! Copyright (c) 2012-2022 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@dlr.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Manuel Hasert <m.hasert@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Sathish Krishnan P S <s.krishnan@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012, 2014-2017 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, 2019 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Verena Krupp <verena.krupp@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Raphael Haupt <raphael.haupt@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2017 Sindhuja Budaraju <nagasai.budaraju@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Jana Gericke <jana.gericke@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019 Seyfettin Bilgi <seyfettin.bilgi@student.uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Peter Vitt <peter.vitt2@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Gregorio Gerardo Spinelli <gregoriogerardo.spinelli@dlr.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! See copyright notice in the COPYRIGHT file. ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> author: Manuel Hasert !! This module contains general boundary routines !! !! like initializing boundary, setting boundary at every time step for each !! field and other general boundary routines !! ! Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Manuel Hasert <m.hasert@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Harald Klimach <harald.klimach@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011 Konstantin Kleinheinz <k.kleinheinz@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Simon Zimny <s.zimny@grs-sim.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012, 2014-2016 Jiaxing Qi <jiaxing.qi@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2012 Kartik Jain <kartik.jain@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2013-2015, 2019 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@uni-siegen.de> ! Copyright (c) 2016 Tobias Schneider <tobias1.schneider@student.uni-siegen.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. module mus_bc_general_module ! include treelm modules use env_module, only: rk, long_k, labelLen, pathLen, newUnit use tem_param_module, only: cs, qOffset_inChar, q000 use treelmesh_module, only: treelmesh_type use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_float_module, only: operator(.feq.), operator(.fne.) use tem_varSys_module, only: tem_varSys_type use tem_varMap_module, only: tem_varMap_type use tem_bc_prop_module, only: tem_bc_prop_type use tem_topology_module, only: tem_levelOF use tem_debug_module, only: dbgUnit use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_math_module, only: invert_matrix use tem_geometry_module, only: tem_BaryOfId,tem_ElemSizeLevel use tem_stencil_module, only: tem_stencilHeader_type use tem_bc_module, only: tem_bc_state_type use tem_grow_array_module, only: init, append, destroy use tem_construction_module, only: tem_levelDesc_type use tem_timer_module, only: tem_startTimer, tem_stopTimer ! include musubi modules use mus_field_module, only: mus_field_type use mus_field_prop_module, only: mus_field_prop_type use mus_scheme_layout_module, only: mus_scheme_layout_type use mus_scheme_header_module, only: mus_scheme_header_type use mus_scheme_type_module, only: array2D_type use mus_pdf_module, only: pdf_data_type use mus_bc_header_module, only: boundary_type, & & glob_boundary_type, & & mus_set_bcLinks, mus_set_bouzidi,& & mus_alloc_bouzidi, & & mus_set_inletUbb, & & mus_set_inletBfl, & & mus_set_nonEqExpol, & & mus_set_outletExpol use mus_bc_fluid_module, only: velocity_eq, vel_neq, & & outlet_nrbc, outlet_nrbc_eq, & & outlet_nrbc_incomp, & & inlet_nrbc, inlet_nrbc_incomp, & & outlet_dnt, pressure_eq, & & pressure_expol, press_neq, & & pressure_antiBounceBack, & & outlet_zero_prsgrd, & & mfr_bounceback, mfr_eq, & & velocity_bounceback, & & velocity_bounceback_incomp, & & velocity_bfl, bc_pdf, & & velocity_bfl_incomp use mus_bc_fluid_nonEqExpol_module, only: velocity_nonEqExpol, & & pressure_nonEqExpol, & & velocity_nonEqExpol_curved use mus_bc_fluid_wall_module, only: slip_wall, & & wall_libb, do_nothing, & & spc_slip_wall use mus_bc_fluid_turbulent_module, only: turbulent_wall, & & turbulent_wall_libb, & & turbulent_wall_eq, & & turbulent_wall_eq_curved, & & turbulent_wall_noneq_expol, & & turbulent_wall_noneq_expol_curved use mus_bc_fluid_experimental_module, only: pressure_expol_slow use mus_bc_fluid_module, only: pressure_momentsbased, & & moments_wall, & & velocity_momentsbased, & & velocity_momentsbased_incomp, & & pressure_momentsbased_incomp use mus_bc_fluid_experimental_module, only: moments_inflow, moments_outflow, & & spc_moments_outflow, & & spc_bb_wall, spc_bb_vel_test use mus_bc_passiveScalar_module, only: outlet_pasScal, inlet_pasScal, & & pressure_antiBounceBack_pasScal use mus_bc_species_module, only: spc_outlet_zero_prsgrd, & & spc_moleFrac, spc_moleFlux, & & spc_moleFrac_wtdf, & & spc_moleFrac_eq, spc_inlet, & & spc_moleDens_eq, & & spc_mole_fraction_noneq_expol, & & spc_velocity_noneq_expol, & & spc_moleDiff_Flux, spc_inlet_eq, & & spc_outlet_eq, spc_outlet_vel, & & spc_outlet_expol, & & spc_outflow, & & spc_inflow, & & spc_solvent_inflow, & & spc_solvent_outflow, & & spc_moleFlux_eq, spc_vel_bb, & & spc_blackbox_mem_ion, & & spc_blackbox_mem_solvent, & & spc_moments_moleFrac, & & spc_moments_moleFlux, & & spc_moments_wall, & & spc_moments_vel use mus_bc_poisson_module, only: potential_nonEqExpol, & & potential_nonEqExpol_curved, & & potential_neumann, & & potential_neumann_curved use mus_bc_nernstPlanck_module, only: moleDens_nonEqExpol, & & moleDens_nonEqExpol_curved, & & moleDens_neumann, & & moleDens_neumann_curved use mus_relaxationParam_module, only: mus_viscosity_type use mus_auxField_module, only: mus_auxFieldVar_type use mus_derVarPos_module, only: mus_derVarPos_type use mus_param_module, only: mus_param_type use mus_physics_module, only: mus_physics_type use mus_mixture_module, only: mus_mixture_type use mus_timer_module, only: mus_timerHandles implicit none private public :: set_boundary public :: mus_init_boundary public :: mus_get_points_fromBC contains ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Call the functions associated with each boundary condition !! !! Loop over each field and Run over all the boundary conditions for !! current iLevel and call the function pointer. !! The function pointer was before assigned in init_boundary !! This routine is being called from the !! [[mus_control_module:do_recursive_multilevel]] "main control routine" !! before the compute (advection_relaxation) kernel call subroutine set_boundary( field, pdf, levelDesc, tree, iLevel, nBCs, params, & & layout, varSys, derVarPos, globBC, mixture, & & physics, state ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> fluid parameters and properties type( mus_field_type ), intent(inout) :: field(:) !> contains global state vector type( pdf_data_type ), intent(inout) :: pdf !> state arrays fo current iLevel both now and next real(kind=rk), intent(inout) :: state(:,:) !> global type contains iLevel descriptor type( tem_levelDesc_type ), intent(in) :: levelDesc !> global treelm mesh type( treelmesh_type ), intent(in) ::tree !> the iLevel on which this boundary was invoked integer, intent(in) :: iLevel !> number of BC integer, intent(in) :: nBCs !> global parameters type(mus_param_type),intent(in) :: params !> stencil layout information type( mus_scheme_layout_type ), intent(in) ::layout !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys !> position of derived quantities in varsys type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) !> scheme global boundary type type( glob_boundary_type ), intent(in) :: globBC(:) !> scheme global boundary type type( mus_physics_type ), intent(in) :: physics !