( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradU) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradU(nDims,nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(1), rightngh(1) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(1,1), rightvel(1,1) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1,1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velpos(1) ) rightvel(1,1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velpos(1) ) gradU(1,1,iElem) = (rightvel(1,1)-leftvel(1,1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) end do end function getGradU_1D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of velocity from gradient and veleocity !! data. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used pure function getGradU_2D( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradU) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradU(nDims,nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(2), rightngh(2) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(2,2), rightvel(2,2) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1,1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(1,2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(2,1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(2) ) leftvel(2,2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(1,1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(1,2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(2,1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(2,2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) gradU(1,1,iElem) = (rightvel(1,1)-leftvel(1,1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradU(1,2,iElem) = (rightvel(1,2)-leftvel(1,2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) gradU(2,1,iElem) = (rightvel(2,1)-leftvel(2,1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradU(2,2,iElem) = (rightvel(2,2)-leftvel(2,2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) end do end function getGradU_2D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of velocity from gradient and veleocity !! data. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used pure function getGradU_3D( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradU) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradU(nDims,nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(3), rightngh(3) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(3,3), rightvel(3,3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1,1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(2,1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(2) ) leftvel(3,1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(3) ) leftvel(1,2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(2,2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) leftvel(3,2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(3) ) leftvel(1,3) = auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(2,3) = auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(2) ) leftvel(3,3) = auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(1,1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(2,1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(3,1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(1,2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(2,2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(3,2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(1,3) = auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(2,3) = auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(3,3) = auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(3) ) gradU(1,1,iElem) = (rightvel(1,1)-leftvel(1,1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradU(2,1,iElem) = (rightvel(2,1)-leftvel(2,1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradU(3,1,iElem) = (rightvel(3,1)-leftvel(3,1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradU(1,2,iElem) = (rightvel(1,2)-leftvel(1,2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) gradU(2,2,iElem) = (rightvel(2,2)-leftvel(2,2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) gradU(3,2,iElem) = (rightvel(3,2)-leftvel(3,2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) gradU(1,3,iElem) = (rightvel(1,3)-leftvel(1,3)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 3) gradU(2,3,iElem) = (rightvel(2,3)-leftvel(2,3)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 3) gradU(3,3,iElem) = (rightvel(3,3)-leftvel(3,3)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 3) end do end function getGradU_3D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of velocity from gradient and veleocity !! data. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used pure function getGradXXU_1D( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradXXU) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity: ! 1: Dxxu, 2: Dyyv, 3: Dzzw real(kind=rk) :: gradXXU(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(1), rightngh(1) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(1), rightvel(1), vel(1) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars vel(1) = 2._rk * auxField( ElemOffset * nAuxScalars + velpos(1) ) leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velpos(1) ) rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velpos(1) ) gradXXU(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1) - vel(1) + leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1)**2 end do end function getGradXXU_1D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of velocity from gradient and veleocity !! data. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used pure function getGradXXU_2D( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradXXU) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity: ! 1: Dxxu, 2: Dyyv, 3: Dzzw real(kind=rk) :: gradXXU(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(2), rightngh(2) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(2), rightvel(2), vel(2) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars vel(1) = 2._rk * auxField( ElemOffset * nAuxScalars + velpos(1) ) vel(2) = 2._rk * auxField( ElemOffset * nAuxScalars + velpos(2) ) leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) gradXXU(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1) - vel(1) + leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1)**2 gradXXU(2,iElem) = (rightvel(2) - vel(2) + leftvel(2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2)**2 end do end function getGradXXU_2D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of velocity from gradient and veleocity !! data. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used pure function getGradXXU_3D( auxField, gradData, velPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradXXU) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity: ! 1: Dxxu, 2: Dyyv, 3: Dzzw real(kind=rk) :: gradXXU(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(3), rightngh(3) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(3), rightvel(3), vel(3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars vel(1) = 2._rk * auxField( ElemOffset * nAuxScalars + velpos(1) ) vel(2) = 2._rk * auxField( ElemOffset * nAuxScalars + velpos(2) ) vel(3) = 2._rk * auxField( ElemOffset * nAuxScalars + velpos(3) ) leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) leftvel(2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) leftvel(3) = auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) rightvel(2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) rightvel(3) = auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(3) ) gradXXU(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1) - vel(1) + leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1)**2 gradXXU(2,iElem) = (rightvel(2) - vel(2) + leftvel(2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2)**2 gradXXU(3,iElem) = (rightvel(3) - vel(3) + leftvel(3)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 3)**2 end do end function getGradXXU_3D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of rho * velocity^3 from gradient, density !! and veleocity data. Just derivatives u_x, v_y and w_z. