! Copyright (c) 2022 Kannan Masilamani <kannan.masilamani@dlr.de> ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN “AS IS” AND ANY EXPRESS ! OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ! OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ! IN NO EVENT SHALL UNIVERSITY OF SIEGEN OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ! DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ! (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ! LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ! ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ! (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ! SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! **************************************************************************** ! !> author: Kannan Masilamani !! This module provides variable to extract from boundary condition module mus_bc_var_module use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc, c_ptr, c_f_pointer ! include treelm modules use env_module, only: rk, labelLen use tem_logging_module, only: logUnit use tem_variable_module, only: tem_variable_type use tem_topology_module, only: tem_levelOf use tem_time_module, only: tem_time_type use treelmesh_module, only: treelmesh_type use tem_property_module, only: prp_hasBnd use tem_varSys_module, only: tem_varSys_type, tem_varSys_op_type, & & tem_varSys_append_derVar, & & tem_varSys_proc_point, & & tem_varSys_proc_element, & & tem_varSys_proc_setParams, & & tem_varSys_proc_getParams, & & tem_varSys_proc_setupIndices, & & tem_varSys_proc_getValOfIndex, & & tem_varSys_getElement_dummy, & & tem_varSys_setupIndices_dummy, & & tem_varSys_getValOfIndex_dummy, & & tem_varSys_setParams_dummy, & & tem_varSys_getParams_dummy use tem_aux_module, only: tem_abort use tem_grow_array_module, only: grw_labelArray_type, append use tem_dyn_array_module, only: dyn_labelArray_type, init, append use tem_stencil_module, only: tem_stencilHeader_type ! include musubi modules use mus_field_module, only: mus_field_type use mus_varSys_module, only: mus_varSys_data_type, & & mus_varSys_solverData_type, & & mus_get_new_solver_ptr, & & mus_deriveVar_forPoint use mus_bc_header_module, only: glob_boundary_type implicit none private public :: mus_append_bcVar contains ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine adds boundary variables for tracking subroutine mus_append_bcVar(varSys, solverData, derVarName, nFields, & & field, stencil) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> global variable system type(tem_varSys_type), intent(inout) :: varSys !> Contains pointer to solver data types type(mus_varSys_solverData_type), target, intent(in) :: solverData !> array of derive physical variables type(grw_labelArray_type), intent(inout) :: derVarName !> number of fields integer, intent(in) :: nFields !> Field contains sources and boundary infos type(mus_field_type), intent(in) :: field(nFields) !> Compute stencil header type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iField, iBC, iVar, nComponents, addedPos, iIn logical :: wasAdded character(len=labelLen), allocatable :: input_varname(:) character(len=labelLen) :: varName procedure(tem_varSys_proc_point), pointer :: get_point => NULL() procedure(tem_varSys_proc_element), pointer :: get_element => NULL() procedure(tem_varSys_proc_setParams), pointer :: set_params => null() procedure(tem_varSys_proc_getParams), pointer :: get_params => null() procedure(tem_varSys_proc_setupIndices), pointer :: & & setup_indices => null() procedure(tem_varSys_proc_getValOfIndex), pointer :: & & get_valOfIndex => null() type(c_ptr) :: method_data type(dyn_labelArray_type) :: bcVarName integer :: nBCtypes ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- nullify(get_point, get_element, set_params, get_params, setup_indices, & & get_valOfIndex) write(logUnit(1),*) 'Appending boundary variables ' ! all fields have same number of bc nBCtypes = size(field(1)%bc) ! First list of bc variables to append call init(me=bcVarName, length=0) do iField = 1, nFields do iBC = 1, nBCtypes select case (trim(field(iField)%bc(iBC)%BC_kind)) case ('wall_libb', 'velocity_bounceback', 'velocity_bfl', & & 'velocity_noneq_expol') call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_normal', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_qval', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) case ('turbulent_wall', 'turbulent_wall_noneq_expol', & & 'turbulent_wall_eq') call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_normal', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_fric_velocity', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_turb_viscosity', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_norm_dist_to_bnd', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_y_plus', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) call append( me = bcVarName, & & val = 'bc_qval', & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) end select end do end do do iField = 1, nFields do iVar = 1, bcVarName%nVals call append(me = derVarName, val = bcVarName%val(iVar)) ! set default pointers, overwrite if neccessary get_element => tem_varSys_getElement_dummy get_point => mus_deriveVar_forPoint setup_indices => tem_varSys_setupIndices_dummy get_valOfIndex => tem_varSys_getValOfIndex_dummy method_data = mus_get_new_solver_ptr(solverData) set_params => tem_varSys_setParams_dummy get_params => tem_varSys_getParams_dummy select case (trim(adjustl(bcVarName%val(iVar)))) case ('bc_normal') get_element => access_bcNormal_forElement nComponents = 3 allocate(input_varname(1)) input_varname(1) = 