> mixture info type(mus_mixture_type), intent(in) :: mixture ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iField, nFields, iBnd ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- nFields = size( field ) if ( nBCs > 0 ) then call tem_startTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%bcBuffer(iLevel) ) call fill_bcBuffer( & & currState = state( :, pdf%nNext ), & & neigh = pdf%neigh, & & bcBuffer = pdf%bcBuffer, & & nSize = pdf%nSize, & & nElems_bc = levelDesc%bc_elemBuffer%nVals, & & posInTotal= levelDesc%bc_elemBuffer%val, & & nFields = nFields, & & QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ, & & varSys = varSys ) call tem_stopTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%bcBuffer(iLevel) ) ! @todo: As neigh buffer is inside ! field( iField )%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel ), ! we may fill it in the following fileds and BCs loop. call fill_neighBuffer( & & prevstate = state( :, pdf%nNow ), & & currstate = state( :, pdf%nNext ), & & neigh = pdf%neigh, & & globBC = globBC, & & nBCs = nBCs, & & field = field, & & varSys = varSys, & & QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ, & & nSize = pdf%nSize, & & iLevel = iLevel ) ! loop over fields do iField = 1, nFields ! Treat all boundary conditions do iBnd = 1, nBCs ! write(dbgUnit(10),*) 'Do boundary condition: '// trim( globBC( iBnd )%label ) call tem_startTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%setBnd(iBnd) ) call field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%fnct( & & state = state( :, pdf%nNext ), & & nSize = pdf%nSize, & ! we want to write into the current time step ! the field pointers have been inverted, so the newest ! information is stored in nNow & bcBuffer = pdf%bcBuffer, & & globBC = globBC( iBnd ), & & levelDesc = levelDesc, & & tree = tree, & & iLevel = iLevel, & & sim_time = params%general%simControl%now, & ! & params = params, & & physics = physics, & & mixture = mixture, & & iField = iField, & & neigh = pdf%neigh, & & layout = layout, & & fieldProp = field(iField)%fieldProp, & & varSys = varSys, & & derVarPos = derVarPos(iField), & ! each field may has multiple state variables & varPos = varSys%method%val(iField) & & %state_varPos, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars ) call tem_stopTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%setBnd(iBnd) ) end do ! iBnd end do ! iField end if end subroutine set_boundary ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! > This routine call init_boundary to initialize boundary for each field !! subroutine mus_init_boundary( field, pdf, tree, levelDesc, layout, & & schemeHeader, varSys, derVarPos, globBC, & & bc_prop, state, auxField ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> fluid parameters and properties type( mus_field_type ), intent(inout) :: field(:) !> global treelm mesh type( treelmesh_type ), intent(in) :: tree !> contains global state vector type( pdf_data_type ), intent(inout) :: pdf(tree%global%minLevel & & :tree%global%maxLevel) !> state array type( array2D_type ), intent(inout) :: state(tree%global%minLevel & & :tree%global%maxLevel) !> AuxField array type( mus_auxFieldVar_type), intent(in) :: auxField(tree%global%minLevel & & :tree%global%maxLevel) !> scheme layout type type( mus_scheme_layout_type ), intent(in) ::layout !> scheme header info type( mus_scheme_header_type ), intent(in) :: schemeHeader !> Level Descriptor type( tem_leveldesc_type ), intent(in) :: levelDesc(tree%global%minLevel:tree%global%maxLevel) !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys !> position of derived quantities in varsys type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos(:) !> scheme global boundary type type( glob_boundary_type ), intent(inout) :: globBC(:) !> boundary property type type( tem_bc_prop_type ) :: bc_prop ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iField, iBC, iLevel, minLevel, maxLevel ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- minLevel = tree%global%minLevel maxLevel = tree%global%maxLevel if ( bc_prop%nBCtypes > 0 ) then !> Check prerequisite for multi-species boundary conditions if (size(field)>1) then call check_BCs_preRequisite_MS( field, bc_prop%nBCtypes ) end if do iField = 1, size(field) ! Set up links which are needed to be updated write(logUnit(7), *) 'Counting actual number of links that need '//& & 'to be update:' do iBC = 1, bc_prop%nBCtypes if ( .not. globBC( iBC )%isWall ) then do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel if ( globBC(iBC)%nElems(iLevel) >= 0 ) then write(logUnit(7), "(2(A,I0))") & & trim(globBC(iBC)%label)//', level: ', iLevel, & & ', local nElems: ', globBC(iBC)%nElems(iLevel) call mus_set_bcLinks( iField = iField, & & QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ, & & QQN = layout%fStencil%QQN, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & nElems = globBC(iBC)%nElems(iLevel), & & nSize = pdf(iLevel)%nSize, & & elemLvl = globBC(iBC)%elemLvl(iLevel),& & neigh = pdf(iLevel)%neigh, & & links = field(iField)%bc(iBC) & & %links(iLevel) ) write(logUnit(7), "(A,I0)") & & ' nLinks: ', field(iField)%bc(iBC)%links(iLevel)%nVals end if end do ! iLevel end if end do ! iBC call init_boundary_single( & & bc = field(iField)%bc, & & pdf = pdf(minLevel:maxLevel), & & state = state(minLevel:maxLevel), & & auxField = auxField(minLevel:maxLevel), & & tree = tree, & & leveldesc = levelDesc, & & layout = layout, & & schemeHeader = schemeHeader, & & varPos = varSys%method%val(iField)%state_varPos, & & varSys = varSys, & & dervarPos = derVarPos(iField), & & globBC = globBC, & & bc_prop = bc_prop, & & fieldProp = field(iField)%fieldProp ) end do ! iField end if end subroutine mus_init_boundary ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> This subroutine sets the right boundary conditions for the different !! boundaries. !! subroutine init_boundary_single(bc, pdf, tree, levelDesc, layout, & & schemeHeader, varPos, varSys, derVarPos, & & globBC,bc_prop, state, auxField, fieldProp ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> global array boundary type type( boundary_type ) :: bc(:) !> global treelm mesh type( treelmesh_type ), intent(in) ::tree !> contains global state vector type( pdf_data_type ), intent(in) :: pdf( tree%global%minLevel & & : tree%global%maxLevel ) !> contains global state vector type( array2D_type ), intent(in) :: state( tree%global%minLevel & & : tree%global%maxLevel ) !> AuxField array type( mus_auxFieldVar_type), intent(in) :: auxField(tree%global%minLevel & & :tree%global%maxLevel) !> scheme layout type type( mus_scheme_layout_type ), intent(in) ::layout !> scheme header info type( mus_scheme_header_type ), intent(in) :: schemeHeader !> global pdf type type( tem_leveldesc_type ), intent(in) :: levelDesc( tree%global%minLevel & & : tree%global%maxLevel ) !> varPos of current field variable integer, intent(in) :: varPos(:) !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys !> position of derived quantities in varsys type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos !> scheme global boundary type type( glob_boundary_type ), intent(inout) :: globBC(:) !> boundary property type type( tem_bc_prop_type ), intent(in) :: bc_prop !> fluid parameters and properties type( mus_field_prop_type ), intent(in) :: fieldProp ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iBnd, iLevel, minLevel, maxLevel, nBCs logical :: isWall ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- minLevel = tree%global%minLevel maxLevel = tree%global%maxLevel nBCs = bc_prop%nBCtypes !> The boundary conditions were read in the order of config.lua !! the order in the boundary condition description file however !! might be different. !! We have to match the labels. write(logUnit(1),'(A,I0,A)') 'Initialize ', nBCs, ' boundary conditions' do iBnd = 1, nBCs if( trim(bc( iBnd )%label ) /= trim( globBC( iBnd )%label )) then write(logUnit(1),*) 'Error: The boundary with label from the mesh:' & & //trim( globBC(iBnd)%label ) write(logUnit(1),*) 'does not match the one specified in the lua file:'& & //trim(bc(iBnd)%label) write(logUnit(1),*) 'Stopping ...' call tem_abort() end if write(logUnit(1),*) 'Initializing BC: '//trim(bc(iBnd)%label) isWall = .false. select case (trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) case('wall', 'symmetry') isWall = .true. bc( iBnd )%fnct => do_nothing case('wall_libb', 'velocity_bounceback', 'velocity_bfl') bc( iBnd )%evalBcVar_link = .true. ! Here we have to allocate and set the q-values if it is not ! provided by seeder and set the qVal from musubi.lua if( .not. globBC(iBnd)%hasQVal .and. & & .not. globBC(iBnd)%qValInitialized ) then call init_qVals( refQval = bc( iBnd )%qVal, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & layout = layout, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd) ) end if select case (trim(bc( iBnd )%BC_kind)) case('wall_libb') isWall = .true. bc( iBnd )%fnct => wall_libb ! set link-wise data call mus_alloc_bouzidi( me = bc(iBnd)%bouzidi, & & nVals = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call mus_set_bouzidi( iLevel = iLevel, & & QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ, & & QQN = layout%fStencil%QQN, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & cxDirInv = layout%fStencil%cxDirInv, & & varPos = varPos, & & bouzidi = bc( iBnd )%bouzidi(iLevel) ) end do case('velocity_bounceback') select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_bounceback case('fluid_incompressible') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_bounceback_incomp case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for velocity_bounceback') end select ! set link-wise data ! bc(iBnd)%links is built in mus_set_bcLinks call mus_set_inletUbb( me = bc(iBnd)%inletUbbQVal, & & tree = tree, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & levelDesc = levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel), & & varPos = varPos, & & nLinks = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) case('velocity_bfl') select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_bfl case('fluid_incompressible') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_bfl_incomp