! Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2021 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@dlr.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Peter Vitt <peter.vitt2@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2022 Gregorio Gerardo Spinelli <gregoriogerardo.spinelli@dlr.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> This module contains data types, function and routines for turbulence !! model. Especially the routine to compute turbulent eddy viscosity for !! different turbulence model !! !! author: Kannan Masilamani module mus_turbulence_module ! include treelm modules use env_module, only: rk, labelLen use tem_tools_module, only: upper_to_lower, & & tem_horizontalSpacer use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_comm_module, only: tem_communication_type, & & tem_commPattern_type, & & tem_comm_init use tem_construction_module, only: tem_levelDesc_type ! include aotus modules use aotus_module, only: aoterr_Fatal, & & aoterr_NonExistent, & & flu_State, & & aoterr_WrongType, & & aot_get_val use aot_table_module, only: aot_table_open, & & aot_table_close ! include musubi modules use mus_scheme_layout_module, only: mus_scheme_layout_type use mus_gradData_module, only: mus_gradData_type, mus_Grad_type implicit none private public :: mus_turbulence_type public :: mus_turbulence_config_type public :: mus_turbulence_data_type public :: mus_init_turbulenceData public :: mus_load_turbulence public :: mus_turb_calcVisc public :: mus_turb_updateViscOfTurbWall !> Contains large Eddy Turbulence (LES) model coefficients type les_coeff_type !> Smagorinsky constant. !! C_s = sqrt(C_k sqrt(C_k/C_e) ) = 0.16778594 = 0.17 real(kind=rk) :: C_s !> Model constant for WALE (Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-Viscosity) !! default: 0.5 real(kind=rk) :: C_w !> Model constant for Vreman model !! In literature: C_v = sqrt(2.5) C_s = 0.27 real(kind=rk) :: C_v !> Modal constant for turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate !! default: 1.048 real(kind=rk) :: C_e !> Model constant for eddy-viscosity coefficient !! default: 0.094_rk !! https://caefn.com/openfoam/smagorinsky-sgs-model real(kind=rk) :: C_k end type les_coeff_type !> Contains turbulence information loaded from config file type mus_turbulence_config_type !> turbulence model type character(len=labelLen) :: model !> les model coefficients type(les_coeff_type) :: coeff !> To compute strain-rate from non-equilibrium PDF for Smagorinsky les model. !! If true then velocity and grad data are not required logical :: compSR_fromPDF = .false. !> Use Kolmogorov scale for interpolation turbulent viscosity for multilevel logical :: useKolmogorovScale = .true. end type mus_turbulence_config_type !> Contains velocity and gradient data to compute eddy viscosity type mus_turbulence_data_type !> Communication buffers to communicate visoscity field !! Local Fluids required by remote processes type( tem_communication_type ) :: sendBuffer !> My halos which are fluids on remote processes type( tem_communication_type ) :: recvBuffer !> Local ghostFromCoarser required by remote processes type( tem_communication_type ) :: sendBufferFromCoarser !> Local ghostFromFiner required by remote processes type( tem_communication_type ) :: sendBufferFromFiner !> My halos which are ghostFromCoarser on remote processes type( tem_communication_type ) :: recvBufferFromCoarser !> My halos which are ghostFromFiner on remote processes type( tem_communication_type ) :: recvBufferFromFiner !> Normalized turbulence viscosity !! i.e. viscosity scaled to current level i.e. visc/dtL !! Size: nSize (nFluids+nGhosts+nHalos) !! Used gradData to compute viscosity for nFluids and nGhosts. !! This viscosity is interpolated and scaled for setting nonEq term !! interpolation routines. The source element of interpolation might be !! halo so they are communicated. !! !! Simple scaling assumping norm of strainrate tensor |S| in different !! level is small: !! Schneider, A. (2015). A Consistent Large Eddy Approach for !! Lattice Boltzmann Methods and its Application to Complex Flows. !! Technical University Kaiserslautern. !! v_c = 4 v_f. Scaled visc: v^s = v/dt. !! => v^s_c dtL_c = 4 v^s_f dtL_f => v^s_c = 2 v^s_f !! !! Kolmogorov scaling: !! Touil, H., Ricot, D., & Lévêque, E. (2014). Direct and large-eddy !! simulation of turbulent flows on composite multi-resolution grids by !! the lattice Boltzmann method. Journal of Computational Physics, 256, !! 220–233. !! v^s_c = 2^(1/3) v^s_f real(kind=rk), allocatable :: visc(:) end type mus_turbulence_data_type !> Contains function pointers to obtain normalized turbulence viscosity. !! Viscosity is normalized to current level i.e. v_s = v/dt type mus_turbulence_visc_proc_type !> this procedure compute eddy viscosity from velocity field depending !! turbulence and lbm (compressible/incompressible) models procedure(proc_calc_turb_visc_fromGradU), pointer, nopass & & :: fromGradU => null() !