Auxiliary functions to maintain the simulation
! Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Manuel Hasert <> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Simon Zimny <> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2020 Kannan Masilamani <> ! Copyright (c) 2022 Kannan Masilamani <> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Jiaxing Qi <> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Jan Hueckelheim <> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2013,2020-2021 Harald Klimach <> ! Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Kartik Jain <> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Sathish Krishnan P S <> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Khaled Ibrahim <> ! Copyright (c) 2014 Julia Moos <> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Peter Vitt <> ! Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Raphael Haupt <> ! Copyright (c) 2022 Gregorio Gerardo Spinelli <> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. 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Auxiliary functions to maintain the simulation !! module mus_aux_module ! include musubi modules use mus_abortCriteria_module, only: mus_abortCriteria_type use mus_param_module, only: mus_param_type, mus_latticeUnit_type use mus_geom_module, only: mus_geom_type use mus_tools_module, only: perform_checks, & & check_streaming_layout use mus_interpolate_module, only: mus_init_interpolate use mus_source_module, only: mus_init_sourceTerms use mus_transport_var_module, only: mus_init_transport_var use mus_scheme_type_module, only: mus_scheme_type use mus_geomIncr_module, only: mus_geomIncr, mus_init_geomIncr use mus_interpolate_tools_module, only: debug_dependencies, dump_intpLists use mus_time_module, only: mus_time_homogenize, & & mus_timeControl_homogenize use mus_IBM_module, only: mus_IBM_setParentIDs, & & mus_IBM_globType use mus_fluid_module, only: mus_init_fluid use mus_gradData_module, only: mus_init_gradData use mus_relaxationParam_module, only: mus_update_relaxParamKine, & & mus_update_viscKine, & & mus_update_relaxParamFromViscSTfun use mus_turbulence_module, only: mus_turb_updateViscOfTurbWall use mus_field_module, only: setParameters_multispecies use mus_tracking_module, only: mus_init_tracker use mus_restart_module, only: mus_writeRestart use mus_timer_module, only: mus_timerHandles use mus_physics_module, only: mus_physics_type use mus_ppInfo_module, only: mus_print_ppInfo use mus_bndForce_module, only: mus_init_bndForce, mus_calcBndForce ! include treelm modules use env_module, only: rk, PathLen, pathSep, long_k use treelmesh_module, only: treelmesh_type use tem_aux_module, only: tem_print_execInfo, utc_date_string, & & tem_abort use tem_debug_module, only: dbgUnit use tem_restart_module, only: tem_init_restart use tem_tools_module, only: tem_horizontalSpacer use tem_tracking_module, only: tem_tracker use tem_convergence_module, only: tem_convergence_check, & & tem_init_convergence use tem_timeControl_module, only: tem_timeControl_check, & & tem_timeControl_update use tem_simControl_module, only: tem_simControl_syncUpdate use tem_time_module, only: tem_time_dump, tem_time_type use tem_debug_module, only: main_debug use tem_solveHead_module, only: tem_solveHead_type use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_global_module, only: tem_global_type use tem_depend_module, only: tem_init_depend use tem_spacetime_fun_module, only: tem_create_subTree_of_st_funList use tem_dyn_array_module, only: dyn_intArray_type use tem_timer_module, only: tem_getTimerVal use tem_general_module, only: tem_general_type use tem_operation_var_module, only: tem_opVar_reduction_transient_update implicit none private public :: check_flow_status public :: mus_init_aux public :: mus_update_relaxParams public :: mus_banner public :: mus_dumpData contains ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> This routine performs several tasks: geometry increment, time updating, !! tracking, density checking, restart subroutine check_flow_status( scheme, geometry, general, physics, mus_aborts,& & restart_triggered ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> containers for the different schemes type(mus_scheme_type), target, intent(inout) :: scheme !> geometry infomation type(mus_geom_type),intent(inout) :: geometry !> Global parameters type(tem_general_type), intent(inout) :: general !> physics conversion tyoe type(mus_physics_type), intent(in) :: physics type(mus_abortCriteria_type), intent(in) :: mus_aborts !> Indication whether a restart output was triggered logical, intent(inout) :: restart_triggered ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Force on boundary elements are computed from post-collision so calculate ! here after apply source and before tracking output write(logUnit(10), "(A)") 'Calculated force on boundary elements' call mus_calcBndForce( bndForce = geometry%bndForce, & & bndMoment = geometry%bndMoment, & & posInBndID = geometry%posInBndID, & & nBCs = geometry%boundary%nBCtypes, & & field = scheme%field, & & globBC = scheme%globBC, & & minLevel = geometry%tree%global%minLevel, & & maxLevel = geometry%tree%global%maxLevel, & & state = scheme%state, & & pdf = scheme%pdf, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & layout = scheme%layout, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & physics = physics ) ! Call the geometry increment module which performs solidification ! or liquification based on certain criteria defined by the user if( geometry%dynamicGeom ) then call mus_geomIncr( & & geometry = geometry, scheme = scheme, & & commPattern = general%commPattern, & & general = general ) end if ! Perform run-time checks to ensure we did not encounter some unphysical ! state. call perform_checks( & & scheme = scheme, & & minLevel = geometry%tree%global%minLevel, & & maxLevel = geometry%tree%global%maxLevel, & & general = general, & & mus_aborts = mus_aborts, & & initCheck = .false. ) ! check for convergence only if abortCriteria is set for steady_state if( general%simControl%abortCriteria%steady_state) then ! check for steady state convergence based on convergence criteria ! defined in convergence table call tem_convergence_check( & & me = general%simControl%abortCriteria & & %convergence, & & time = general%simControl%now, & & status = general%simControl%status, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & tree = geometry%tree ) end if ! Update time reduction variables if there are any if (scheme%redTransVarMap%varPos%nVals > 0) then call tem_opVar_reduction_transient_update( & & redTransVarPos = scheme%redTransVarMap%varPos & & %val(1:scheme%redTransVarMap%varPos%nVals), & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & time = general%simControl%now ) end if ! in musubi, advance time step separtely in control_routine so no need ! to pass dt to syncUpdate ! This sync update: check for stop file and time ! control interval trigger, communicate status bits and update timeControl call tem_simControl_syncUpdate( me = general%simControl, & & proc = general%proc ) ! Dump tracking and restart if they are active call mus_dumpData( & & scheme = scheme, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & restart_triggered = restart_triggered, & & general = general, & & levelPointer = geometry%levelPointer ) end subroutine check_flow_status ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> Initialize musubi solverHead and print musubi banner to screen subroutine mus_banner( solver ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> solver definition type(tem_solveHead_type), intent(in) :: solver ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! character(len=26) :: dat_string ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write(logUnit(1),"(A)")'' write(logUnit(1),"(A)")" .___ ___. __ __ _______. __ __ .______ __ " write(logUnit(1),"(A)")" | \/ | | | | | / || | | | | _ \ | | " write(logUnit(1),"(A)")" | \ / | | | | | | (----`| | | | | |_) | | | " write(logUnit(1),"(A)")" | |\/| | | | | | \ \ | | | | | _ < | | " write(logUnit(1),"(A)")" | | | | | `--' | .----) | | `--' | | |_) | | | " write(logUnit(1),"(A)")" |__| |__| \______/ |_______/ \______/ |______/ |_" & & //trim(solver%version) write(logUnit(1),"(A)") '' write(logUnit(1),"(A)") " (C) 2012 German Research School"& & //" for Simulation Sciences" write(logUnit(1),"(A)") " (C) 2013-2020 University Siegen" write(logUnit(1),"(A)") " (C) 2021 German Aerospace Center (DLR) -" write(logUnit(1),"(A)") " Institute of Software Methods" & & //" for Product Virtualization" write(logUnit(1),"(A)") " " call tem_print_execInfo() call mus_print_ppInfo() write(logUnit(1),"(A)") '' dat_string = utc_date_string() write(logUnit(1),"(A)") "Run at: "//trim(dat_string) write(logUnit(1),"(A)") '' end subroutine mus_banner ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> Init auxiliary features such as interpolation boundaries, restart and !! the tracker subroutine mus_init_aux( scheme, geometry, params) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> containers for the different schemes type(mus_scheme_type), target, intent(inout) :: scheme !> geometry information type(mus_geom_type), intent(inout) :: geometry !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(inout) :: params ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iConv integer :: iLevel, minLevel, maxLevel ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! minLevel = geometry%tree%global%minLevel maxLevel = geometry%tree%global%maxLevel ! When the restart is read from separate restart table, we start the ! simulation from the time step given in restart file. In the case, ! when restart is read from initial condition table, the simulation start ! time step is taken as the one defined in configuration file call mus_time_homogenize( & & me = params%general%simControl%now, & & dt = params%physics%dtLvl( maxLevel ), & & readRestart = params%general%restart%controller & & %readRestart ) call mus_timeControl_homogenize( & & me = params%general%simControl%timeControl, & & dt = params%physics%dtLvl( maxLevel ), & & reqInt = params%reqInterval ) !> initialize fluid type which contains relaxation parameter !! and function pointers to get mrt paramter and nonEqScaling factor !! for interpolation select case( trim(scheme%header%kind) ) case('fluid', 'fluid_incompressible', 'isotherm_acEq') if (scheme%nFields > 1) then call tem_abort('chosen scheme kind supports only one field') end if ! initialize fluid viscosity relaxation paramters call mus_init_fluid( & & me = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid, & & physics = params%physics, & & schemeHeader = scheme%header, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & pdf = scheme%pdf, & & stencil = scheme%layout%fStencil, & & general = params%general, & & tNow = params%general%simControl%now ) end select ! Initialize gradient data. Required for LES turbulent and evaluating ! gradient of a variable allocate(scheme%gradData(minLevel:maxLevel)) do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call mus_init_gradData( & & me = scheme%gradData(iLevel), & & neigh = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%neigh, & !& levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc(iLevel), & & stencil = scheme%layout%fStencil, & & nSize = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nSize, & & nSolve = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nElems_solve, & & nScalars = scheme%varSys%nScalars ) end do ! create subTree for all spacetime function in the linked list of ! spacetime function call tem_create_subTree_of_st_funList( & & me = scheme%st_funList, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & bc_prop = geometry%boundary, & & stencil = scheme%layout%fStencil ) ! initialize the source terms for all fields and global source call mus_init_sourceTerms( & & field = scheme%field, & & nFields = scheme%nFields, & & globSrc = scheme%globSrc, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & bc_prop = geometry%boundary, & & nElems_solve = scheme%pdf(:)%nElems_solve, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & stencil = scheme%layout%fStencil ) ! initialize transport variables like velocity for passive scalar call mus_init_transport_var( & & me = scheme%transVar, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & nElems_solve = scheme%pdf(:)%nElems_solve, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc ) ! verify correct settings for the streaming layout call check_streaming_layout( minLevel, maxLevel ) ! dynamic load balance time control homogenize if ( params%general%balance%dynamic ) then call mus_timeControl_homogenize( & & me = params%general%balance%timeControl, & & dt = params%physics%dtLvl( maxLevel ), & & reqInt = params%reqInterval ) endif if ( ( params%general%restart%controller%writeRestart .or. & & params%general%restart%controller%readRestart ) ) then ! initialize the restart write(logUnit(1),*) 'Initializing restart...' call tem_init_restart( & & me = params%general%restart, & & solver = params%general%solver, & & varMap = scheme%stateVarMap, & & tree = geometry%tree ) call mus_timeControl_homogenize( & & me = params%general%restart%controller%timeControl, & & dt = params%physics%dtLvl( maxLevel ), & & reqInt = params%reqInterval ) end if ! initialize tracking objects. call mus_init_tracker( & & scheme = scheme, & & geometry = geometry, & & params = params ) ! convergence objects if ( params%general%simControl%abortCriteria%steady_state ) then write(logUnit(1),*) 'Initializing convergence...' do iConv = 1, size( params%general%simControl%abortCriteria%convergence) call mus_timeControl_homogenize( & & me = params%general%simControl%abortCriteria & & %convergence(iConv)%header%timeControl, & & dt = params%physics%dtLvl( maxLevel ), & & reqInt = params%reqInterval ) end do call tem_init_convergence( & & me = params%general%simControl & & %abortCriteria%convergence,& & tree = geometry%tree, & & bc_prop = geometry%boundary, & & stencil = scheme%layout%fStencil, & & globProc = params%general%proc, & & varSys = scheme%varSys ) end if if( minLevel /= maxlevel ) then write(logUnit(1),"(A)") 'Initializing interpolation...' ! initialize the interpolation call mus_init_interpolate( & & intp = scheme%intp, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & schemeHeader = scheme%header, & & stencil = scheme%layout%fStencil, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & fieldProp = scheme%field(:)%fieldProp ) end if if( main_debug%debugDependencies ) then call debug_dependencies( scheme%intp, scheme%levelDesc, & & geometry%tree, params%general%proc%rank ) call dump_intpLists( minLevel, maxLevel, scheme%intp%config%order, & & scheme%levelDesc, params%general%proc%rank ) end if ! Boundary force calculation is valid only for single field schemes ! like fluid and fluid_incompressible so initialize only if nFields = 1 if (geometry%boundary%nBCtypes > 0 .and. scheme%nFields==1) then call mus_init_bndForce(bndForce = geometry%bndForce, & & bndMoment = geometry%bndMoment, & & bc_prop = geometry%boundary, & & schemeHeader = scheme%header, & & bc = scheme%field(1)%bc ) end if ! initialize the surface data for the immersed boundary method write(logUnit(1),*)'Initializing IBM surface data' call mus_IBM_setParentIDs( & & nIBMs = geometry%globIBM%nIBMs, & & me = geometry%globIBM%ibm, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & tree = geometry%tree ) if( geometry%dynamicGeom ) then write(logUnit(1),*) 'Initializing geomIncr ...' call mus_init_geomIncr( & & me = geometry%geomIncr, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & dt = params%physics%dtLvl( maxLevel ), & & reqInt = params%reqInterval ) write(logUnit(1),*) 'Done initializing geomIncr.' end if ! Time for geom incr call tem_horizontalSpacer( after = 1, fUnit = logUnit(1) ) end subroutine mus_init_aux ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> Set relaxation parameters for MRT !! subroutine mus_update_relaxParams( scheme, iLevel, tNow, physics, lattice, & & nBCs ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> scheme type type(mus_scheme_type), intent(inout) :: scheme !