! Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Raphael Haupt <raphael.haupt@uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Musubi Harvesting Tool !! Visualization of restart file or tracking harvester formar, generated by !! musubi !! (c) 2015 University of Siegen !! !! For a documentation, run ./waf gendoxy and find the documentation at !! ./Documentation/html/index.html program mus_harvesting use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc ! treelm modules use mpi use env_module, only: pathLen use tem_general_module, only: tem_start, tem_finalize use tem_timeControl_module, only: tem_timeControl_start_at_sim use tem_tracking_module, only: tem_tracking_finalize, & & tem_tracking_print_last_VTK_files use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit ! musubi modules use mus_scheme_type_module, only: mus_scheme_type use mus_scheme_module, only: mus_init_scheme use mus_param_module, only: mus_param_type use mus_timer_module, only: mus_init_mainTimer, & & mus_init_levelTimer use mus_geom_module, only: mus_geom_type use mus_varSys_module, only: mus_varSys_solverData_type use mus_restart_module, only: mus_readRestart use mus_flow_module, only: fillHelperElementsCoarseToFine, & & fillHelperElementsFineToCoarse, & & mus_initAuxField use mus_construction_module, only: mus_construct ! libharvesting use hvs_output_module, only: hvs_output_file_type, hvs_output_open, & & hvs_output_close, hvs_output_write, & & hvs_output_init, hvs_output_finalize use hvs_aux_module, only: hvs_banner use mus_bndForce_module, only: mus_calcBndForce ! mus_harvesting use mus_hvs_config_module, only: mus_hvs_config_type, & & mus_hvs_config_load use mus_hvs_aux_module, only: mus_hvs_init_aux use mus_hvs_construction_module, only: mus_hvs_construct ! aotus use aotus_module, only: flu_State implicit none ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(mus_scheme_type), target :: scheme type(mus_geom_type), target :: geometry type(mus_param_type), target :: params type(mus_varSys_solverData_type), target :: solverData type(mus_hvs_config_type) :: config type(hvs_output_file_type) :: out_file integer :: ierr integer :: iTrack, iConfig integer :: nVars integer :: minLevel, maxLevel ! basename for output if tracking table is not defined ! trim(config%prefix)//trim(general%solver%simName)//trim(varSys%systemName) character(len=pathLen) :: basename ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize environment. call tem_start( codeName = 'mus_harvesting', & & version = '0.1', & & general = params%general ) if (params%general%proc%rank == 0) then call hvs_banner( solveHead = params%general%solver, & & supportSolName = 'Musubi' ) end if call mus_init_mainTimer() ! Load mus_harvesting config file ! From this config file, try to load restart file from restart table key "read" ! If no restart read defined then abort. ! ! If restart read is defined then load basic scheme info ! like identify table, field, physics table from restart header file ! ! Load tracking and variable table from config file call mus_hvs_config_load( me = config, & & scheme = scheme, & & solverData = solverData, & & geometry = geometry, & & params = params ) minLevel = geometry%tree%global%minLevel maxLevel = geometry%tree%global%maxLevel call mus_init_levelTimer( minLevel, maxLevel ) ! initialize scheme ! append variables loaded from restart header ! file as state variables call mus_init_scheme( me = scheme, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & solverData = solverData ) !! If restart read variable is not pdf then set interpolation !! method to none to deactivate interpolation for !! derived variable if ( .not. scheme%readVarIsPdf ) then scheme%intp%config%method = 'none' if ( minLevel /= maxLevel ) then write(logUnit(1), *) 'WARNING: Multi-level interpolation is not supported' write(logUnit(1), *) 'for derived variables read from restart file' end if end if ! construct levelDescriptor, connectivity array if ( scheme%readVarIsPdf ) then call mus_construct( scheme = scheme, & & geometry = geometry, & & params = params ) else ! Initialize only fluid element list. Ghost and halo elements are ! not required if variable read from restart is not PDF. call mus_hvs_construct( scheme = scheme, & & geometry = geometry, & & params = params ) end if ! scheme%state%val array is allocated with single buffer so set nNow and nNext to 1 scheme%pdf(minLevel:maxLevel)%nNow = 1 scheme%pdf(minLevel:maxLevel)%nNext = 1 ! Init auxiliary features such as interpolation, boundaries, restart ! and the tracker call mus_hvs_init_aux( scheme = scheme, & & geometry = geometry, & & params = params ) ! Read restart file call mus_readRestart( levelPointer = geometry%levelPointer, & & restart = params%general%restart, & & scheme = scheme, & & tree = geometry%tree ) if ( scheme%readVarIsPdf ) then ! init auxiliary field variable from state for fluid elements in state and ! interpolate for ghost elements in do_intpArbiVal routine. call