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used. pure function getGradRhoU3_1D( auxField, gradData, velPos, densPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradRhoU3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3), densPos !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradRhoU3(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(1), rightngh(1) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(1), rightvel(1) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+denspos ) * (auxfield( leftngh(1)+velpos(1) ) )** 3 rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+denspos ) * (auxfield( rightngh(1)+velpos(1) ) )** 3 gradRhoU3(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1)-leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) end do end function getGradRhoU3_1D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of rho * velocity^3 from gradient, density !! and veleocity data. Just derivatives u_x, v_y and w_z. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used. pure function getGradRhoU3_2D( auxField, gradData, velPos, densPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradRhoU3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3), densPos !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradRhoU3(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(2), rightngh(2) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(2), rightvel(2) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+denspos ) * (auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) )** 3 leftvel(2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+denspos ) * (auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) )** 3 rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+denspos ) * (auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) )** 3 rightvel(2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+denspos ) * (auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) )** 3 gradRhoU3(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1)-leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradRhoU3(2,iElem) = (rightvel(2)-leftvel(2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) end do end function getGradRhoU3_2D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of rho * velocity^3 from gradient, density !! and veleocity data. Just derivatives u_x, v_y and w_z. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used. pure function getGradRhoU3_3D( auxField, gradData, velPos, densPos, nAuxScalars, & & nDims, nSolve, elemOffset ) result(gradRhoU3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3), densPos !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradRhoU3(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(3), rightngh(3) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(3), rightvel(3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+denspos ) * (auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) )** 3 leftvel(2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+denspos ) * (auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) )** 3 leftvel(3) = auxfield( leftngh(3)+denspos ) * (auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(3) ) )** 3 rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+denspos ) * (auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) )** 3 rightvel(2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+denspos ) * (auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) )** 3 rightvel(3) = auxfield( rightngh(3)+denspos ) * (auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(3) ) )** 3 gradRhoU3(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1)-leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradRhoU3(2,iElem) = (rightvel(2)-leftvel(2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) gradRhoU3(3,iElem) = (rightvel(3)-leftvel(3)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 3) end do end function getGradRhoU3_3D ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This function computes gradient of rho * velocity^3 from gradient, density !! and veleocity data. Just derivatives u_x, v_y and w_z. !! Gradient is computed using central difference. !! if an element has an boundary then neighbor refers to current element !! then forward difference is used. pure function getGradRhoUVZ_3D( auxField, gradData, velPos, densPos, & & nDims, nAuxScalars, nSolve, elemOffset ) & & result(gradRhoUVZ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> auxField real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Position of velocity field in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3), densPos !> Number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> Offset for elements when computing chunkwise integer, intent(in) :: elemOffset !> Dimensions integer, intent(in) :: nDims !> output is gradient of velocity real(kind=rk) :: gradRhoUVZ(nDims,nSolve) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, elempos integer :: leftngh(3), rightngh(3) real(kind=rk) :: leftvel(3), rightvel(3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nSolve elempos = ElemOffset + iElem leftngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 1) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(1) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 1, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(2) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 2, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars rightngh(3) = (graddata%neighpos(elempos, 3, 2) - 1) * nAuxScalars leftvel(1) = auxfield( leftngh(1)+denspos ) * auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(1) ) & & * auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(2) ) * auxfield( leftngh(1)+velPos(3) ) leftvel(2) = auxfield( leftngh(2)+denspos ) * auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(1) ) & & * auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(2) ) * auxfield( leftngh(2)+velPos(3) ) leftvel(3) = auxfield( leftngh(3)+denspos ) * auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(1) ) & & * auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(2) ) * auxfield( leftngh(3)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(1) = auxfield( rightngh(1)+denspos ) * auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(1) ) & & * auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(2) ) * auxfield( rightngh(1)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(2) = auxfield( rightngh(2)+denspos ) * auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(1) ) & & * auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(2) ) * auxfield( rightngh(2)+velPos(3) ) rightvel(3) = auxfield( rightngh(3)+denspos ) * auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(1) ) & & * auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(2) ) * auxfield( rightngh(3)+velPos(3) ) gradRhoUVZ(1,iElem) = (rightvel(1)-leftvel(1)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 1) gradRhoUVZ(2,iElem) = (rightvel(2)-leftvel(2)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 2) gradRhoUVZ(3,iElem) = (rightvel(3)-leftvel(3)) & & * graddata%fdcoeff(elempos, 3) end do end function getGradRhoUVZ_3D ! ************************************************************************** ! end module mus_gradData_module