case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for velocity_bfl') end select ! set link-wise data call mus_set_inletBfl( & & me = bc(iBnd)%inletBfl, & & tree = tree, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & levelDesc = levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel), & & varPos = varPos, & & nLinks = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) end select case('turbulent_wall', 'turbulent_wall_noneq_expol', 'turbulent_wall_eq') isWall = .true. ! Here we have to allocate and set the q-values if it is not ! provided by seeder and set the qVal from musubi.lua if (.not. globBC(iBnd)%hasQVal .and. & & .not. globBC(iBnd)%qValInitialized) then call init_qVals( refQval = bc( iBnd )%qVal, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & layout = layout, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd) ) end if ! allocate turbulent viscosity on boundary elements, ! and friction velocity and normal distance to boundary on first neigbor ! of boundary elements. ! Initialize friction velocity from stream-wise ! velocity component computed on first neighbor and normal distance to ! to boundary. ! \todo KM: Calculate friction velocity from wall shear ! stress computed on the first neighbor using non-equilibrium pdf write(logUnit(10), "(A)") 'Initializing turbulent_wall ...' allocate(bc(iBnd)%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(minLevel: maxLevel)) do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call mus_init_turb_wallFunc( bc = bc(iBnd), & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & auxField = auxField(iLevel)%val(:), & & viscKine = fieldProp%fluid%viscKine, & & derVarPos = derVarPos, & & varSys = varSys, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & iLevel = iLevel ) end do if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then ! set link-wise data for bouzidi wall linear interpolation call mus_alloc_bouzidi( me = bc(iBnd)%bouzidi, & & nVals = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call mus_set_bouzidi( iLevel = iLevel, & & QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ, & & QQN = layout%fStencil%QQN, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & cxDirInv = layout%fStencil%cxDirInv, & & varPos = varPos, & & bouzidi = bc( iBnd )%bouzidi(iLevel) ) end do end if select case (trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) case ('turbulent_wall_noneq_expol') select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case('fluid', 'fluid_incompressible') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => turbulent_wall_noneq_expol_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => turbulent_wall_noneq_expol end if case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for '//trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) end select case ('turbulent_wall_eq') select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case('fluid', 'fluid_incompressible') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => turbulent_wall_eq_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => turbulent_wall_eq end if case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for '//trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) end select case ('turbulent_wall') select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case('fluid') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => turbulent_wall_libb else bc( iBnd )%fnct => turbulent_wall end if case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for '//trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) end select end select case('velocity_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_eq case('mfr_bounceback') bc( iBnd )%fnct => mfr_bounceback case('mfr_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => mfr_eq case('vel_neq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => vel_neq case('bc_pdf') bc( iBnd )%fnct => bc_pdf case('outlet_nrbc','outlet_nrbc_eq', 'inlet_nrbc') select case (trim(bc( iBnd )%BC_kind)) case( 'outlet_nrbc' ) select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => outlet_nrbc case('fluid_incompressible') bc( iBnd )%fnct => outlet_nrbc_incomp case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for outlet_nrbc') end select case( 'outlet_nrbc_eq' ) bc( iBnd )%fnct => outlet_nrbc_eq case( 'inlet_nrbc' ) select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => inlet_nrbc case('fluid_incompressible') bc( iBnd )%fnct => inlet_nrbc_incomp case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for inlet_nrbc') end select end select bc( iBnd )%nrbc%cs_mod = cs * sqrt( bc( iBnd )%nrbc%kappa ) write(logUnit(5),"(A)") 'Initializing NRBC with parameters:' do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel call init_nrbc( bc = bc(iBnd), & & state = state(iLevel)%val(:,pdf(iLevel)%nNext), & & nSize = pdf(iLevel)%nSize, & & neigh = pdf(iLevel)%neigh(:), & & layout = layout, & & level = iLevel, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & varSys = varSys, & & derVarPos = derVarPos, & & elemPos = globBC(iBnd)%elemLvl(iLevel)%elem%val(:), & & nElems = globBC(iBnd)%nElems(iLevel) ) end do case('outlet_dnt') bc( iBnd )%fnct => outlet_dnt case('pressure_expol', 'pressure_expol_slow') ! set link-wise data call mus_set_outletExpol( & & me = bc(iBnd)%outletExpol, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & nLinks = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) if( trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind) == 'pressure_expol' ) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_expol else bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_expol_slow end if case('press_neq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => press_neq case('pressure_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_eq case('pressure_antibounceback') select case(trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_antiBounceBack case('passive_scalar') bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_antiBounceBack_pasScal case default call tem_abort('Unknown scheme kind for pressure_antiBounceBack') end select case('outlet_zero_prsgrd') bc( iBnd )%fnct => outlet_zero_prsgrd ! passive scalar boundary conditions case('flekkoy_inlet') bc( iBnd )%fnct => inlet_pasScal case('flekkoy_outlet') bc( iBnd )%fnct => outlet_pasScal ! multispecies boundary conditions case('spc_slip_wall') isWall = .true. bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_slip_wall case('slip_wall') isWall = .true. bc( iBnd )%fnct => slip_wall case('spc_bb_wall') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_bb_wall case('spc_bb_vel_test') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_bb_vel_test case('spc_outlet_zero_prsgrd') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_outlet_zero_prsgrd case('spc_inlet_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_inlet_eq case('spc_inlet') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_inlet case('spc_inflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_inflow case('spc_solvent_inflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_solvent_inflow case('spc_velocity_noneq_expol') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_velocity_noneq_expol case('spc_mole_fraction_noneq_expol') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_mole_fraction_noneq_expol case('spc_vel_bb') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_vel_bb case('spc_outlet_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_outlet_eq case('spc_outlet_expol') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_outlet_expol case('spc_outflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_outflow case('spc_solvent_outflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_solvent_outflow case('spc_outlet_vel') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_outlet_vel case('spc_molefrac') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleFrac case('spc_molefrac_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleFrac_eq case('spc_moledens_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleDens_eq case('spc_molefrac_wtdf') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleFrac_wtdf case('spc_moleflux') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleFlux case('spc_moleflux_eq') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleFlux_eq case('spc_molediff_flux') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moleDiff_Flux case( 'spc_blackbox_mem_ion') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_blackbox_mem_ion case( 'spc_blackbox_mem_solvent') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_blackbox_mem_solvent ! cases which use the non-equilibrium extrapolation (nonEqExpol) case('potential_noneq_expol', 'potential_neumann', & & 'velocity_noneq_expol', 'pressure_noneq_expol' ) bc( iBnd )%evalBcVar_link = .true. ! Here we have to allocate and set the q-values if it is not ! provided by seeder and set the qVal from musubi.lua if( .not. globBC(iBnd)%hasQVal .and. & & .not. globBC(iBnd)%qValInitialized ) then call