mus_interpolation_config_type Derived Type

type, public :: mus_interpolation_config_type

Contains information loaded from config file

Inherited by

type~~mus_interpolation_config_type~~InheritedByGraph type~mus_interpolation_config_type mus_interpolation_config_type type~mus_interpolation_type mus_interpolation_type type~mus_interpolation_type->type~mus_interpolation_config_type config type~mus_scheme_type mus_scheme_type type~mus_scheme_type->type~mus_interpolation_type intp type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type mus_varSys_solverData_type type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type->type~mus_scheme_type scheme type~mus_varsys_data_type mus_varSys_data_type type~mus_varsys_data_type->type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type solverData


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
character(len=labelLen), public :: method

name of the order of the interpolation method for fillFinerFromMe

integer, public :: order

Order of the interpolation for fillFinerFromMe

character(len=labelLen), public :: weights_method = 'linear_distance'

name of used weighting method

integer, public :: IDW_powerfac = 6

Power factor for inverse distance weighting

logical, public :: useComputeStencil = .false.

Stencil for linear interpolation. By default use stencil from weighted average

logical, public :: testInterpolation = .false.

Interpolation test by comparing against the initial condition

logical, public :: testEachElement = .false.
logical, public :: testFluids = .false.
logical, public :: noIntpFromFiner = .false.
logical, public :: noIntpFromCoarser = .false.