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! See copyright notice in the COPYRIGHT file. !! ****************************************************************************** ! !> author: Kannan Masilamani !! [[mus_hvs_construct]] "Creation of the data structures" !! from the information in the configuration and !! from the mesh read from disk for the musubi harvesting !! module mus_hvs_construction_module ! include treelm modules use mpi use env_module, only: rk, long_k, eps, labelLen, my_status_int use treelmesh_module, only: treelmesh_type use tem_comm_module, only: tem_communication_type, & & tem_commpattern_type use tem_tools_module, only: tem_horizontalSpacer use tem_grow_array_module, only: grw_intArray_type, init, append, destroy, & & empty, truncate use tem_dyn_array_module, only: dyn_intArray_type, init, append, expand, & & destroy, empty, PositionOfVal, truncate, & & dyn_labelArray_type use tem_construction_module, only: tem_init_elemLevels, tem_find_allElements,& & tem_build_horizontalDependencies, & & tem_debug_horizontalDependencies, & & tem_levelDesc_type, & & tem_dumpTreeIDLists use tem_element_module, only: eT_fluid, eT_halo, eT_ghostFromCoarser, & & eT_ghostFromFiner, destroy use tem_timer_module, only: tem_startTimer, tem_stopTimer, & & tem_getTimerVal use tem_debug_module, only: main_debug, dbgUnit use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit ! include musubi modules use mus_param_module, only: mus_param_type use mus_geom_module, only: mus_geom_type use mus_scheme_layout_module, only: mus_scheme_layout_type, & & mus_finalize_layout use mus_scheme_type_module, only: mus_scheme_type use mus_pdf_module, only: mus_calc_nElems, & & mus_pdf_allocate use mus_construction_module, only: calculate_nElems use mus_timer_module, only: mus_timerHandles implicit none private public :: mus_hvs_construct contains ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Initialize Musubi data strucutres based on data provided by Treelm !! !! Load the mesh and boundary conditions for this process from disk. !! Get the level-wise treeID lists and create the required ghost and halo !! elements. !! !! This is achieved by a two-folded identification of elements. !! !! -# the theoretically required elements are collected based on !! [[mus_scheme_layout_module:mus_scheme_layout_type]] stencil information !! The [[tem_construction_module:tem_find_allElements]] routine !! performs this task for compute fluid elements. !! For boundaries which require information from neighbor elements, these !! required [[tem_topology_module]] "treeIDs" are collected into the !! [[mus_bc_header_module]] !! "boundary element type" !! !! # Additional Tasks !! !! - receive [[tem_construction_module:tem_build_horizontaldependencies]] !! "horizontal" !! (within a level for the element updates) !! - and [[tem_construction_module:tem_build_verticaldependencies]] "vertical" !! dependencies (between levels for ghost-interpolations). !! - The main state vector and the neighbor lists on which the kernel then !! acts is created !! - The MPI buffers are created. !! - For each [[mus_scheme_module]] "Scheme", the !! [[tem_construction_module:tem_levelDesc_type]] "Level Descriptor" !! is created !! !! # Result !! !! After this routine, all data structures for starting the main loop of the !! solver are allocated and ready. !! !! Only difference between this routine and mus_construct is then !! creating of boundary elements and its stencil are omitted for harvesting !! subroutine mus_hvs_construct( scheme, geometry, params) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> run-time Parameters type( mus_param_type ), intent(inout) :: params !> geometric information type( mus_geom_type ), intent(inout) :: geometry !> scheme information including fluid, boundary and flow information type( mus_scheme_type ), intent(inout) :: scheme ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iLevel ! counter for level integer :: minLevel, maxLevel integer :: hwmVal integer :: ii ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- minLevel = geometry%tree%global%minLevel maxLevel = geometry%tree%global%maxLevel call tem_horizontalSpacer( fUnit = dbgUnit(1), before = 1 ) write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'Get into routine: mus_construction' call tem_startTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%initLvlD ) ! set up the data structures for the kernel write(logUnit(1),*) 'Starting to initialize the geometry' call tem_horizontalSpacer(fUnit = logUnit(1)) ! finalize scheme layout ! copy growing array of stencil to allocatable array of stencil ! and destroy growing array call mus_finalize_layout( layout = scheme%layout, & & nElemsInTree = geometry%tree%nElems, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & proc = params%general%proc ) hwmVal = my_status_int('VmHWM:') write(logUnit(10),"(A,I0)") 'After finalize layout, VmHWM: ', hwmVal ! 