> this procedure compute eddy viscosity from preCollision PDF. !! It is used for Smagorinsky model which depends only on strain rate !! that can be calculated using local nonEquilibrium. !! Is assigned when compSR_fromPDF is .true. procedure(proc_calc_turb_visc_fromPreColPDF), pointer, nopass & & :: fromPreColPDF => null() end type mus_turbulence_visc_proc_type !> Contains information required to compute eddy viscosity type mus_turbulence_type !> is true if turbulence table is defined logical :: active !> information loaded from config file type(mus_turbulence_config_type) :: config !> contains level-wise turbulence data to compute eddy viscosity !! size: minlevel:maxLevel type(mus_turbulence_data_type), allocatable :: dataOnLvl(:) !> contains turbulence viscosity function pointers type(mus_turbulence_visc_proc_type) :: calcVisc !> Factor to scale normalized turbulent viscosity from coarse to fine !! depending on whether useKolmogorovScale true or false !! if useKolmogorovScale fac_c2f = 1/2^(1/3) else fac_c2f = 1/2 !! How to use: v^s_f = fac_c2f v^s_c real(kind=rk) :: fac_c2f !> Factor to scale normalized turbulent viscosity from fine to coarse !! depending on whether useKolmogorovScale true or false !! if useKolmogorovScale fac_f2c = 2^(1/3) else fac_f2c = 2 !! How to use: v^s_c = fac_f2c v^s_f real(kind=rk) :: fac_f2c end type mus_turbulence_type !> interface to calculate subgrid scale turbulent eddy viscosity abstract interface !> This function computes turbulent viscosity from gradient U subroutine proc_calc_turb_visc_fromGradU(turbVisc, turbConfig, gradData, & & auxField, velPos, nSolve, nAuxScalars, dxL, dtL, Grad) import :: rk, mus_turbulence_config_type, mus_gradData_type, mus_Grad_type !> output is turbulent viscosity real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: turbVisc(:) !> turbulence config contains oefficients type(mus_turbulence_config_type), intent(in) :: turbConfig !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> Auxiliary field variable array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> position of velocity components in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> turbulence coefficients !> current level lattice element size real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dxL !> current level lattice time step size real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dtL !> Object that contains pointers to calculate gradients type(mus_Grad_type), intent(in) :: Grad end subroutine proc_calc_turb_visc_fromGradU !> This function compute turbulent viscosity from pre-collision PDF subroutine proc_calc_turb_visc_fromPreColPDF(turbVisc, turbConfig, state, & & neigh, auxField, densPos, velPos, nSize, nSolve, nScalars, nAuxScalars,& & layout, dxL, dtL, viscKine) import :: rk, mus_turbulence_config_type, mus_scheme_layout_type !> output is turbulent viscosity real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: turbVisc(:) !> turbulence type is implicitly passed to access turbulence coefficients type(mus_turbulence_config_type), intent(in) :: turbConfig !> state array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: state(:) !> neigh array to obtain precollision pdf integer, intent(in) :: neigh(:) !> Auxiliary field variable array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> position of density in auxField integer, intent(in) :: densPos !> position of velocity components in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> number of elements in state array integer, intent(in) :: nSize !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> number of scalars in state array integer, intent(in) :: nScalars !> number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> scheme layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> current level lattice element size real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dxL !> current level lattice time step size real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dtL !> Background kinematic viscosity divided by dtL real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: viscKine(:) end subroutine proc_calc_turb_visc_fromPreColPDF end interface contains ! ************************************************************************** ! !> load turbulence table subroutine mus_load_turbulence(me, conf, parent) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> fluid type type( mus_turbulence_type ),intent(out) :: me !> lua state type( flu_state ) :: conf !> parent handle integer, intent(in), optional :: parent !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: turb_table, iError !