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In this tutorial we use the 2D channel case to explain how to define boundary conditions that are needed for the simulation run.
To run this case use the generic channel test case and set in
case2d = true
usePeriodic = true
qValues = false
useObstacle = false
fixHeight = true
useRefine = true
Multi-level meshes at boundaries lead to fluctuation in the boundary layer. Also avoid single refinement layers since they could lead to crashes. At least four refined elements are recommended.
In Seeder, boundaries are defined by spatial_object
attribute kind "boundary".
The output of Seeder is normally placed in the ./mesh
folder. There you can
find files called bnd.lua
and bnd.lsb
file contains basic information about boundaries like number of
boundaries in a mesh and list of boundary labels in ascii format.
file contains boundary IDs for 26 directions for each fluid element
which has boundary neighbor in binary format.
These two files are important for Musubi in case of defining the boundary
If you open bnd.lua
file, you will probably find something like this:
nSides = 26
nBCtypes = 4
bclabel = {
In the example, there are four different boundaries we have set up with Seeder.
In this case they have the labels north
, south
, east
and west
. This
gives you a feeling of how to view this channel.
These boundaries are defined in the mesh, but it is not clear which function each boundary has at the moment. So this is the part you have to do in Musubi. As an example, we want to simulate a channel. A channel in 2D needs two walls, one inlet and one outlet.
If you would like to know in detail how the boundaries are defined you might have a look at tem_bc_module and tem_load_bc_state.
Now, we will have a look on the boundary_conditions
table in Musubi for the
channel test case.
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'north',
kind = 'wall' },
{ label = 'south',
kind = 'wall' },
{ label = 'west',
kind = inlet_kind, -- local variable inlet_kind
pressure= 'pressureIn'}, -- refers to pressure defined in variable table
-- (see last tutorial)
{ label = 'east',
kind = outlet_kind, -- local variable outlet_kind
pressure= 'pressureOut'}} -- local variable from variable table
In this basic example you can see the function of each boundary as outlined above.
In boundary_condition
table, for each boundary label from Seeder, a kind
must be defined in Musubi which defines what to do with that boundary. The
order of boundary definition in Musubi does not depend on the order in
Seeder (bnd.lua). It just has to exist in both files.
boundary_condition = {
For every boundary which you have created in Seeder, you have to set its status.
Therefore, you call the boundary with the exact name (label = ...
) that you
can see in the bnd.lua file and give it a certain kind that is explained in
the next section.
boundary_condition = {
label = 'south',
You can choose between some basic boundary kinds. They define the use of the boundary in the simulation run. Some of these kinds are described below.
A wall means that the fluid is not able to penetrate through this boundary.
It has to regard the wall as an obstacle. Moreover, the wall is seen as a
no-slip boundary. If you would like to observe slip as well you have to
use the separate kind slip_wall
boundary_condition = {
label = 'south',
kind = 'wall'
If slip shall be defined as well, you will have to set kind
kind = slip_wall
. Slip means that the normal and the tangential velocity in
normal direction equal zero. The pressure gradient along the normal direction
is equal to zero as well. The degree of slip can be defined by the
multiplication of a slip-factor called fac
and the velocity. Special cases
are on the one hand fac = 1
which means that there is free-slip or full-slip
and on the other hand, there is fac = 0
which is used for no-slip. This case
is the default case for the kind = wall
which is mentioned above.
boundary_condition = {
label = 'north',
kind = 'slip_wall',
fac = 0.4
More information can be found in the mus_bc_fluid_wall_module.
There is a possibility to make your simulation more efficient: Instead of
making use of a higher refinement level, you could use linear interpolation.
The obstacle in the fluid will have a higher resolution if the distance
between the barycentric centre position of the fluid element to the obstacle
is calculated which is "q". The total distance between the center positions of
each, the fluid element's and the obstacle's is q=1
. There is a case
differentiation between q<0.5
and q>=0.5
For this formula is used: For this formula is used:
Therefore, Seeder has to be configured. For each spatial_object which has
boundary kind, calc_dist = true
has to be added to the attributes right
behind kind and label. Here is the seeder.lua
block before the changes:
table.insert(spatial_object, {
attribute = {
kind = 'boundary',
geometry = {
kind = 'canoND',
object = {
origin = {-length*0.5, height*0.5+dxDash, -length*0.5},
vec = {{length, 0.0, 0.},
{0.,0.0, length}}
table.insert(spatial_object, {
attribute = {
kind = 'boundary',
geometry = {
kind = 'canoND',
object = {
origin = {-length*0.5,-height*0.5-dxDash, -length*0.5},
vec = {{length, 0.0, 0.},
{0.,0.0, length}}
In the
tables for the boundaries, you have to add to the attributescalc_dist = true
Then there should be written as an example for one boundary:
table.insert(spatial_object, {
attribute = {
kind = 'boundary',
level = maxLevel, --local variable
label = stlLabel, --local variable
calc_dist = true,
geometry = {
kind = 'stl',
object = { filename = stlfile --local variable
-- { origin = {-length*0.3,-0.01*height,0.},
-- radius = radius }
transformation = {
deformation = 2.0,
translation = {-2., 0., 0. }
After that, you are able to set the kind of the boundary in musubi.lua
instead of wall
. You have to use the same syntax
as shown above, otherwise it will not work.
boundary_condition = {
label = 'south',
kind = 'wall_libb',
The information about linear interpolation are taken from M. Bouzidi, M. Firdaouss, and P. Lallemand, "Momentum transfer of a Boltzmann-lattice fluid with boundaries," Physics of Fluids, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 3452–3459, Nov. 2001 Equations 5 (linear interpolation). More information about no-slip wall linear interpolation can be found in mus_bc_fluid_wall_module.
kind = velocity_eq
makes use of the equilibrium function concerning
the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). This function gets the density (rho) from
the fluid. The velocity (u) has to be defined for each coordinate x, y and z.
Therefore you can place the definition of the velocity after the kind of the
boundary. Example:
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'inlet',
kind = 'velocity_eq',
velocity = 'inlet_vel' }
You can get more information about the equilibrium function currently in the documentation for the subroutine velocity_eq.
In addition to that you can set kind = velocity_bounceback
. You can imagine
bounceback like this: A fluid particle gets near the boundary. If it reaches the
boundary, the particle will bounce back in the same angle as it gets there.
For this kind, you have to set the velocity values, too.
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'west',
kind = 'velocity_bounceback',
velocity = 'inlet_vel' }
More details can be found in the documentation for subroutine velocity_bounceback.
Like for velocity_bounceback
there is an "Inlet Velocity Bounce Back" boundary
condition. But in this case, mass flow rate
) is used as an input
argumet as well. It is used like that:
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'inlet',
kind = 'mfr_bounceback',
massflowrate = 0.1 }
For more information visit mfr_bounceback.
In this case, the mass flow rate is used for the equilibrium boundary condition and the velocity is taken from the configuration file.
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'inlet',
kind = 'mfr_eq',
massflowrate = 0.1 }
The corresponding Documentation can be found in mfr_eq.
The variable values are extrapolated during the simulation.
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'east',
kind = 'pressure_expol',
pressure = 2.0 }
Detail information can be found in pressure_expol.
This is the outlet pressure anti-bounce back boundary condition kind. The velocity is extrapolated by two of its neighbors. The pressure has to be given as well.
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'east',
kind = 'pressure_antiBounceBack',
pressure = 2.0 }
More information pressure_antiBounceBack.
The incoming densities are set to the equilibrium distribution with macroscopic velocity and pressure.
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'east',
kind = 'pressure_eq',
pressure = 1.0 }
Detail information in the pressure_eq.
For symmetric test cases this boundary condition can be used to mirror the flow-parameters at this border. This allows to reduce the computational effort. The missing part can be easily mirrored when post-processing.
Be aware: The symmetric boundary has to be the last boundary created by Seeder! @end warning
boundary_condition = {
{ label = 'east',
kind = 'symmetry'
If you define the inlet and the outlet boundary for the shape, you will have to give Musubi further information about the variable values. This depends on the used test case. They are defined in the bc_states_type. You can use the following:
For example, to simulate the channel, you are free to give information about the variable values with space time functions.
The documentation for these functions can be found in the tem_spacetime_fun_module in subroutine tem_load_spacetime_single.
Variable values like pressure
and velocity
are defined as
space time functions. Space time functions contain the x-, y- and
z-coordinates and the time as arguments. There are some different ways to get
to a value for i.e. pressure and velocity at different timesteps that are
described shortly in the following.
Before they are used in the boundary_condition
table they are defined in the
See this documentation for more information.
Inside the
variable = {..}
table space time functions can be defined as a constant, a lua function, a predefined fortran function or a combination of spatial and transient functions that are themselves defined as a constant, a lua function or a predefined fortran function.
Here are a few examples on how to implement space time functions as a boundary condition.
function lua_function(x,y,z,t)
variable = {
label = 'var_label',
ncomponents = 1,
kind = 'st_fun',
st_fun = lua_function
boundary_condition = {
label = 'bc_label',
kind = 'bc_kind'
bc_variable = 'var_label'
boundary_condition = {
label = 'bc_label',
kind = 'bc_kind',
bc_variable = 1.0
Do not forget to give combination variables to make a vector out of each velocity, moleflux and molediff_flux component.
Here is an example on how to implement velocity as a boundary variable:
variable = {
-- example for a predefined space time function
{ name = 'inlet_vel',
ncomponents = 3,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = {
predefined = 'combined',
temporal = {
predefined = 'smooth',
min_factor = 0, max_factor = u_in_L,
from_time = 0, to_time = tmax/4
spatial = {
const = {1.0,0.0,0.0}
-- example for a combination of 3 functions
{ name = 'velX',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = lua_function
{ name = 'velY',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = 0.0
{ name = 'velZ',
ncomponents = 1,
vartype = 'st_fun',
st_fun = 0.0
{ name = 'inlet_vel2',
ncomponents = 3,
vartype = 'operation',
operation = {
kind = 'combine',
input_varname = {'velX','velY','velZ'}
You can find more examples in the subroutine tem_load_bc_state and on variable system page.
Next chapter: Restart →