init_qVals( refQval = bc(iBnd)%qVal, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & layout = layout, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd) ) end if ! set link-wise data call mus_set_nonEqExpol( & & me = bc(iBnd)%nonEqExpol, & & curved = bc(iBnd)%curved, & & tree = tree, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & bc_neigh = bc(iBnd)%neigh(minLevel:maxLevel), & & pdf = pdf(minLevel:maxLevel), & & levelDesc = levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel), & & varPos = varPos, & & nLinks = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) select case ( trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind ) ) case('potential_noneq_expol') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => potential_nonEqExpol_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => potential_nonEqExpol end if case('potential_neumann') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => potential_neumann_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => potential_neumann end if case('velocity_noneq_expol') if (trim(schemeHeader%relaxation(1:3)) == 'trt') then call tem_abort('velocity_noneq_expol is not supported for trt!') end if if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_nonEqExpol_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_nonEqExpol end if case('pressure_noneq_expol') if (trim(schemeHeader%relaxation(1:3)) == 'trt') then call tem_abort('velocity_noneq_expol is not supported for trt!') end if bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_nonEqExpol end select ! cases which use the nernst_planck case('moledens_noneq_expol', 'moledens_neumann') bc( iBnd )%evalBcVar_link = .true. ! Here we have to allocate and set the q-values if it is not ! provided by seeder and set the qVal from musubi.lua if( .not. globBC(iBnd)%hasQVal .and. & & .not. globBC(iBnd)%qValInitialized ) then call init_qVals( refQval = bc( iBnd )%qVal, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel, & & layout = layout, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd) ) end if ! set link-wise data call mus_set_nonEqExpol( & & me = bc(iBnd)%nonEqExpol, & & curved = bc(iBnd)%curved, & & tree = tree, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & nScalars = varSys%nScalars, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & bc_neigh = bc(iBnd)%neigh(minLevel:maxLevel), & & pdf = pdf(minLevel:maxLevel), & & levelDesc = levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel), & & varPos = varPos, & & nLinks = bc(iBnd)%links(minLevel:maxLevel)%nVals, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) select case ( trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind ) ) case('moleDens_noneq_expol') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => moleDens_nonEqExpol_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => moleDens_nonEqExpol end if case('moledens_neumann') if (bc(iBnd)%curved) then bc( iBnd )%fnct => moleDens_neumann_curved else bc( iBnd )%fnct => moleDens_neumann end if end select case( 'pressure_momentsbased', 'moments_wall', 'velocity_momentsbased', & & 'moments_inflow', 'moments_outflow', & & 'spc_moments_molefrac', 'spc_moments_moleflux', & & 'spc_moments_wall', 'spc_moments_vel', 'spc_moments_outflow' ) select case (trim(bc( iBnd )%BC_kind)) case( 'pressure_momentsbased') select case (trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_momentsbased case ('fluid_incompressible') bc( iBnd )%fnct => pressure_momentsbased_incomp case default write(logUnit(1),*) 'Chosen boundary kind ' & & //trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)//' is not supported' & & //'scheme kind'//trim(schemeHeader%kind) call tem_abort() end select case( 'moments_wall') bc( iBnd )%fnct => moments_wall case( 'velocity_momentsbased') select case (trim(schemeHeader%kind)) case ('fluid') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_momentsbased case('fluid_incompressible') bc( iBnd )%fnct => velocity_momentsbased_incomp case default write(logUnit(1),*) 'Chosen boundary kind ' & & //trim(bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)//' is not supported' & & //'scheme kind'//trim(schemeHeader%kind) call tem_abort() end select case( 'moments_inflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => moments_inflow case( 'moments_outflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => moments_outflow case( 'spc_moments_molefrac') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moments_moleFrac case( 'spc_moments_moleflux') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moments_moleFlux case( 'spc_moments_outflow') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moments_outflow case( 'spc_moments_wall') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moments_wall case( 'spc_moments_vel') bc( iBnd )%fnct => spc_moments_vel end select call init_momentsBC( bc = bc(iBnd), & & leveldesc = levelDesc, & & layout = layout, & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) case default write(logUnit(1),*)'BC type '//trim(bc( iBnd )%bc_kind)// & & ' for label '//trim(bc( iBnd )%label)// 'not found' call tem_abort() end select if ( .not. isWall ) then ! setup indices for each boundaries call mus_setupIndices_forBC( bc = bc(iBnd), & & globBC = globBC(iBnd), & & tree = tree, & & stencil = layout%fStencil, & & levelDesc= levelDesc, & & varSys = varSys, & & minLevel = minLevel, & & maxLevel = maxLevel ) end if end do ! iBnd end subroutine init_boundary_single ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> Check prerequisite for some boundary conditions subroutine check_BCs_preRequisite_MS(field, nBCs) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> fluid parameters and properties type( mus_field_type ), intent(inout) :: field(:) !> Number of boundary types integer, intent(in) :: nBCs ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iField, iBnd, counter(nBCs) logical :: checkBnd(nBCs) character(len=labelLen) :: checkKind(nBCs) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- counter = 0 checkBnd = .false. do iField = 1, size(field) do iBnd = 1, nBCs select case (trim(field(iField)%bc(iBnd)%BC_kind)) case ('spc_inlet_eq', 'spc_inlet', 'spc_outlet_vel') ! this boundaries can be applied only if all species has this kind counter(iBnd) = counter(iBnd) + 1 checkBnd(iBnd) = .true. checkKind(iBnd) = field(iField)%bc(iBnd)%BC_kind end select end do !iBnd end do !iField do iBnd = 1, nBCs if (checkBnd(iBnd)) then if (counter(iBnd) /= size(field)) then call tem_abort( 'Error: Not all species has kind: ' & & //trim(checkKind(iBnd)) ) end if end if end do end subroutine check_BCs_preRequisite_MS ! **************************************************************************** ! ! **************************************************************************** ! !> Initialize the values required for the moments BC subroutine init_momentsBC( bc, leveldesc, layout, globBC, minLevel, maxLevel ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Level range integer, intent(in) :: minLevel, maxLevel !> global array boundary type type( boundary_type ), intent(inout) :: bc !> Level descriptor type( tem_leveldesc_type ), intent(in) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) !> Layout type( mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> scheme global boundary type type( glob_boundary_type ), intent(inout) :: globBC ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, iLevel, iDir integer :: d2q9_xNormal(3), d2q9_yNormal(3) integer :: d3q19_xNormal(5), d3q19_yNormal(5), d3q19_zNormal(5) integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: xNormal_mom, yNormal_mom, & & zNormal_mom, & & xyNormal_mom, yzNormal_mom, & & xzNormal_mom, & & xyzNormal_mom integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: xNorm_links, yNorm_links, & & zNorm_links, xyNorm_links, & & yzNorm_links, xzNorm_links, & & xyzNorm_links character(len=labelLen) :: normalIndex real(kind=rk) :: normal(3) integer :: nLinks, iLink, normal_nLinks, edge_nLinks, corner_nLinks integer, allocatable :: missing_links(:) real(kind=rk), allocatable :: unKnown_Mat(:,:) integer :: elemPos logical :: bitmask( layout%fStencil%QQN ) integer(kind=long_k), allocatable :: corner_elems(:) integer(kind=long_k) :: treeID logical :: corner_node, update_allMoments integer :: iCorner ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'Boundary label ', trim(bc%label) ! @todo KM: move this generic info to tem_stencil_module or tem_param_module ! known moments positions in moments array select case (trim(bc%BC_kind)) case('pressure_momentsbased', 'moments_outflow', 'spc_moments_molefrac') d2q9_xNormal = (/ 1, 5, 3/) !m0, mY, mYY d2q9_yNormal = (/ 1, 4, 2/) !m0, mX, mXX d3q19_xNormal = (/ 1, 3, 4, 6, 7/) !m0, mY, mZ, mYY, mZZ d3q19_yNormal = (/ 1, 2, 4, 5, 7/) !m0, mX, mZ, mXX, mZZ d3q19_zNormal = (/ 1, 2, 3, 5, 6/) !m0, mX, mY, mXX, mYY case('moments_wall','velocity_momentsbased','moments_inflow', & & 'spc_moments_moleflux','spc_moments_wall','spc_moments_vel', & & 'spc_moments_outflow' ) ! ordering is based