Progress of this test case collection for TGV is tracked in the following ticket: Action #2246: Test case - Benchmark: Taylor-Green Vortex
In these examples, we will investigate the creation and evolution of vortices in simple pre-defined cubes with periodic boundaries. For such a simple geometry we even do not need seeder.
The case is based on the well-known Taylor-Green vortex benchmark case, which is subject of the following papers: [1] Brachet, M. E., Meiron, D. I., Nickel, B. G., Morf, R. H., Frisch, U., & Orszag, S. A. (1983). Small-scale structure of the taylor-green vortex. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 130, 411–452. [2] Brachet, M. E. (1991). Direct simulation of three-dimensional turbulence in the Taylor-Green vortex. Fluid Dynamics Research, 8(1–4), 1–8. [3] DeBonis, J. R. (2013). Solutions of the Taylor-Green vortex problem using high-resolution explicit finite difference methods. 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013, (February 2013).
The objective of the TGV examples are to introduce the following features in Musubi:
Here is the list of test cases to learn these features in Musubi:
In these test cases, in addition to the aforementioned features, you will also learn how to: