atl_temp_flux_arrays_type Derived Type

type, public :: atl_temp_flux_arrays_type

The number of temporary arrays required to evaluate the physical fluxes can be set from here. This is required so that they don't have to be decleared in the openmp parallel region where physical flux calculation takes place

Inherited by

type~~atl_temp_flux_arrays_type~~InheritedByGraph type~atl_temp_flux_arrays_type atl_temp_flux_arrays_type type~atl_equations_type atl_Equations_type type~atl_equations_type->type~atl_temp_flux_arrays_type temp type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type atl_varSys_solverData_type type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type->type~atl_equations_type equationPtr type~atl_varsys_data_type atl_varSys_data_type type~atl_varsys_data_type->type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type solverData


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: overSamp = 0

Number of temp arrays of size of oversamp.

integer, public :: modal = 0

Number of temp arrays of size of modal elements.

integer, public :: nodal = 0

Number of temp arrays of size of nodal elements.

integer, public :: nScal = 0

The size of the variables needed (can be more than equation%nScalars)