on such that 1st knownMoments pos is ! moment in normal direction and rest follows d2q9_xNormal = (/ 2, 3, 5/) !mX, mY, mYY d2q9_yNormal = (/ 3, 2, 4/) !mX, mY, mXX d3q19_xNormal = (/ 2, 3, 4, 6, 7/) !mX, mY, mZ, mYY, mZZ d3q19_yNormal = (/ 3, 2, 4, 5, 7/) !mX, mY, mZ, mXX, mZZ d3q19_zNormal = (/ 4, 2, 3, 5, 6/) !mX, mY, mZ, mXX, mYY case default d2q9_xNormal = 0 d2q9_yNormal = 0 d3q19_xNormal = 0 d3q19_yNormal = 0 d3q19_zNormal = 0 write(logUnit(1),*)'This boundary kind is not supported' call tem_abort() end select select case (trim(layout%fStencil%label)) case('d2q9') normal_nLinks = 3 ! in 2d edge and corner or same edge_nLinks = 5 corner_nLinks = 5 !axis-normal allocate(xNormal_mom(normal_nLinks)) allocate(yNormal_mom(normal_nLinks)) !edge normal allocate(xyNormal_mom(edge_nLinks)) xNormal_mom = d2q9_xNormal yNormal_mom = d2q9_yNormal xyNormal_mom = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5/) !m0, mX, mY, mXX, mYY ! normal links allocate(xNorm_links(normal_nLinks,2)) xNorm_links = reshape((/ 1, 5, 6, & !x- & 3, 7, 8 /), & !x+ & (/normal_nLinks,2/)) allocate(yNorm_links(normal_nLinks,2)) yNorm_links = reshape((/ 2, 5, 7, & !y- & 4, 6, 8 /), & !y+ & (/normal_nLinks,2/)) allocate(xyNorm_links(edge_nLinks,4)) xyNorm_links = reshape((/ 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, & !x-,y- & 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, & !x-.y+ & 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, & !x+,y- & 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 /),& !x+,y+ & (/edge_nLinks,4/)) allocate(zNorm_links(normal_nLinks,2)) zNorm_links = 0 allocate(yzNorm_links(edge_nLinks,4)) yzNorm_links = 0 allocate(xzNorm_links(edge_nLinks,4)) xzNorm_links = 0 allocate(xyzNorm_links(corner_nLinks,8)) xyzNorm_links = 0 case('d3q19') normal_nLinks = 5 edge_nLinks = 9 corner_nLinks = 12 !axis-normal allocate(xNormal_mom(normal_nLinks)) allocate(yNormal_mom(normal_nLinks)) allocate(zNormal_mom(normal_nLinks)) !edge normal allocate(xyNormal_mom(edge_nLinks)) allocate(yzNormal_mom(edge_nLinks)) allocate(xzNormal_mom(edge_nLinks)) !corner normal allocate(xyzNormal_mom(corner_nLinks)) xNormal_mom = d3q19_xNormal yNormal_mom = d3q19_yNormal zNormal_mom = d3q19_zNormal ! m0, mX, mY, mZ, mXX, mYY, mZZ, mYZ, mZZX xyNormal_mom = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15/) ! m0, mX, mY, mZ, mXX, mYY, mZZ, mXZ, mXXY yzNormal_mom = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11/) ! m0, mX, mY, mZ, mXX, mYY, mZZ, mXY, mYYZ xzNormal_mom = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14/) ! m0, mX, mY, mZ, mXX, mYY, mZZ, mXY, mYZ, mXXY, mYYX, mZZY xyzNormal_mom = (/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 16/) ! normal links allocate(xNorm_links(normal_nLinks,2)) xNorm_links = reshape((/ 1, 11, 13, 15, 16, & !x- & 4, 12, 14, 17, 18 /), & !x+ & (/normal_nLinks,2/)) allocate(yNorm_links(normal_nLinks,2)) yNorm_links = reshape((/ 2, 7, 8, 15, 17, & !y- & 5, 9, 10, 16, 18 /), & !y+ & (/normal_nLinks,2/) ) allocate(zNorm_links(normal_nLinks,2)) zNorm_links = reshape((/ 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, & !z- & 6, 8, 10, 13, 14 /), & !z+ & (/normal_nLinks,2/)) allocate(xyNorm_links(edge_nLinks,4)) xyNorm_links = reshape((/ 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, & !x-,y- & 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, & !x-,y+ & 2, 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, & !x+,y- & 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18 /),& !x+,y+ & (/edge_nLinks,4/)) allocate(yzNorm_links(edge_nLinks,4)) yzNorm_links = reshape((/ 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, & !y-,z- & 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, & !y-,z+ & 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 18, & !y+,z- & 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 18 /),& !y+,z+ & (/edge_nLinks,4/)) allocate(xzNorm_links(edge_nLinks,4)) xzNorm_links = reshape((/ 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, & !x-,z- & 1, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, & !x-,z+ & 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, & !x+,z- & 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 /),& !x+,z+ & (/edge_nLinks,4/)) allocate(xyzNorm_links(corner_nLinks,8)) xyzNorm_links = reshape((/ & & 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, & !x-,y-,z- & 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, & !x-,y-,z+ & 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, & !x-,y+,z- & 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, & !x-,y+,z+ & 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, & !x+,y-,z- & 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, & !x+,y-,z+ & 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, & !x+,y+,z- & 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 /),& !x+,y+,z+ & (/corner_nLinks,8/)) case default normal_nLinks = 0 edge_nLinks = 0 corner_nLinks = 0 allocate(xNormal_mom(0)) allocate(yNormal_mom(0)) allocate(zNormal_mom(0)) allocate(xyNormal_mom(0)) allocate(yzNormal_mom(0)) allocate(xzNormal_mom(0)) write(logUnit(1),*) trim(layout%fStencil%label)//& &' layout is not supported for this boundary' call tem_abort() end select do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel allocate( bc%elemLvl( iLevel )%moments( globBC%nElems( iLevel ))) ! list of corner elements treeIDs allocate(corner_elems(globBC%cornerBC%nElems(iLevel))) corner_elems = & & levelDesc(iLevel)%total(globBC%cornerBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%elem%val(:)) iCorner = 0 do iElem = 1, globBC%nElems( iLevel ) ! when moments combination are not defined properly ! update all moments update_allMoments = .false. ! if corrent node is corner node i.e intersected by multiple boundaries corner_node = .false. !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'iElem ', iElem treeID = levelDesc(iLevel)%total(globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%elem%val(iElem)) if ( any(corner_elems == treeID) ) corner_node = .true. !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'corner_node ', corner_node ! update bitmask, normal and normalInd with cornerBC information ! if corrent node is corner node if (corner_node) then iCorner = iCorner + 1 globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(:, iElem) = & & globBC%cornerBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(:, iCorner) globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normal%val(:, iElem) = & & globBC%cornerBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normal%val(:, iCorner) globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normalInd%val(iElem) = & & globBC%cornerBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normalInd%val(iCorner) end if ! corner node ! element position in state array and treeID list elemPos = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%elem%val(iElem) ! normal of this corrent node normal = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normal%val(:,iElem) bitmask = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(:, iElem) nLinks = count(globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(:, iElem)) bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%nUnKnownPdfs = nLinks allocate(bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos(nLinks)) allocate(missing_links(nLinks)) iLink = 0 do iDir = 1,layout%fStencil%QQN if (globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(iDir, iElem)) then iLink = iLink+1 missing_links(iLink) = iDir endif end do normalIndex = 'default' ! axis normals if (nLinks == normal_nLinks) then do iDir = 1, 2 if ( all(missing_links == xNorm_links(:, iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'xNormal' if ( all(missing_links == yNorm_links(:, iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'yNormal' if ( all(missing_links == zNorm_links(:, iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'zNormal' end do else if (nLinks == edge_nLinks) then ! edge direction do iDir = 1, 4 if ( all(missing_links == xyNorm_links(:, iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'xyNormal' if ( all(missing_links == yzNorm_links(:, iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'yzNormal' if ( all(missing_links == xzNorm_links(:, iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'xzNormal' end do else if (nLinks == corner_nLinks) then ! corner direction do iDir = 1, 8 if ( all(missing_links == xyzNorm_links(:,iDir)) ) & & normalIndex = 'xyzNormal' end do end if !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'normal ', globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normal%val(:, iElem) !