
Navigate: ← Features | Multispecies test case tutorial

Multispecies approach implemented in the code is based on the paper "Multi-species Lattice Boltzmann Model and Practical Examples. Short Course material Pietro Asinari PhD."

Equlibrium distribution function for multispecies is given in the paper as

where, for and , is molecular weight for species .

is given as

Relaxation time is given as

Multispecies: Variable Transformation

A semi-implicit Lattice Boltzmann equation is given as,

Variable transformation presented in above paper involves three steps

Step 1. Transforming f -> g

Step 2. Stream and Collide i.e g -> g^+

Step 3. Back Transormation to f i.e g^+ -> f^+

In back tranformation, to compute feq we need and can be computed directly from g

where as the computed by solving the linear system of equation given below

where, is,


use for optimized routine fortran !West u_n(1) = - uxstar(s) !south u_n(2) = - uystar(s) !bottom u_n(3) = - uzstar(s) !east u_n(4) = uxstar(s) !north u_n(5) = uystar(s) !top u_n(6) = uzstar(s) !bottom south u_n(7) !top south u_n(7) !bottom north u_n(7) !top north u_n(7) !bottom west u_n(7) !bo u_n(7) u_n(7) u_n(7) u_n(7)

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