'pdf' case ('bc_qval') get_element => access_qVal_forElement nComponents = stencil%QQN allocate(input_varname(1)) input_varname(1) = 'pdf' case ('bc_fric_velocity') get_element => access_bcFricVel_forElement nComponents = 1 allocate(input_varname(1)) input_varname(1) = 'pdf' case ('bc_norm_dist_to_bnd') get_element => access_bcNormDistToBnd_forElement nComponents = 1 allocate(input_varname(1)) input_varname(1) = 'pdf' case ('bc_turb_viscosity') get_element => access_bcTurbVisc_forElement nComponents = 1 allocate(input_varname(1)) input_varname(1) = 'pdf' case ('bc_y_plus') get_element => access_bcYPlus_forElement nComponents = 1 allocate(input_varname(1)) input_varname(1) = 'pdf' case default write(logUnit(1),*) 'WARNING: Unknown variable: '// & & trim(bcVarName%val(iVar)) cycle !go to next variable end select ! update variable names with field label varname = trim(field(iField)%label)//trim(adjustl(bcVarName%val(iVar))) do iIn = 1, size(input_varname) input_varname(iIn) = trim(field(iField)%label)& & // trim(input_varname(iIn)) end do ! append variable to varSys call tem_varSys_append_derVar( me = varSys, & & varName = trim(varname), & & nComponents = nComponents, & & input_varname = input_varname, & & method_data = method_data, & & get_point = get_point, & & get_element = get_element, & & set_params = set_params, & & get_params = get_params, & & setup_indices = setup_indices, & & get_valOfIndex = get_valOfIndex, & & pos = addedPos, & & wasAdded = wasAdded ) if (wasAdded) then write(logUnit(10),*) ' Appended variable:'//trim(varname) else if (addedpos < 1) then write(logUnit(1),*) 'Error: variable '//trim(varname)// & & ' is not added to variable system' end if deallocate(input_varname) end do end do end subroutine mus_append_bcVar ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine returns the boundary normal pointing inside the domain !! !! The interface has to comply to the abstract interface !! [[tem_varSys_module:tem_varSys_proc_element]]. recursive subroutine access_bcNormal_forElement(fun, varsys, elempos, time, & & tree, nElems, nDofs, res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset !! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the !! required variables. class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun !> The variable system to obtain the variable from. type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the !! global treeID list. integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:) !> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time !> global treelm mesh info type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> Number of degrees of freedom within an element. integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> Resulting values for the requested variable. !! !! Linearized array dimension: !! (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) !! x (nDegrees of freedom) !! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents*nDofs + !! (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, iLevel, posInBndID, minBcID, bcLevelPointer type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr ) ! res is always AOS layout res = 0.0_rk associate (globBC => fPtr%solverData%scheme%globBC) do iElem = 1, nElems ! This routine is valid only for boundary elements if ( btest( tree%elemPropertyBits( elemPos(iElem) ), & & prp_hasBnd ) ) then ! position of current element in boundary_ID list posInBndID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%posInBndID( elempos(iElem) ) minBcID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%minBcID(posInBndID) bcLevelPointer = fPtr%solverData%geometry%bcLevelPointer(posInBndID) iLevel = tem_levelOf( tree%treeID( elemPos(iElem) ) ) if (.not. globBC(minBcID)%isWall) then res( (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents+1: iElem*fun%nComponents ) & & = globBC(minBcID)%elemLvl(iLevel)%normal%val(:, bcLevelPointer) end if end if end do !iElem end associate end subroutine access_bcNormal_forElement ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine returns the boundary qValues !! !! The interface has to comply to the abstract interface !! [[tem_varSys_module:tem_varSys_proc_element]]. recursive subroutine access_qVal_forElement(fun, varsys, elempos, time, & & tree, nElems, nDofs, res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset !! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the !! required variables. class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun !> The variable system to obtain the variable from. type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the !! global treeID list. integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:) !> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time !> global treelm mesh info type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> Number of degrees of freedom within an element. integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> Resulting values for the requested variable. !! !! Linearized array dimension: !! (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) !! x (nDegrees of freedom) !! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents*nDofs + !! (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, iLevel, posInBndID, minBcID, bcLevelPointer type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr ) ! res is always AOS layout res = 0.0_rk associate (globBC => fPtr%solverData%scheme%globBC) do iElem = 1, nElems ! This routine is valid only for boundary elements if ( btest( tree%elemPropertyBits( elemPos(iElem) ), & & prp_hasBnd ) ) then ! position of current element in boundary_ID list posInBndID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%posInBndID( elempos(iElem) ) minBcID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%minBcID(posInBndID) bcLevelPointer = fPtr%solverData%geometry%bcLevelPointer(posInBndID) iLevel = tem_levelOf( tree%treeID( elemPos(iElem) ) ) if (.not. globBC(minBcID)%isWall) then res( (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents+1: iElem*fun%nComponents ) & & = globBC(minBcID)%elemLvl(iLevel)%qVal%val(:, bcLevelPointer) end if end if end do !iElem end associate end subroutine access_qVal_forElement ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine returns friction velocity computed in turbulent_wall bc and !! stored in mus_turb_wallFunc_data_type routine. !! !! The interface has to comply to the abstract interface !! [[tem_varSys_module:tem_varSys_proc_element]]. recursive subroutine access_bcFricVel_forElement(fun, varsys, elempos, time, & & tree, nElems, nDofs, res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset !! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the !! required variables. class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun !> The variable system to obtain the variable from. type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the !! global treeID list. integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:) !> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time !> global treelm mesh info type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> Number of degrees of freedom within an element. integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> Resulting values for the requested variable. !! !! Linearized array dimension: !! (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) !! x (nDegrees of freedom) !! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents*nDofs + !! (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, iLevel, iField, posInBndID, minBcID, bcLevelPointer type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr ) ! Position of dependent pdf is iField iField = fun%input_varPos(1) ! res is always AOS layout res = 0.0_rk associate (field => fPtr%solverData%scheme%field(iField)) do iElem = 1, nElems ! This routine is valid only for turbulent wall boundary elements if ( btest( tree%elemPropertyBits( elemPos(iElem) ), & & prp_hasBnd ) ) then ! position of current element in boundary_ID list posInBndID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%posInBndID( elempos(iElem) ) minBcID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%minBcID(posInBndID) bcLevelPointer = fPtr%solverData%geometry%bcLevelPointer(posInBndID) iLevel = tem_levelOf( tree%treeID( elemPos(iElem) ) ) if (minBcID > 0) then if (field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%isActive) then res(iElem) = field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel) & & %velTau(bcLevelPointer) end if end if end if end do !iElem end associate end subroutine access_bcFricVel_forElement ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine returns normal distance to boundary calculated in !! mus_init_turbWallFunc and stored in mus_turb_wallFunc_data_type routine. !! !! The interface has to comply to the abstract interface !! [[tem_varSys_module:tem_varSys_proc_element]]. recursive subroutine access_bcNormDistToBnd_forElement(fun, varsys, elempos, & & time, tree, nElems, nDofs, res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset !! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the !! required variables. class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun !> The variable system to obtain the variable from. type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the !! global treeID list. integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:) !> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time !> global treelm mesh info type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> Number of degrees of freedom within an element. integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> Resulting values for the requested variable. !! !! Linearized array dimension: !! (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) !! x (nDegrees of freedom) !! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents*nDofs + !! (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, iLevel, iField, posInBndID, minBcID, bcLevelPointer type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr ) ! Position of dependent pdf is iField iField = fun%input_varPos(1) ! res is always AOS layout res = 0.0_rk associate (field => fPtr%solverData%scheme%field(iField)) do iElem = 1, nElems ! This routine is valid only for turbulent wall boundary elements if ( btest( tree%elemPropertyBits( elemPos(iElem) ), & & prp_hasBnd ) ) then ! position of current element in boundary_ID list posInBndID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%posInBndID( elempos(iElem) ) minBcID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%minBcID(posInBndID) bcLevelPointer = fPtr%solverData%geometry%bcLevelPointer(posInBndID) iLevel = tem_levelOf( tree%treeID( elemPos(iElem) ) ) if (minBcID > 0) then if (field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%isActive) then res(iElem) = field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel) & & %distToBnd(bcLevelPointer) end if end if end if end do !iElem end associate end subroutine access_bcNormDistToBnd_forElement ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine returns turbulent viscosity computed in turbulent_wall bc !! according to RANS formulation and stored in mus_turb_wallFunc_data_type !! routine. !! !! The interface has to comply to the abstract interface !! [[tem_varSys_module:tem_varSys_proc_element]]. recursive subroutine access_bcTurbVisc_forElement(fun, varsys, elempos, time,& & tree, nElems, nDofs, res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset !! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the !! required variables. class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun !> The variable system to obtain the variable from. type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the !! global treeID list. integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:) !> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time !> global treelm mesh info type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> Number of degrees of freedom within an element. integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> Resulting values for the requested variable. !! !! Linearized array dimension: !! (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) !! x (nDegrees of freedom) !! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents*nDofs + !! (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, iLevel, iField, posInBndID, minBcID, bcLevelPointer type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr ) ! Position of dependent pdf is iField iField = fun%input_varPos(1) ! res is always AOS layout res = 0.0_rk associate (field => fPtr%solverData%scheme%field(iField)) do iElem = 1, nElems ! This routine is valid only for turbulent wall boundary elements if ( btest( tree%elemPropertyBits( elemPos(iElem) ), & & prp_hasBnd ) ) then ! position of current element in boundary_ID list posInBndID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%posInBndID( elempos(iElem) ) minBcID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%minBcID(posInBndID) bcLevelPointer = fPtr%solverData%geometry%bcLevelPointer(posInBndID) iLevel = tem_levelOf( tree%treeID( elemPos(iElem) ) ) if (minBcID > 0) then if (field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%isActive) then res(iElem) = field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel) & & %tVisc(bcLevelPointer) end if end if end if end do !iElem end associate end subroutine access_bcTurbVisc_forElement ! ************************************************************************** ! ! ************************************************************************** ! !> This routine returns yPlus = distToBnd * fric_vel / visc !! !! The interface has to comply to the abstract interface !! [[tem_varSys_module:tem_varSys_proc_element]]. recursive subroutine access_bcYPlus_forElement(fun, varsys, elempos, time, & & tree, nElems, nDofs, res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Description of the method to obtain the variables, here some preset !! values might be stored, like the space time function to use or the !! required variables. class(tem_varSys_op_type), intent(in) :: fun !> The variable system to obtain the variable from. type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of the TreeID of the element to get the variable for in the !! global treeID list. integer, intent(in) :: elempos(:) !> Point in time at which to evaluate the variable. type(tem_time_type), intent(in) :: time !> global treelm mesh info type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Number of values to obtain for this variable (vectorized access). integer, intent(in) :: nElems !> Number of degrees of freedom within an element. integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> Resulting values for the requested variable. !! !! Linearized array dimension: !! (n requested entries) x (nComponents of this variable) !! x (nDegrees of freedom) !! Access: (iElem-1)*fun%nComponents*nDofs + !! (iDof-1)*fun%nComponents + iComp real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: res(:) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iElem, iLevel, iField, posInBndID, minBcID, bcLevelPointer real(kind=rk) :: distToBnd, velTau, viscKine type(mus_varSys_data_type), pointer :: fPtr ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call C_F_POINTER( fun%method_Data, fPtr ) ! Position of dependent pdf is iField iField = fun%input_varPos(1) ! res is always AOS layout res = 0.0_rk associate (field => fPtr%solverData%scheme%field(iField), & & levelPointer => fPtr%solverData%geometry%levelPointer, & & fluid => fPtr%solverData%scheme%field(1)%fieldProp%fluid ) do iElem = 1, nElems ! This routine is valid only for turbulent wall boundary elements if ( btest( tree%elemPropertyBits( elemPos(iElem) ), & & prp_hasBnd ) ) then ! position of current element in boundary_ID list posInBndID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%posInBndID( elempos(iElem) ) minBcID = fPtr%solverData%geometry%minBcID(posInBndID) bcLevelPointer = fPtr%solverData%geometry%bcLevelPointer(posInBndID) iLevel = tem_levelOf( tree%treeID( elemPos(iElem) ) ) if (minBcID > 0) then if (field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%isActive) then distToBnd = field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel) & & %distToBnd(bcLevelPointer) velTau = field%bc(minBcID)%turbWallFunc%dataOnLvl(iLevel) & & %velTau(bcLevelPointer) viscKine = fluid%viscKine%dataOnLvl(iLevel)%val( & & levelPointer( elemPos(iElem) ) ) res(iElem) = distToBnd * velTau / viscKine end if end if end if end do !iElem end associate end subroutine access_bcYPlus_forElement ! ************************************************************************** ! end module mus_bc_var_module