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'normalIndex ', normalIndex !write(dbgUnit(1),*) 'missing_links ', missing_links select case(trim(normalIndex)) case ('xNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = xNormal_mom case ('yNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = yNormal_mom case ('zNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = zNormal_mom case ('xyNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = xyNormal_mom case ('yzNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = yzNormal_mom case ('xzNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = xzNormal_mom case ('xyzNormal') bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos = xyzNormal_mom case default ! undefined normal so update all links for this boundary globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(:, iElem) = .true. nLinks = layout%fStencil%QQ deallocate(bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos) allocate(bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos(nLinks)) do iLink = 1,nLinks bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos(iLink) = iLink enddo deallocate(missing_links) allocate(missing_links(nLinks)) iLink = 0 do iDir = 1,layout%fStencil%QQN if (globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(iDir, iElem)) then iLink = iLink+1 missing_links(iLink) = iDir endif end do end select bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%nUnKnownPdfs = nLinks allocate(bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem) & & %unKnownPdfs_MatInv(nLinks,nLinks)) allocate(unKnown_Mat(nLinks,nLinks)) do iLink = 1, nLinks unKnown_Mat(:,iLink) = layout%moment%toMoments%A( & & bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%knownMom_pos, & & missing_links(iLink) ) end do bc%elemLvl(iLevel)%moments(iElem)%unKnownPdfs_MatInv & & = invert_matrix(unKnown_Mat) deallocate(unKnown_Mat) deallocate(missing_links) end do ! iElem end do ! level end subroutine init_momentsBC ! **************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> assign qVal to corresponding BC and level-wise if qVal not provided by !! seeder. qVal from seeder are assigned in assignBCList in !! mus_construction_module, So set qVal from config only when it is not !! provided by seeder. subroutine init_qVals(refQVal, layout, globBC, minLevel, maxLevel) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: refQVal type( mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout type( glob_boundary_type ), intent(inout) :: globBC integer, intent(in) :: minLevel, maxLevel ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, iLevel, iDir, invDir, QQN ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- globBC%qValInitialized = .true. QQN = layout%fStencil%QQN ! 2. allocate qVal array level-wise lvlLoop: do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel ! if qVal is not available from seeder then initialize qVal call init( me = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%qVal, & & width = QQN, & & length = globBC%nElems(iLevel) ) globBC%elemLvl( iLevel )%qVal%val = 0.0_rk ! loop over elements do iElem = 1, globBC%nElems(iLevel) ! loop over directions do iDir = 1, QQN ! Bitmask is true for incoming direction. ! so use invDir to access qVal and cxDirRK if ( globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(iDir, iElem) ) then invDir = layout%fStencil%cxDirInv(iDir) ! if no qVal from seeder then use refQVal globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%qVal%val(invDir, iElem) = refQVal end if end do !iDir end do !iElem end do lvlLoop end subroutine init_qVals ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Initialize the values required for the characteristic boundary conditions !! !! Simply calculate the macroscopic values from the current pdf distributions !! in the boundary element and its neighbor elements and store it to the !! %nrbc%lodi field !! NOTE: !! To be consistent, the same calculation procedure of the LODI values need to !! be performed as in the !! [[mus_bc_fluid_module:outlet_nrbc]] "NRBC routine" itself !! subroutine init_nrbc( bc, state, nSize, neigh, layout, level, & & nScalars, varSys, derVarPos, elemPos, nElems ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> global array boundary type type( boundary_type ) :: bc !> level integer, intent(in) :: level !> State array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: state(:) !> nSize integer, intent(in) :: nSize !> neighbor array integer, intent(in) :: neigh(:) !> fluid parameters type( mus_scheme_layout_type), intent(in) :: layout !> number of scalars in global system integer, intent(in) :: nScalars !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys !> position of derived quantities in varsys type( mus_derVarPos_type ), intent(in) :: derVarPos !> BC elements positions in total list integer, intent(in) :: elemPos(:) !> number of BC elements integer, intent(in) :: nElems ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, iDir, iField, QQ integer :: iNeigh, neighPos, posInTotal real(kind=rk) :: ff( layout%fStencil%QQ ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- QQ = layout%fStencil%QQ iField = 1 ! Assign the initial values to the lodi variables allocate( bc%elemLvl( level )%lodi( 4, 3, nElems)) bc%elemLvl( level )%lodi = 0._rk ! reset do iElem = 1, nElems posInTotal = elemPos( iElem ) ! adopt initial density from the fluid cells do iDir = 1, QQ ff(iDir) = state( (posintotal-1)*nscalars+idir+(ifield-1)*qq ) end do !iDir bc%elemLvl( level )%lodi( 1, 1, iElem ) = sum( ff ) ! adapt initial velocities from the fluid cells call derVarPos%velFromState( & & state = ff, & & iField = iField, & & nElems = 1, & & varSys = varSys, & & layout = layout, & & res = bc%elemLvl(level)%lodi(2:4, 1, iElem) ) do iNeigh = 1,2 ! Get the values for the neighbors as well neighPos = bc%neigh( level )%posInState( iNeigh, iElem ) if( neighPos > 0 ) then do iDir = 1,QQ ff(iDir) = state( (neighpos-1)*nscalars+idir+(ifield-1)*qq) end do bc%elemLvl( level )%lodi( 1, 1+iNeigh, iElem ) = sum( ff ) ! velocities call derVarPos%velFromState( & & state = ff, & & iField = iField, & & nElems = 1, & & varSys = varSys, & & layout = layout, & & res = bc%elemLvl(level)%lodi(2:4, 1+iNeigh, iElem) ) end if end do ! iNeigh end do ! iElem end subroutine init_nrbc ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> This routine allocates turbulent viscosity and friction velocity on !! boundary elements. It also initialize friction velocity from stream-wise !! velocity component on first neighbor in normal direction. subroutine mus_init_turb_wallFunc(bc, globBC, auxField, viscKine, derVarPos,& & varSys, stencil, iLevel) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Field bc which contains turbwallFunc type and neighbor info type(boundary_type), intent(inout) :: bc !> global bc of current boundary with elemPos and normal info type(glob_boundary_type), intent(inout) :: globBC !> auxField array real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: auxField(:) !> Kinematic viscosity type(mus_viscosity_type) :: viscKine !> position of derived quantities in varsys type(mus_derVarPos_type), intent(in) :: derVarPos !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys !> stencil info type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil !> current level integer, intent(in) :: iLevel ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, neighPos, elemOff, elemPos, normalInd_inv, vel_pos(3) integer :: nElems real(kind=rk) :: velNeigh(3), normal(3), streamwise(3), unitSW(3) real(kind=rk) :: velSW, normalMag, qVal, distToBnd, streamwise_mag real(kind=rk) :: unitNormal(3) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nElems = globBC%nElems(iLevel) allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%tVisc(nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%tVisc = 0.0_rk allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%velTau(nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%velTau = 0.0_rk allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%distToBnd(nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%distToBnd = 0.0_rk allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%neighDistToBnd(nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%neighDistToBnd = 0.0_rk allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%unitNormal(3, nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%unitNormal = 0.0_rk allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%bndForce(3, nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%bndForce = 0.0_rk allocate( bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%bndMoment(3, nElems) ) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%bndMoment = 0.0_rk ! Position of velocity in auxField array vel_pos = varSys%method%val(derVarPos%velocity)%auxField_varPos(1:3) do iElem = 1, nElems ! Get velocity on the first neighbor element from auxField array neighPos = bc%neigh(iLevel)%posInState(1, iElem) elemOff = (neighPos-1)*varSys%nAuxScalars velNeigh(1) = auxField(elemOff + vel_pos(1)) velNeigh(2) = auxField(elemOff + vel_pos(2)) velNeigh(3) = auxField(elemOff + vel_pos(3)) ! Calculate local stream-wise unit vector ! e' = (u - (u . n) . n) / |(u - (u . n) . n| ! ! NormalInd in bc elem is pointing into the domain so we invert it normalInd_inv = stencil%cxDirInv( globBC%elemLvl(iLevel) & & %normalInd%val(iElem) ) normal = stencil%cxDirRK(:, normalInd_inv) normalMag = sqrt(dot_product(normal, normal)) unitNormal = normal / normalMag bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%unitNormal(:,iElem) = unitNormal streamwise = velNeigh - dot_product( velNeigh, unitNormal ) * unitNormal streamwise_mag = sqrt(dot_product(streamwise, streamwise)) unitSW = 0.0_rk ! if velocity is zero then compute streamwise unit vector from bc normal if (streamwise_mag .fne. 0.0_rk) then unitSW = streamwise / streamwise_mag end if ! Unit vector ! stream-wise velocity component velSW = dot_product(velNeigh, unitSW) ! use qValue in normal direction as distance of first node from boundary qVal = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%qVal%val(normalInd_inv, iElem) distToBnd = qVal + normalMag bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%distToBnd(iElem) = qVal bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%neighDistToBnd(iElem) = distToBnd ! Initialize friction velocity on first neighbor with werner and wengle ! wall model in linear profile i.e. u+=y+ -> u_tau = sqrt(u * nu / y) elemPos = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%elem%val(iElem) bc%turbwallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%velTau(iElem) & & = sqrt( velSW * viscKine%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%val( elemPos ) & & / distToBnd ) end do end subroutine mus_init_turb_wallFunc ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Transfer pre- and post-collision PDF of neighbors of boundary elements !! into neighBufferPre and neighBufferPost. !! Access to state array !! --------------------- !! !! * NeighBufferPre: FETCH !! * NeighBufferPost: SAVE !! @todo: for PUSH, post-collision is not correct yet. !! subroutine fill_neighBuffer( prevstate, currstate, neigh, globBC, nBCs, & & field, varSys, QQ, nSize, iLevel ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Previous state vector of iLevel real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: prevstate(:) !> Current state vector of iLevel real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: currstate(:) !> connectivity array corresponding to state vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(:) !> scheme global boundary type type( glob_boundary_type ), intent(in) :: globBC(:) !> number of total BC integer, intent(in) :: nBCs !> fluid parameters and properties type( mus_field_type ), intent(inout) :: field(:) !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys !> number of total links integer, intent(in) :: QQ !> number of elements in state vector integer, intent(in) :: nSize !> the iLevel on which this boundary was invoked integer, intent(in) :: iLevel ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iField, iElem, iDir, iBnd, iNeigh integer :: pdfVarPos(QQ), neighPos, myPos ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write(dbgUnit(5),*) 'Fill neighBufferPre and neighBufferPost' do iField = 1, size( field ) pdfVarPos(:) = varSys%method%val(iField)%state_varPos(1:QQ) ! fill boundary neighbor pre- and post-collision state values do iBnd = 1, nBCs call tem_startTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%setBnd(iBnd) ) if (field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%requireNeighBufPre) then ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iBC: ', iBnd do iNeigh = 1, field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%nNeighs ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iNeigh: ', iNeigh do iElem = 1, globBC( iBnd )%nElems( iLevel ) ! neighbor position in total list neighPos = field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel ) & & %posInState( iNeigh, iElem ) ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(2(A,I0))") 'iElem: ', iElem, ', neighPos: ', neighPos do iDir = 1, QQ ! pre-collision neigh field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel )%neighBufferPre( & & iNeigh, (iElem-1)*QQ+iDir ) = prevstate( & & neigh (( idir-1)* nsize+ neighpos)+( ifield-1)* qq+ varsys%nscalars*0 ) ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iDir: ', iDir ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(3(A,I0),A)") & ! & 'neighBufferPre(', iNeigh, ',',(iElem-1)*QQ+iDir, ') = state(', & ! & neigh (( idir-1)* nsize+ neighpos)+( ifield-1)* qq+ varsys%nscalars*0, & ! & ')' end do ! iDir end do ! iElem end do ! iNeigh end if ! neighBufferPre if (field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%requireNeighBufPre_nNext) then ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iBC: ', iBnd do iNeigh = 1, field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%nNeighs ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iNeigh: ', iNeigh do iElem = 1, globBC( iBnd )%nElems( iLevel ) ! neighbor position in total list neighPos = field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel ) & & %posInState( iNeigh, iElem ) ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(2(A,I0))") 'iElem: ', iElem, ', neighPos: ', neighPos do iDir = 1, QQ ! pre-collision neigh field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel )%neighBufferPre_nNext( & & iNeigh, (iElem-1)*QQ+iDir ) = currstate( & & neigh (( idir-1)* nsize+ neighpos)+( ifield-1)* qq+ varsys%nscalars*0 ) ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iDir: ', iDir ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(3(A,I0),A)") & ! & 'neighBufferPre_nNext(', iNeigh, ',',(iElem-1)*QQ+iDir, ') = state(', & ! & neigh (( idir-1)* nsize+ neighpos)+( ifield-1)* qq+ varsys%nscalars*0, & ! & ')' end do ! iDir end do ! iElem end do ! iNeigh end if ! neighBufferPre_nNext if (field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%requireNeighBufPost) then ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iBC: ', iBnd do iNeigh = 1, field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%nNeighs ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iNeigh: ', iNeigh do iElem = 1, globBC( iBnd )%nElems( iLevel ) ! neighbor position in total list neighPos = field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel ) & & %posInState( iNeigh, iElem ) ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(2(A,I0))") 'iElem: ', iElem, ', neighPos: ', neighPos do iDir = 1, QQ ! for PULL, this is post-collision value ! for PUSH, this is pre-collision value field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%neigh( iLevel )%neighBufferPost( & & iNeigh, (iElem-1)*QQ+iDir ) = currstate( & & ( neighpos-1)* varsys%nscalars+ idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) ! & ( neighpos-1)* varsys%nscalars+ pdfvarpos(idir)) ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(A,I0)") 'iDir: ', iDir ! write(dbgUnit(5),"(3(A,I0),A)") & ! & 'neighBufferPost(', iNeigh, ',',(iElem-1)*QQ+iDir, ') = state(', & ! & ( neighpos-1)* varsys%nscalars+ pdfvarpos(idir), & ! & ')' end do ! iDir end do ! iElem end do ! iNeigh end if !neighBufferPost if ( field(iField)%bc( iBnd )%useComputeNeigh ) then do iElem = 1, globBC( iBnd )%nElems( iLevel ) ! my (bnd element) position in total list myPos = globBC( iBnd )%elemLvl( iLevel )%elem%val( iElem ) do iDir = 1, QQ ! get post-collision state values of my neighbors ! computeNeighBuf always uses AOS layout field(iField)%bc(iBnd)%neigh(iLevel)%computeNeighBuf( (iElem-1)*QQ+iDir ) = & & currstate( neigh (( idir-1)* nsize+ mypos)+( ifield-1)* qq+ varsys%nscalars*0 ) end do ! iDir end do ! iElem end if ! useComputeNeigh call tem_stopTimer( timerHandle = mus_timerHandles%setBnd(iBnd) ) end do ! iBnd end do ! iField end subroutine fill_neighBuffer ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ****************************************************************************** ! !> Transfer pdf of boundary elements into bcBuffer which is used by all !! boundary routines. ! for PULL, this is post-collision value ! for PUSH, this is pre-collision value subroutine fill_bcBuffer( bcBuffer, currState, neigh, nSize, nElems_bc, & & posInTotal, nFields, QQ, varSys ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> state values of all boundary elements real(kind=rk),intent(out) :: bcBuffer(:) !> Current state vector real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: currState(:) !> connectivity array corresponding to state vector integer, intent(in) :: neigh(:) !> nSize integer, intent(in) :: nSize !> number of boundary elements integer, intent(in) :: nElems_bc !> positions in total list of boundary elements integer, intent(in) :: posInTotal(nElems_bc) !> Number of fields integer, intent(in) :: nFields !> number of total links integer, intent(in) :: QQ !> scheme variable system type( tem_varSys_type ), intent(in) :: varSys ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem, iField, varPos, iDir ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! write(dbgUnit(10), "(A)") ' Fill bcBuffer. ' ! Loop over fields do iField = 1, nFields !NEC$ ivdep !dir$ ivdep !ibm* independent do iElem = 1, nElems_bc do iDir = 1, QQ ! bcBuffer always uses AOS data structure varPos = varSys%method%val(iField)%state_varPos(iDir) bcBuffer( varPos+(iElem-1)*varSys%nScalars ) = currState( & & ( posintotal(ielem)-1)* varsys%nscalars+ idir+( ifield-1)* qq ) end do end do ! iElem end do end subroutine fill_bcBuffer ! ****************************************************************************** ! ! ***************************************************************************** ! !