mus_initAuxField( scheme, params%general, minLevel, maxLevel ) ! Fill all elements (ghost, halo) with valid values from fluid elements call fillHelperElementsFineToCoarse( scheme = scheme, & & general = params%general, & & physics = params%physics, & & iLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) call fillHelperElementsCoarseToFine( scheme = scheme, & & general = params%general, & & physics = params%physics, & & iLevel = minLevel, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) ! Force on boundary elements are computed from post-collision so calculate ! here after apply source and before tracking output call mus_calcBndForce( bndForce = geometry%bndForce, & & bndMoment = geometry%bndMoment, & & posInBndID = geometry%posInBndID, & & nBCs = geometry%boundary%nBCtypes, & & field = scheme%field, & & globBC = scheme%globBC, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & state = scheme%state, & & pdf = scheme%pdf, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & layout = scheme%layout, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & physics = params%physics ) end if call mpi_barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr ) ! For active tracking output is initialized in init_tracker in ini_aux if ( scheme%track%control%active ) then do iTrack = 1, scheme%track%control%nActive iConfig = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%pntConfig if( scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%subTree%useGlobalMesh ) then ! Open the output files, this also generates the vertices for the mesh, ! and writes the mesh data to disk. Also writes header file depends ! on output vis_kind call hvs_output_open( & & out_file = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%output_file, & & use_iter = scheme%track%config(iConfig)%output_config & & %vtk%iter_filename, & & mesh = geometry%tree, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & time = params%general%simControl%now ) ! Evaluate and write results to disk call hvs_output_write( & & out_file = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%output_file, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & mesh = geometry%tree ) ! Close opened files call hvs_output_close( & & out_file = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%output_file, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & mesh = geometry%tree ) else ! Open the output files, this also generates the vertices for the mesh, ! and writes the mesh data to disk. Also writes header file depends ! on output vis_kind call hvs_output_open( & & out_file = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%output_file, & & use_iter = scheme%track%config(iConfig)%output_config & & %vtk%iter_filename, & & mesh = geometry%tree, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & subTree = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%subTree, & & time = params%general%simControl%now ) ! Evaluate and write results to disk call hvs_output_write( & & out_file = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%output_file, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & mesh = geometry%tree, & & subTree = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%subTree ) ! Close opened files call hvs_output_close( & & out_file = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%output_file, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & mesh = geometry%tree, & & subTree = scheme%track%instance(iTrack)%subTree ) end if !Global mesh end do !iTrack ! Finialize output call tem_tracking_finalize( scheme%track ) else ! number of variables loaded from restart file nVars = scheme%stateVarMap%varName%nVals ! filename for output basename = trim(config%prefix) // trim(params%general%solver%simName) ! De-activate transient and spatial reduction !out_file%isTransientReduce = .false. out_file%ascii%isReduce = .false. ! No tracking defined, just dump the restart file ! Open the output files, this also generates the vertices for the mesh, ! and writes the mesh data to disk. call hvs_output_init(out_file = out_file, & & out_config = config%output, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & varSys = scheme%varSys, & & varPos = scheme%stateVarMap%varPos & & %val(:nVars), & & basename = trim(basename), & & globProc = params%general%proc, & & solver = params%general%solver ) ! Open output file handle call hvs_output_open( out_file = out_file, & & use_iter = config%output%vtk%iter_filename, & & mesh = geometry%tree, & & varsys = scheme%varsys, & & time = params%general%simControl%now ) ! Fill output files with data. call hvs_output_write( out_file = out_file, & & varsys = scheme%varsys, & & mesh = geometry%tree ) ! Close output files again. call hvs_output_close( out_file = out_file, & & varsys = scheme%varsys, & & mesh = geometry%tree ) ! Finialize output call hvs_output_finalize( out_file = out_file ) end if ! Finalize environment. call tem_finalize(params%general) end program mus_harvesting