mus_moment_type Derived Type

type, public :: mus_moment_type

moment space definition


type~~mus_moment_type~~InheritsGraph type~mus_moment_type mus_moment_type tem_matrix_type tem_matrix_type type~mus_moment_type->tem_matrix_type toMoments, toPDF

Inherited by

type~~mus_moment_type~~InheritedByGraph type~mus_moment_type mus_moment_type type~mus_scheme_layout_type mus_scheme_layout_type type~mus_scheme_layout_type->type~mus_moment_type moment type~mus_scheme_type mus_scheme_type type~mus_scheme_type->type~mus_scheme_layout_type layout type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type mus_varSys_solverData_type type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type->type~mus_scheme_type scheme type~mus_varsys_data_type mus_varSys_data_type type~mus_varsys_data_type->type~mus_varsys_solverdata_type solverData


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
logical, public :: mom_ready = .false.

is true if this type is already filled and no need to fill again after load balancing

type(tem_matrix_type), public :: toMoments

transformation matrix from pdf space to moments

type(tem_matrix_type), public :: toPDF

transformation matrix from moment space to pdf

character(len=labelLen), public, allocatable :: momLabel(:)

Labels of the moments

integer, public, allocatable :: first_moments(:)

position of first order moments in moments vector

integer, public, allocatable :: second_moments(:)

position of second order moments in moments vector

integer, public, allocatable :: third_moments(:)

position of third order moments in moments vector

integer, public, allocatable :: fourth_moments(:)

position of fourth order moments in moments vector