> Get Surface points on boundary elements. !! For boundary state variable which are evaluated linkwise, extract surface !! points for each link and for non-link based variables project barycenter !! on the boundary surface. !! Return real coordinates on boundary surface and offset bit which encodes !! direction. subroutine mus_get_points_fromBC( bc, globBC, tree, stencil, total, iLevel, & & nPoints, points, offset_bit ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Field boundary type type(boundary_type), intent(in) :: bc !> for number of elements in boundary and position in buffer type(glob_boundary_type), intent(in) :: globBC !> global treelm mesh type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) ::tree !> global pdf type ! type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(in) :: levelDesc integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: total(:) !> for directions type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil !> Current level integer, intent(in) :: iLevel !> Number of points integer, intent(out) :: nPoints !> 3-d real coordinates on which boundary variables are evaluated real(kind=rk), allocatable, intent(out) :: points(:,:) !> Offset bit encodes direction of boundary. !! used by apesmate to translate space coordinate in the offset direction !! to determine the treeID in remote domain character, allocatable, intent(out) :: offset_bit(:) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(kind=rk) :: dx, bary(3) real(kind=rk), allocatable :: qVal(:) integer :: iElem, iDir, iPnt, invDir logical :: qValIsZero !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(10),*) ' Get points from BC ' ! Element size on current level dx = tem_ElemSizeLevel(tree, iLevel) allocate(qVal(stencil%QQN)) ! if qVal is not provided by seeder and default is zero then no need to ! extract point on boundary surface. Just extract on barycenter if ((bc%qVal .feq. 0.0_rk) .and. .not. globBC%hasQVal & & .and. .not. bc%curved) then qValIsZero = .true. else qValIsZero = .false. end if ! Get qValue if boundary variables are evaulated link wise barycenter ! projection on boundary surface only if qVal is not zero if (bc%evalBcVar_link .and. .not. qValIsZero) then nPoints = bc%links(iLevel)%nVals else ! boundary variables are evaluated at bary center projection on ! boundary surface along boundary normal nPoints = globBC%nElems(iLevel) end if ! if no points on this level for this boundary, leave this routine ! if (nPoints==0) return allocate(points(nPoints,3)) allocate(offset_bit(nPoints)) iPnt = 0 ! loop over elements do iElem = 1, globBC%nElems(ilevel) bary(:) = tem_BaryOfId( tree, total(globbc%elemLvl(iLevel) & & %elem%val(iElem)) ) ! Set qValue to 0.5 if qValue is not defined. ! Mostly qVal is already set for link based boundary conditions if( .not. globBC%hasQVal .and. & & .not. globBC%qValInitialized ) then qVal = bc%qVal else qVal = globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%qVal%val(:, iElem) end if ! boundary variables are evaluated at link wise projection of barycenter ! on boundary surface if (bc%evalBcVar_link .and. .not. qValIsZero) then ! loop over directions do iDir = 1, stencil%QQN ! Bitmask is true for incoming direction. ! so use invDir to access qVal and cxDirRK if ( globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%bitmask%val(iDir, iElem) ) then iPnt = iPnt + 1 invDir = stencil%cxDirInv(iDir) ! position of boundary surface points(iPnt, :) = bary(:) + dx * qVal(invDir) & & * stencil%cxDirRK(:, invDir) offset_bit(iPnt) = qOffset_inChar( stencil%map( invDir ) ) end if end do !iDir elseif (bc%BC_kind == 'bc_pdf') then ! For this boundary, boundary elements must overlap between two domains ! so return barycenter and offset 0 iPnt = iPnt + 1 points(iPnt, :) = bary(:) offset_bit(iPnt) = qOffset_inChar(q000) else ! boundary variables are evaluated at bary center projection on ! boundary surface along boundary normal iPnt = iPnt + 1 invDir = stencil%cxDirInv(globBC%elemLvl(iLevel)%normalInd%val(iElem)) if (invDir<=stencil%QQN) then points(iPnt, :) = bary(:) + dx * qVal(invDir) & & * stencil%cxDirRK(:, invDir) offset_bit(iPnt) = qOffset_inChar( stencil%map( invDir ) ) else points(iPnt, :) = bary(:) offset_bit(iPnt) = qOffset_inChar(q000) end if end if !bc%evalBcVar_link end do !iElem end subroutine mus_get_points_fromBC ! ***************************************************************************** ! ! ***************************************************************************** ! !> This routine setup indices for boundary variables in bc_State_type !! pntIndex for the points on which boundaries are treated. subroutine mus_setupIndices_forBC( bc, globBC, tree, stencil, levelDesc, & & varSys, minLevel, maxLevel) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Field boundary type type(boundary_type), target, intent(inout) :: bc !> for number of elements in boundary and position in buffer type(glob_boundary_type), intent(in) :: globBC !> global treelm mesh type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) ::tree !> Min and Max level in mesh integer, intent(in) :: minLevel, maxLevel !> global pdf type type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(in) :: levelDesc(minLevel:maxLevel) !> for directions type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil !> Global variable system type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> Number of points integer :: nPoints !> 3-d real coordinates on which boundary variables are evaluated real(kind=rk), allocatable :: points(:,:) !> Offset bit encodes direction of boundary. !! used by apesmate to translate space coordinate in the offset direction !! to determine the treeID in remote domain character, allocatable :: offset_bit(:) integer, allocatable :: idx(:) integer :: iLevel, iVar character(len=labelLen) :: bc_varName type(tem_bc_state_type), pointer :: bc_state => NULL() character(len=pathLen) :: isSurface ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(logUnit(10),*) ' Setup indices for BC: ', trim(bc%label) do iLevel = minLevel, maxLevel write(logUnit(10),*) 'iLevel: ', iLevel call mus_get_points_fromBC( bc = bc, & & globBC = globBC, & & tree = tree, & & stencil = stencil, & & total = levelDesc(iLevel)%total, & & iLevel = iLevel, & & nPoints = nPoints, & & points = points, & & offset_bit = offset_bit ) ! if no points on this level for this boundary, goto next level ! KM: Skipping append idx results in not allocated indexLvl%val array ! which causes problems in calling get_valOfIndex for intel compiler !if (nPoints==0) cycle allocate(idx(nPoints)) ! store points in spacetime function and store indices of points ! in bc_state do iVar = 1, bc%varDict%nVals bc_varName = trim(bc%varDict%val(iVar)%key) write(logUnit(10),*) ' Storing index for variable: ', trim(bc_varName) isSurface = 'isSurface = true' bc_state => NULL() select case (trim(bc_varName)) case ('velocity') bc_state => bc%bc_states%velocity case ('pdf') bc_state => bc%bc_states%pdf ! For pdf boundary, both domain boundary layer must overlap isSurface = 'isSurface = false' case ('pressure') bc_state => bc%bc_states%pressure case ('mass_flowrate') bc_state => bc%bc_states%massFlowRate case ('mole_fraction') bc_state => bc%bc_states%moleFrac case ('mole_density') bc_state => bc%bc_states%moleDens case ('mole_flux') bc_state => bc%bc_states%moleFlux case ('mole_diff_flux') bc_state => bc%bc_states%moleDiff_flux case ('potential') bc_state => bc%bc_states%potential case ('surface_charge_density') bc_state => bc%bc_states%surChargeDens case default write(logUnit(1),*) 'Error: Unknown boundary variable: "'// & & trim(bc_varName)//'"' call tem_abort() end select if (.not. associated(bc_state)) then call tem_abort('Error: bc_state is not assosiated') end if ! set params write(logUnit(10),*) ' Set params in bc variable: ' & & //trim(varSys%varName%val(bc_state%varPos)) call varSys%method%val(bc_state%varPos)%set_params( & & varSys = varSys, & & instring = isSurface ) call varSys%method%val(bc_state%varPos)%setup_indices( & & varSys = varSys, & & point = points, & & offset_bit = offset_bit, & & iLevel = iLevel, & & tree = tree, & & nPnts = nPoints, & & idx = idx ) if (nPoints == 0) then ! KM: Intel compiler fails if indexLvl is not allocated and accessed ! in get_valOfIndex ! initialize array with size zero call init(bc_state%pntIndex%indexLvl(iLevel)) else call append(bc_state%pntIndex%indexLvl(iLevel), idx) end if end do !iVar deallocate(idx) end do !iLevel end subroutine mus_setupIndices_forBC ! ***************************************************************************** ! end module mus_bc_general_module ! ****************************************************************************** !