tem_restart_type Derived Type

type, public :: tem_restart_type

The restart type defining everything related to the disk input/output


type~~tem_restart_type~~InheritsGraph type~tem_restart_type tem_restart_type type~tem_comm_env_type tem_comm_env_type type~tem_restart_type->type~tem_comm_env_type comm type~tem_file_layout_type tem_file_layout_type type~tem_restart_type->type~tem_file_layout_type read_file, write_file type~tem_restartcontrol_type tem_restartControl_type type~tem_restart_type->type~tem_restartcontrol_type controller type~tem_restartheader_type tem_restartHeader_type type~tem_restart_type->type~tem_restartheader_type header type~tem_time_type tem_time_type type~tem_restart_type->type~tem_time_type lastWritten type~tem_varmap_type tem_varMap_type type~tem_restart_type->type~tem_varmap_type varMap type~tem_timecontrol_type tem_timeControl_type type~tem_restartcontrol_type->type~tem_timecontrol_type timeControl type~tem_varsys_type tem_varSys_type type~tem_restartheader_type->type~tem_varsys_type varSys type~grw_intarray_type grw_intarray_type type~tem_varmap_type->type~grw_intarray_type varPos type~grw_labelarray_type grw_labelarray_type type~tem_varmap_type->type~grw_labelarray_type varName type~tem_timecontrol_type->type~tem_time_type min, max, interval, trigger type~dyn_labelarray_type dyn_labelarray_type type~tem_varsys_type->type~dyn_labelarray_type varname type~grw_varoparray_type grw_varoparray_type type~tem_varsys_type->type~grw_varoparray_type method type~tem_varsys_op_type tem_varSys_op_type type~grw_varoparray_type->type~tem_varsys_op_type val

Inherited by

type~~tem_restart_type~~InheritedByGraph type~tem_restart_type tem_restart_type type~hvs_output_file_type hvs_output_file_type type~hvs_output_file_type->type~tem_restart_type restart type~tem_general_type tem_general_type type~tem_general_type->type~tem_restart_type restart type~tem_tracking_instance_type tem_tracking_instance_type type~tem_tracking_instance_type->type~hvs_output_file_type output_file type~tem_tracking_type tem_tracking_type type~tem_tracking_type->type~tem_tracking_instance_type instance


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(tem_comm_env_type), public :: comm

communicator for the processes participating in this restart (might be only a subset of the global communicator)

integer, public :: nChunkElems

actual number of elements in the current chunk (= chunkSize or

type(tem_file_layout_type), public :: read_file

Description of the data layout to use when reading a file.

type(tem_file_layout_type), public :: write_file

Description of the data layout to use when writing a file.

type(tem_restartControl_type), public :: controller

Control the behavior of the restart, like at which point in time etc.

type(tem_restartHeader_type), public :: header

Define quantities like the prefix, the mesh and the timestamp

integer, public :: binaryUnit

unit integer to write binary data to

type(tem_varMap_type), public :: varMap

name and position of variables in global variable system

number of scalars of variables in varPos

integer, public :: nScalars
integer, public :: solSpec_unit = -1

scratch file unit contains solver specific info in dump in restart header This file should contain the information in form of a Lua script.

type(tem_time_type), public :: lastWritten

The time when the last restart file was written.

Source Code

  type tem_restart_type
    !> communicator for the processes participating in this restart (might be
    !! only a subset of the global communicator)
    type(tem_comm_env_type) :: comm
    !> actual number of elements in the current chunk (= chunkSize or
    ! tree%nElems-(nChunks-1)*ChunkSize)
    integer :: nChunkElems

    !> Description of the data layout to use when reading a file.
    type(tem_file_layout_type) :: read_file

    !> Description of the data layout to use when writing a file.
    type(tem_file_layout_type) :: write_file

    !> Control the behavior of the restart, like at which point in time etc.
    type(tem_restartControl_type) :: controller
    !> Define quantities like the prefix, the mesh and the timestamp
    type(tem_restartHeader_type)  :: header
    !> unit integer to write binary data to
    integer :: binaryUnit
    !> name and position of variables in global variable system
    type(tem_varMap_type) :: varMap
    !!> number of scalars of variables in varPos
    integer :: nScalars
    !> scratch file unit contains solver specific info in dump in restart header
    !! This file should contain the information in form of a Lua script.
    integer :: solSpec_unit = -1
    !> The time when the last restart file was written.
    type(tem_time_type) :: lastWritten
  end type tem_restart_type