bc_neigh_type Derived Type

type, private :: bc_neigh_type

Level wise information about neighbor of boundary elements for a single field

Inherited by

type~~bc_neigh_type~~InheritedByGraph type~bc_neigh_type bc_neigh_type type~boundary_type boundary_type type~boundary_type->type~bc_neigh_type neigh type~mus_field_type mus_field_type type~mus_field_type->type~boundary_type bc type~mus_scheme_type mus_scheme_type type~mus_scheme_type->type~mus_field_type field type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type mus_varSys_solverData_type type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type->type~mus_scheme_type scheme


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public, allocatable :: posInState(:,:)

Neighbor position in level-wise state array size is nNeighs, nElems allocated in routine: setFieldBCNeigh, mus_construction_module

real(kind=rk), public, allocatable :: neighBufferPre_nNext(:,:)

Pre-collision state values of neighbors on normal direction on next time step size is nNeighs, nElems*stencil%QQ It is allocated in routine update_BClists

real(kind=rk), public, allocatable :: neighBufferPre(:,:)

Pre-collision state values of neighbors on normal direction on previous time step size is nNeighs, nElems*stencil%QQ It is allocated in routine update_BClists

real(kind=rk), public, allocatable :: neighBufferPost(:,:)

Post-collision state values of neighbors on normal direction size is nNeighs, nElems*stencil%QQ It is allocated in routine update_BClists It is filled in fill_neighBuffer

real(kind=rk), public, allocatable :: computeNeighBuf(:)

Post-collision state values of neighbors on all directions at current time step. Its also a Pre-collision state values of an element next to boundary at next time step size is nElems * computeStencil%QQ It is allocated in routine update_BClists (mus_construction_module), filled in routine: fill_computeNeighBuf (mus_bc_general_module). it use AOS layout always!