> level integer, intent(in) :: iLevel !> global parameters type(tem_time_type),intent(in) :: tNow !> contains factors to convert physical to lattice unit and vice versa type(mus_physics_type), intent(in) :: physics !> contains lattice dx and dt type(mus_latticeUnit_type), intent(in) :: lattice !> Number of boundaries integer, intent(in) :: nBCs ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iBnd ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! select case(trim(scheme%header%kind)) case('fluid', 'fluid_incompressible') ! Update kinematic viscosity from STfun and calculate turbulent viscosity ! from velocity gradient or nonEqPDF call mus_update_viscKine( & & viscKine = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%viscKine, & & state = scheme%state(iLevel)%val(:, & & scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nNow), & & neigh = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%neigh, & & auxField = scheme%auxField(iLevel)%val, & & gradData = scheme%gradData(iLevel), & & nSize = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nSize, & & nFluids = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nElems_fluid, & & nGhostFromCoarser = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nElems_ghostFromCoarser, & & nGhostFromFiner = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nElems_ghostFromFiner, & & nHalo = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nElems_halo, & & baryOfTotal = scheme%levelDesc(iLevel)%baryOfTotal, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & iLevel = iLevel, & & layout = scheme%layout, & & tNow = tnow, & & convFac = physics%fac(iLevel), & & dxL = lattice%dxLvl(iLevel), & & dtL = lattice%dtLvl(iLevel), & & derVarPos = scheme%derVarPos(1), & & turb = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%turbulence, & & nNwtn = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%nNwtn, & & Grad = scheme%Grad ) ! Update turbulent viscosity for boundary elements of turbulent wall ! only for smagorinsky if (scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%turbulence%active .and. & & trim(scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%turbulence%config%model) & & == 'smagorinsky') then do iBnd = 1, nBCs select case (trim(scheme%field(1)%bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) case ( 'turbulent_wall', 'turbulent_wall_noneq_expol', & & 'turbulent_wall_eq' ) call mus_turb_updateViscOfTurbWall( & & turbData = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%turbulence & & %dataOnLvl(iLevel), & & viscTurbWall = scheme%field(1)%bc(iBnd)%turbwallFunc & & %dataOnLvl(iLevel)%tVisc(:), & & nElems_bnd = scheme%globBC(iBnd)%nElems(iLevel), & & elemPos = scheme%globBC(iBnd)%elemLvl(iLevel)%elem & & %val(:) ) end select end do end if ! update fluid relaxation parameter omega kine call mus_update_relaxParamKine( & & viscKine = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%viscKine, & & turb = scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid%turbulence, & & nSolve = scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nElems_solve, & & iLevel = iLevel ) case('multispecies_gas','multispecies_liquid') call setParameters_multispecies( & & field = scheme%field, & & nFields = scheme%nFields, & & mixture = scheme%mixture, & & header = scheme%header, & & layout = scheme%layout, & & iLevel = iLevel, & & tNow = tNow ) end select end subroutine mus_update_relaxParams ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !> This routine dumps tracking and restart when timeControl is active subroutine mus_dumpData( scheme, tree, levelPointer, general, & & restart_triggered ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> scheme type type( mus_scheme_type ), intent(inout) :: scheme !> Treelmesh data type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Level Pointer integer, intent(in) :: levelPointer(:) !> Global parameters type( tem_general_type ), intent(inout) :: general !> logical, intent(inout) :: restart_triggered ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if (scheme%track%control%active) then call tem_tracker( & & track = scheme%track, & & simControl = general%simControl, & & tree = tree, & & varSys = scheme%varSys ) end if if (general%restart%controller%writeRestart) then ! check time control and update it if triggered call tem_timeControl_check( & & me = general%restart%controller%timeControl, & & now = general%simControl%now, & & comm = general%proc%comm, & & triggered = restart_triggered ) if (restart_triggered) then if ( general%restart%lastWritten%iter & & == general%simControl%now%iter ) then write(logUnit(1),*) ' Restart file already written for current' & & // ' point in time!' else write(logUnit(1),*) ' Writing restart at:' call tem_time_dump( general%simControl%now, logUnit(1) ) call mus_writeRestart( levelPointer = levelPointer, & & restart = general%restart, & & scheme = scheme, & & tree = tree, & & timing = general%simControl%now, & & timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%wRestart ) write(logUnit(1),*) 'Done writing' end if end if end if end subroutine mus_dumpData ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! end module mus_aux_module ! **************************************************************************** !