Derived Types

absorbLayer_config_type mus_absorbLayer_module None

Contains additional information for absorblayer source

array2D_type mus_scheme_type_module None

To allow Intel AVX SIMD streaming store instructions, the array must be aligned at 32 bytes

array_type mus_bc_header_module None

Simple array type which include array and its size

bc_blackbox_membrane_type mus_bc_header_module None

Contains variables for black-box membrane boundary condition

bc_elems_type mus_bc_header_module None

Level wise boundary elements information

bc_field_elems_type mus_bc_header_module None

Contains field specific element information for each level

bc_inlet_bouzidi_type mus_bc_header_module None

Provides bouzidi coefficients and q-values needed for link-wise implementation of certain inlet boundary conditions.

bc_moments_type mus_bc_header_module None

information needed for moments based boundary condition

bc_neigh_type mus_bc_header_module None

Level wise information about neighbor of boundary elements for a single field

bc_nonEqExpol_type mus_bc_header_module None

Provides coefficients needed for link-wise implementation of nonEquilibrium extrapolation scheme for boundary conditions.

bc_nrbc_type mus_bc_header_module None

variable definition for non-reflective type of boundary conditions\n These boundary condition is taken from the paper:

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bc_outlet_type mus_bc_header_module None

Provides needed positions for link-wise implementation of outlet boundary condition outlet_expol

bc_states_type mus_bc_header_module None

contains all possible bc state variables needed for boundary

bc_wall_bouzidi_type mus_bc_header_module None

Wall bouzidi data for one level

boundary_type mus_bc_header_module None

Boundary treatment data type. It include boundary treatment for only ONE field. For the same boundary elements, each field may have a different treatment. It includes function pointers and neighbor elements required by this boundary treatment

glob_boundary_type mus_bc_header_module None

Information about boundary elements

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halo_commBitmask_type mus_construction_module None

Contains bitmask to reduce halo elements communciation links. This type is used only in init_levelBuffers

les_coeff_type mus_turbulence_module None

Contains large Eddy Turbulence (LES) model coefficients

logical_array_type mus_construction_module None
mixRelaxation_type mus_mixture_module None

relaxation paraemters multispecies required for each level

mrt_species_type mus_species_module None

MRT species type

mus_abortCriteria_type mus_abortCriteria_module tem_solverAborts_type

Musubi specific abort criteria.

mus_absorbLayer_dynAvg_type mus_absorbLayer_module None

Stores time average values of density and velocity for dynamic absorbLayer

mus_absorbLayer_type mus_absorbLayer_module None

Contains information for absorblayer

mus_auxFieldVar_type mus_auxField_module None

Contains auxiliary field variable values per level and communication buffers

mus_bc_corner_type mus_bc_header_module None

contains information needed to treat corner nodes or nodes intersected by more than one boundary type

mus_control_type mus_control_module None

Datatype containing mapping of control routines to function pointers

mus_convertFac_type mus_physics_module None

This type contains the converstion factor for derived variables from lattice to physical.

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mus_derVarPos_type mus_derVarPos_module None

This type stores the position of each variable in the global sys

mus_field_prop_type mus_field_prop_module None

This type contains parameter needed for field

mus_field_type mus_field_module None

This type contains all information on fields with ic and bc Example fields: fluid, species etc. Each field contains one initial condition and array of boundary conditions

mus_fluid_type mus_fluid_module None

collection of properties of the fluid

mus_geom_type mus_geom_module None

Geometric information and definitions

mus_geomIncrHead_type mus_geomIncrHead_module None
mus_Grad_type mus_gradData_module None

collection of properties of the Gradient type

mus_gradData_type mus_gradData_module None

Contains information required to compute gradient like position of six direct neigbors in the state array and coeff for the gradient operation

mus_HRRCorrectionTerm_type mus_source_type_module None

Stores correction term for HRR_bgk

mus_hvs_config_type mus_hvs_config_module None

This datatype describes the various settings to load from the configuration file.

mus_IBM_globType mus_IBM_module None

This datatype is a wrapper for the immersed boundary information and a possible logging type for debugging

mus_IBM_tmpData_type mus_IBM_module None

This datatype includes all necessary variables needed for 1 IBM step. It will be filled at every timestep.

mus_IBM_type mus_IBM_module None

Datatype containing information on the immersed boundary method

mus_interpolation_config_type mus_interpolate_header_module None

Contains information loaded from config file

mus_interpolation_method_type mus_interpolate_header_module None

This data types contains intpRoutine function pointer for FillFiner and FillCoarser. For fillFiner, it build least square fit matrix for linear quadratic interpolations For fillCoarser: currently we do simple average

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mus_interpolation_stencil_type mus_interpolate_header_module None

