mus_timer_handle_type Derived Type

type, public :: mus_timer_handle_type

Musubi timer type --------------------------------------------------


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: mainloop

handle for the complete mainloop

integer, public :: loadMesh

handle for loading / creating the mesh and config

integer, public :: initLvlD

handle for initialising the levelDescriptor

integer, public :: wRestart

handle for writing restart

integer, public :: balance

handle for the dyn_loadBal routine

integer, public :: source

handle for source terms

integer, public :: first = 0

First main handle position in treelm timer object

integer, public :: last = -1

Last main handle position in treelm timer object

integer, public, allocatable :: compute(:)

handle for advection relaxation

integer, public, allocatable :: aux(:)

handle for auxfield calculation

integer, public, allocatable :: relax(:)

handle for relax parameter update

integer, public, allocatable :: comm(:)

handle for communicate

integer, public, allocatable :: intpFromCoarser(:)

handle for interpolation and communicate

integer, public, allocatable :: intpFromFiner(:)
integer, public, allocatable :: commFromCoarser(:)
integer, public, allocatable :: commFromFiner(:)
integer, public, allocatable :: setBnd(:)

handle for setboundary

integer, public, allocatable :: bcBuffer(:)
integer, public, allocatable :: doIBM(:)

handle for immersed boundary method

integer, public :: stage(nStages)

Stage timers for multi level recursive algorithm

integer, public :: minLevel

min. level in mesh

integer, public :: maxLevel

max. level in mesh

integer, public :: nBCs

number of BCs