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if fluid informations in scheme table parentHandle /= 0 if( present(parent) ) then call aot_table_open( L = conf, & & parent = parent, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'turbulence' ) else call aot_table_open( L=conf, thandle = turb_table, key = 'turbulence' ) end if if ( turb_table == 0 ) then write(logUnit(1),*)'No turbulence table defined' me%config%compSR_fromPDF = .false. me%active = .false. return endif write(logUnit(1),*) 'Loading turbulence informations' me%active = .true. ! default is set to false for other models, its optional only for ! Smagorinsky model me%config%compSR_fromPDF = .false. ! load turbulence model call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'model', & & val = me%config%model, & & default = 'smagorinsky', & & ErrCode = iError ) if (btest(iError, aoterr_Fatal)) then write(logUnit(1),*)'FATAL Error occured, while retrieving model :' if (btest(iError, aoterr_NonExistent)) then write(logUnit(1),*)'Variable not existent!' write(logUnit(1),*) 'Using default model: smagorinsky' end if if (btest(iError, aoterr_WrongType)) then write(logUnit(1),*)'Variable has wrong type!' write(logUnit(1),*)'STOPPING' call tem_abort() end if end if write(logUnit(1),*) ' model: ', trim(me%config%model) select case(upper_to_lower(trim(me%config%model))) case('smagorinsky') call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'compute_strainrate_fromPDF', & & val = me%config%compSR_fromPDF, & & default = .true., & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' use preCol PDF to calc strainrate: ', & & me%config%compSR_fromPDF ! use Smagorinsky constant when computing eddy viscosity from PDF ! else use C_k and C_e if (me%config%compSR_fromPDF) then call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'c_s', & & val = me%config%coeff%C_s, & & default = 0.17_rk, & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' C_s: ', me%config%coeff%C_s else call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'c_e', & & val = me%config%coeff%C_e, & & default = 1.048_rk, & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' C_e: ', me%config%coeff%C_e call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'c_k', & & val = me%config%coeff%C_k, & & default = 0.094_rk, & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' C_k: ', me%config%coeff%C_k end if case('wale') call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'c_w', & & val = me%config%coeff%C_w, & & default = 0.5_rk, & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' C_w: ', me%config%coeff%C_w case('vreman') ! load model coefficients. ! Vreman model constant is related to Smagorinsky constant: c_v = 2.5*c_s^2 ! For c_s=0.17, c_v is approximately 0.07 call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'c_v', & & val = me%config%coeff%C_v, & & default = 0.07_rk, & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' C_v: ', me%config%coeff%C_v case default call tem_abort('Error: Unknown turbulence model') end select ! to use Kolmogorov scale for multilevel call aot_get_val(L = conf, & & thandle = turb_table, & & key = 'use_kolmogorov_scale', & & val = me%config%useKolmogorovScale, & & default = .true., & & ErrCode = iError ) write(logUnit(1),*) ' Use Kolmogorov scale: ', me%config%useKolmogorovScale ! set scaling factor to convert turbulent viscosity from coarse to fine ! and vice versa if(me%config%useKolmogorovScale) then me%fac_f2c = 2.0_rk**(1.0_rk/3.0_rk) me%fac_c2f = 1.0_rk/me%fac_f2c else me%fac_f2c = 2.0_rk me%fac_c2f = 1.0_rk/me%fac_f2c end if call aot_table_close( L=conf, thandle=turb_table ) call tem_horizontalSpacer(fUnit = logUnit(1)) end subroutine mus_load_turbulence ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This initialize turbulence data type which includes velocity array !! and communication buffer subroutine mus_init_turbulenceData(me, & !turbConfig, & levelDesc, pattern, nSize) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> turbulence data type(mus_turbulence_data_type), intent(out) :: me !!> tubulence configuration !type(mus_turbulence_config_type), intent(in) :: turbConfig !> levelDesc to access communication buffers of state array type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(in) :: levelDesc !> communication pattern type(tem_commPattern_type), intent(in) :: pattern !> Number of elements in state array integer, intent(in) :: nSize !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! allocate tubulence viscosity array allocate(me%visc(nSize)) ! initialize turbulent viscosity with zeros to fill ghost elements. ! Actual turbulent viscosity are computed before stream-collision after ! calculating auxField in control_routine me%visc(:) = 0.0_rk ! allocate send and recv buffer to exchange turbulenc viscosity !if (.not. turbConfig%compSR_fromPDF) then ! initialize communication buffers for viscosity call init_commBuffer(buffer_visc = me%sendBuffer, & & buffer_State = levelDesc%sendBuffer ) call init_commBuffer(buffer_visc = me%recvBuffer, & & buffer_State = levelDesc%recvBuffer ) call init_commBuffer(buffer_visc = me%sendBufferFromCoarser, & & buffer_State = levelDesc%SendBufferFromCoarser) call init_commBuffer(buffer_visc = me%recvBufferFromCoarser, & & buffer_State = levelDesc%recvBufferFromCoarser) call init_commBuffer(buffer_visc = me%sendBufferFromFiner, & & buffer_State = levelDesc%sendBufferFromFiner) call init_commBuffer(buffer_visc = me%recvBufferFromFiner, & & buffer_State = levelDesc%recvBufferFromFiner) !end if contains ! ************************************************************************ ! subroutine init_commBuffer(buffer_visc, buffer_state) !------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> communication buffer for velocity field type(tem_communication_type), intent(out) :: buffer_visc !> communication buffer of state array which is already initialized !! in tem_construction_module type(tem_communication_type), intent(in) :: buffer_state !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iProc !------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! copy information about target and source procs from pdf sendBuffer to ! velocity sendBuffer call tem_comm_init(buffer_visc, buffer_state%nProcs) buffer_visc%proc = buffer_state%proc buffer_visc%nElemsProc = buffer_state%nElemsProc do iProc = 1, buffer_visc%nProcs call pattern%initBuf_real( me = buffer_visc%buf_real( iProc ), & & pos = buffer_state%elemPos(iProc)%val, & & nVals = buffer_state%nElemsProc(iProc) ) end do end subroutine init_commBuffer ! ************************************************************************ ! end subroutine mus_init_turbulenceData ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine compute turbulence viscosity and stores in turbulence data type subroutine mus_turb_calcVisc( turbData, turbConfig, calcTurbVisc, state, & & neigh, auxField, gradData, densPos, velPos, & & nSize, nSolve, nScalars, nAuxScalars, layout, & & dxL, dtL, viscKine, Grad ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> turbulence data type type(mus_turbulence_data_type), intent(inout) :: turbData !> turbulence configuration type(mus_turbulence_config_type), intent(in) :: turbConfig !> turbulence function type(mus_turbulence_visc_proc_type), intent(in) :: calcTurbVisc !> state array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: state(:) !> neigh array to obtain precollision pdf integer, intent(in) :: neigh(:) !> Auxiliary field variable array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> gradient data type(mus_gradData_type), intent(in) :: gradData !> position of density in auxField integer, intent(in) :: densPos !> position of velocity components in auxField integer, intent(in) :: velPos(3) !> number of elements in state array integer, intent(in) :: nSize !> Number of element to solve in this level integer, intent(in) :: nSolve !> number of scalars in state array integer, intent(in) :: nScalars !> number of scalars in auxField array integer, intent(in) :: nAuxScalars !> scheme layout type(mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> lattice element size in current level real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dxL !> current level lattice time step size real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: dtL !> Background kinematic viscosity divided by dtL real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: viscKine(:) !> Object that contains pointers to calculate gradients type(mus_Grad_type), intent(in) :: Grad ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate turbulent viscosity if (turbConfig%compSR_fromPDF) then call calcTurbVisc%fromPreColPDF( turbVisc = turbData%visc(1:nSolve), & & turbConfig = turbConfig, & & state = state, & & neigh = neigh, & & auxField = auxField, & & densPos = densPos, & & velPos = velPos, & & nSize = nSize, & & nSolve = nSolve, & & nScalars = nScalars, & & nAuxScalars = nAuxScalars, & & layout = layout, & & dxL = dxL, & & dtL = dtL, & & viscKine = viscKine ) else call calcTurbVisc%fromGradU( turbVisc = turbData%visc(1:nSolve), & & turbConfig = turbConfig, & & gradData = gradData, & & auxField = auxField, & & velPos = velPos, & & nSolve = nSolve, & & nAuxScalars = nAuxScalars, & & dxL = dxL, & & dtL = dtL, & & Grad = Grad ) end if end subroutine mus_turb_calcVisc ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine update turbulent viscosity of boundary elements from RANS !! viscosity computed in turbulent_wall boundary. subroutine mus_turb_updateViscOfTurbWall(turbData, viscTurbWall, nElems_bnd, & & elemPos) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> turbulence data type type(mus_turbulence_data_type), intent(inout) :: turbData !> Turbulent viscosity on turbulent wall boundary computed in set boundary real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: viscTurbWall(:) !> Number of elements in turbulent_wall boundary integer, intent(in) :: nElems_bnd !> Position of boundary element in levelwise total list or state array integer, intent(in) :: elemPos(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- do iElem = 1, nElems_bnd turbData%visc(elemPos(iElem)) = viscTurbWall(iElem) end do end subroutine mus_turb_updateViscOfTurbWall ! ************************************************************************** ! end module mus_turbulence_module