Taylor-Green Vortex with Vreman LES model at Re = 1600



Taylor-Green Vortex LES-Vreman

In this example, we will investigate the creation and evolution of vortices in a simple pre-defined cube with periodic boundaries. For this case, the Reynolds number (Re) is set to 1600.

A detailed description of test case can be found in the parent directory Description of test case TGV.

A description about the LES cases can be found here: Description of test case TGV_LES.

The objectives of this example is to introduce how to: * Use a pre-defined geometry instead of creating a mesh with Seeder. * Use a turbulence model. * Simulate the Taylor-Green Vortex in the cube using Musubi. * Create 2D plots using the Gleaner tool. Gleaner is a Python tool that extracts data from Musubi ASCII output and uses the plotting library Matplotlib in Python to create a plot. * Post-process the results by calculating the volume average of the tracked kinetic energy. * Calculate the dissipation rate by means of the tracked quantities. * Compare the tracked and calculated dissipation rate with a reference solution.

Running simulation

Define flow parametes

Define collision parameter


Here are the results from the simulation.

Kinetic energy over time compared: Kinetic Energy

Dissipation rate over time compared to reference solution from Brachet: Dissipation Rate

To create these plots, run python plot_track.py to create the plots. Before running the plot script, open 'plot_track.py' and update path to Gleaner script in 'glrPath'. Download Gleaner script using hg clone https://geb.sts.nt.uni-siegen.de/hg/gleaner

Musubi was developed by University of Siegen
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