1. store treeIDs which use this stencil in the ! levelDesc( elemLevel )%elem ! 2. store the neighbors which can be loaded from the disc or accessed ! directly ! THIS MEANS THAT FOR ALL ELEMENTS (INCL. BOUNDARY ELEMENTS) NEIGHBORS ! ARE STORED BUT THEY DO NOT NEED TO EXIST IN THE MESH AT THIS POINT!!! call tem_init_elemLevels( & & me = scheme%levelDesc, & & boundary = geometry%boundary, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & stencils = [scheme%layout%fStencil] ) hwmVal = my_status_int('VmHWM:') write(logUnit(10),"(A,I0)") 'After init elemLevels, VmHWM: ', hwmVal ! 1. build all dependencies for fluid, halos and ghosts ! 2. build the pointers for each element to its neighbors/stencil elements ! All this information is stored in tem_levelDesc_type. ! ! THIS MEANS THAT FOR ALL ELEMENTS FOUND IN em_init_elemLevels THE CORRECT ! DEPENDENCIES AND NEIGHBORS ARE SET ! ! This is the heart of the topologic data structure creation and ! takes most of the compute time, depending on the mesh you have ! write(logUnit(1),*) 'Creating level descriptor ...' write(logUnit(6),*) 'before tem_find_allElements' write(dbgUnit(6),*) 'before find_allElements' ! The level descriptor is created from the below routine. ! the neigh array is created using the LD and communication buffers are filled up. call tem_find_allElements( & & tree = geometry%tree, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & levelPointer = geometry%levelPointer, & & computeStencil = [scheme%layout%fStencil], & & commPattern = params%general%commPattern, & & cleanup = .true., & & reqNesting = params%nNesting, & & proc = params%general%proc ) hwmVal = my_status_int('VmHWM:') write(logUnit(10),"(A,I0)") 'After find allElements, VmHWM: ', hwmVal if ( main_debug%dumpTreeIDlists ) then call tem_dumpTreeIDlists( minLevel, maxLevel, & & scheme%levelDesc ) end if write(dbgUnit(6),*) 'before horizontal dep' write(logUnit(6),*) 'before tem_build_horizontalDependencies' call tem_build_horizontalDependencies( & & iStencil = 1, & & levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & tree = geometry%tree, & & computeStencil = scheme%layout%fStencil ) if( main_debug%checkDependencies ) then call tem_debug_HorizontalDependencies( 1, & & scheme%levelDesc, geometry%tree, & & scheme%layout%fStencil ) end if hwmVal = my_status_int('VmHWM:') write(logUnit(10),"(A,I0)") 'After build horizontal, VmHWM: ', hwmVal call calculate_nElems( levelDesc = scheme%levelDesc, & & proc = params%general%proc, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) ! allocate here since it needs to be deallocated by dynamic load ! balancing algorithm write(logUnit(6),"(A,I0,A,I0)") 'allocate PDF from Level ', minLevel, & & ' to ', maxLevel allocate( scheme%pdf( minLevel:maxLevel ) ) allocate( scheme%state( minLevel:maxLevel ) ) write(logUnit(4),*) 'Allocating PDF state and neighbor array' ! Allocate the PDF state array do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'calculate nElems on level: ', iLevel call mus_calc_nElems( & & me = scheme%pdf( iLevel ), & & nFluids = scheme%levelDesc( iLevel )%elem & & %nElems( eT_fluid ), & & nGhostFromCoarser = scheme%levelDesc( iLevel )%elem & & %nElems( eT_ghostFromCoarser ), & & nGhostFromFiner = scheme%levelDesc( iLevel )%elem & & %nElems( eT_ghostFromFiner ), & & nHalos = scheme%levelDesc( iLevel )%elem & & %nElems( eT_halo ) ) allocate(scheme%state(iLevel)%val( scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nSize & & * scheme%varSys%nScalars, 2 ) ) !For debugging purposes, set complete flow field to invalid do ii = 1, scheme%pdf(iLevel)%nSize * scheme%varSys%nScalars scheme%state(iLevel)%val(ii, 1) = -1000000.0_rk scheme%state(iLevel)%val(ii, 2) = -1000000.0_rk end do call mus_pdf_allocate( me = scheme%pdf( iLevel ), & & nScalars = scheme%varSys%nScalars, & & QQ = scheme%layout%fStencil%QQ, & & nElems_bcBuffer = 0, & & isPDF = scheme%readVarIsPdf ) end do hwmVal = my_status_int('VmHWM:') write(logUnit(10),"(A,I0)") 'After allocate PDF, VmHWM: ', hwmVal write(dbgUnit(6),*) 'clean up elem list in level desctiptor' write(logUnit(6),*) 'clean up elem list in level descriptor' ! KJ: @todo de-activate for adaptive grid refinement do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call destroy( me = scheme%levelDesc( iLevel )%elem ) end do write(dbgUnit(6),*) 'after clean up' call tem_stopTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%initLvlD ) call tem_horizontalSpacer( before = 1, fUnit = logUnit(1) ) write(logUnit(1),"(A,F10.3)") 'Done initializing geometry. Took [s]', & & tem_getTimerVal( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%initLvlD) call tem_horizontalSpacer( after = 1, fUnit = logUnit(1) ) write(dbgUnit(1),"(A)") 'after the construction' end subroutine mus_hvs_construct ! ****************************************************************************** ! end module mus_hvs_construction_module ! ****************************************************************************** !