open the restart dump file and write out the 'normal' restart header as well as the mesh.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_restart_type) | :: | me |
the restart infotmation |
type(treelmesh_type) | :: | tree |
mesh, provided in treelm format |
type(tem_time_type), | intent(in) | :: | timing |
current simulation time information |
type(tem_varSys_type), | intent(in) | :: | varSys |
the used var systeme |
type(tem_subTree_type), | intent(inout), | optional | :: | subTree |
optional subTree of the given tree |
character(len=*), | intent(in), | optional | :: | label |
additional label for the filename (needed for tracking in harvester format) |
character(len=*), | intent(in), | optional | :: | suffix |
optional suffix (if present NO timestamp will be added!!!!) |
subroutine tem_restart_openWrite( me, tree, timing, varSys, subTree, label, & & suffix ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> the restart infotmation type(tem_restart_type) :: me !> mesh, provided in treelm format type(treelmesh_type) :: tree !> current simulation time information type(tem_time_type),intent(in) :: timing !> the used var systeme type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> optional subTree of the given tree type(tem_subTree_type), optional, intent(inout) :: subTree !> additional label for the filename (needed for tracking in harvester !! format) character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: label !> optional suffix (if present NO timestamp will be added!!!!) character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: suffix ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! variables to catch possible MPI I/O errors integer :: iError integer :: pos character(len=pathLen) :: prefix logical :: meshChange_loc type(tem_global_type) :: global_loc ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Update the timestamp me%header%timestamp = trim(tem_time_sim_stamp(timing)) ! Set the iteration to know when the last restart file was written me%lastWritten = timing if ( present(subTree) ) then global_loc = subTree%global else global_loc = tree%global end if meshChange_loc = global_loc%meshChange ! communicate wether the mesh has changed since last time dumping it call MPI_ALLREDUCE( meshChange_loc, global_loc%meshChange, 1, & & MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, global_loc%comm, iError ) ! if the mesh has changed ... if (global_loc%meshChange) then ! ... set the meshChange to false global_loc%meshChange = .false. ! ... get the position of the last path seperator pos = INDEX(trim(global_loc%dirname), pathSep, .true.) if ( present(label) ) then prefix = trim(global_loc%dirname(1:pos))//trim(label)//'_' else prefix = trim(global_loc%dirname(1:pos)) end if if ( present(suffix) ) then ! change the dirname using NO timestamp but the suffix write(global_loc%dirname,'(a)') trim(prefix)//trim(suffix)//'_' else ! ... change the dirname write(global_loc%dirname,'(a)') trim(prefix) & & // trim( me%header%timestamp ) // '_' end if ! ... remove a possible predefined tag global_loc%predefined = '' ! ... copy back the global information to the tree or subTree and dump it if ( present(subTree) ) then subTree%global = global_loc call tem_dump_subTree( subTree, tree ) else tree%global = global_loc call dump_treelmesh( tree ) end if end if if ( present(suffix) ) then ! define the name of the file to write the binary data to without ! timestamp but using the suffix write(me%header%binName,'(a)') trim( me%header%binPrefix )//'_' & & // trim( suffix ) & & // tem_create_EndianSuffix() else ! define the name of the file to write the binary data to write(me%header%binName,'(a)') trim( me%header%binPrefix )//'_' & & // trim( me%header%timestamp ) & & // tem_create_EndianSuffix() end if ! open the binary file for MPI I/O call MPI_FILE_OPEN( me%comm%comm, & & trim( me%header%binName ), & & MPI_MODE_WRONLY+MPI_MODE_CREATE, & & MPI_INFO_NULL, me%binaryUnit, & & iError ) call check_mpi_error( iError, 'File open of ' & & // trim(me%header%binName) & & // ' for writing in ' & & // 'tem_restart_openWrite' ) call MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW( me%binaryUnit, me%write_file%displacement, & & me%write_file%vectype, & & me%write_file%ftype, "native", & & MPI_INFO_NULL, iError ) call check_mpi_error( iError,'set File view in tem_restart_openWrite') ! write out a regular restart header ! @todo: if [[tem_restart_writeHeader]] is only called here, then it should ! not be public. It would be better not to call it here, but let user ! decide where to call it. call tem_restart_writeHeader( me = me, & & tree = tree, & & subTree = subTree, & & timing = timing, & & varSys = varSys, & & suffix = suffix ) end subroutine tem_restart_openWrite