Contains stencil for interpolation

mus_interpolation_type mus_interpolate_header_module None

definition of the used interpolation method

mus_latticeUnit_type mus_param_module None

lattice dx and dt on each level

mus_mixture_type mus_mixture_module None

This type contains mixture information

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mus_moment_type mus_moments_type_module None

moment space definition

mus_nernstPlanck_type mus_nernstPlanck_module None

Contains configuration to calculate nernst_planck equation. More information can be found in A Coupled Lattice Boltzmann Method to Solve Nernst_Planck Model for simulating Electro-Osmatic Flows by Yang x., Shi B., Chai Z., Guo Z.

mus_nNwtn_CS_type mus_nonNewtonian_module None

The nonNewtonian power law model parameter

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mus_nNwtn_CY_type mus_nonNewtonian_module None

The nonNewtonian power law model parameter

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mus_nNwtn_PL_type mus_nonNewtonian_module None

The nonNewtonian power law model parameter

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mus_nNwtn_type mus_nonNewtonian_module None

The nonNewtonian fluid feature description type

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mus_param_type mus_param_module None

Global parameter type definition, filled with

mus_physics_type mus_physics_module None

This type contains the reference values as defined in the physics table by the user

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mus_poisson_boltzmann_type mus_poisson_module None

Contains information to calculate rhs for poisson boltzmann equation. Definition of linear and non-linear poisson boltzmann equation can be found in Masilamani, K. (2010). WaLBerla : Investigation of Electrostatic Effects in Particulate and Electro-Osmotic Flows. Master Thesis. FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG.

mus_poisson_type mus_poisson_module None

Contains information to solve the poission equation

mus_relaxation_header_type mus_scheme_header_module None

Datatype containing additional options for the relaxation like variant and other variant specific parameters

mus_relaxationParam_type mus_relaxationParam_module None

Contains relaxation parameter for a level

mus_scheme_derived_quantities_type mus_scheme_derived_quantities_module None

collection of properties of the scheme derived quantities type

mus_scheme_header_type mus_scheme_header_module None

Datatype containing information to identify the scheme

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mus_scheme_layout_type mus_scheme_layout_module None

data structure containing all information related to the compute stencil. Several stencils can be defined. mus_moments_module Moments are directly related to the stencil layout and are therefore defined here

mus_scheme_type mus_scheme_type_module None

Datatype containing all information on the scheme.

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mus_source_elems_type mus_source_type_module None

Contains source elements position in state array and idx to access data variable refered in config file. This type is defined for each level

mus_source_op_type mus_source_type_module None

Description contains list of elements on which source is active and function pointer to update source

mus_source_type mus_source_type_module None

Description of musubi source type

mus_species_type mus_species_module None

this type contains species parameters

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mus_statistics_type mus_statistics_module None

runtime statistics this includes memory consumption, amount of data to communciate, runtimes etc.

mus_timer_handle_type mus_timer_module None

Musubi timer type --------------------------------------------------

mus_transport_op_type mus_transport_var_module None

Description contains index to access value using variable function pointer

mus_transport_var_type mus_transport_var_module None

Description of musubi transport variable type

mus_turb_wallFunc_data_type mus_turb_wallFunc_module None

Contains friction velocity and turbulent viscosity on boundary elements on each level

mus_turb_wallFunc_type mus_turb_wallFunc_module None

Contains function pointers to compute friction velocity and stream-wise velocity component

mus_turbChannelForce_type mus_source_type_module None

Contains information to compute average bulk velocity for dynamic_force. In turb_channel_force, the force term is adapted according to difference between reference bulk velocity and simulated plane average bulk velocity to avoid linear increase in simulated bulk velocits. For more information:

mus_turbulence_config_type mus_turbulence_module None

Contains turbulence information loaded from config file

mus_turbulence_data_type mus_turbulence_module None

Contains velocity and gradient data to compute eddy viscosity

mus_turbulence_type mus_turbulence_module None

Contains information required to compute eddy viscosity

mus_turbulence_visc_proc_type mus_turbulence_module None

Contains function pointers to obtain normalized turbulence viscosity. Viscosity is normalized to current level i.e. v_s = v/dt

mus_varSys_data_type mus_varSys_module None

Method data container for every variable

mus_varSys_solverData_type mus_varSys_module None

Contains pointer to musubi data types required for variable operation method_data

mus_viscosity_type mus_relaxationParam_module None

Contains STfun of viscosity variable and relaxation parameter for each level

mus_wall_function_musker_type mus_wall_function_musker_module mus_wall_function_type

extend the abstract subclass mus_wall_function_type

mus_wall_function_reichardt_type mus_wall_function_reichardt_module mus_wall_function_type

extend the abstract subclass mus_wall_function_type

mus_wall_function_schmitt_type mus_wall_function_schmitt_module mus_wall_function_type

extend the abstract subclass mus_wall_function_type

mus_wall_function_type mus_wall_function_abstract_module None

collection of properties of the wall function type

pdf_data_type mus_pdf_module None

This level-wise data type contains the PDF arrays which are fed into the kernel. The solver updates the state vector and finds the position of the neighbor vectors by looking it up in the neigh array