Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
alpha | ply_split_legendre_module | Function | Coefficient alpha from the recursive formulation of Legendre polynomials, for the Legendre mode 'mode'. |
alpha_beta | ply_split_legendre_module | Function | Prodcut of alpha(numerator) * beta(denominator) / alpha(denominator) as needed by the Clenshaw algorithm in ply_split_legendre_matrix. |
alpha_frac | ply_split_legendre_module | Function | Quotient of two alpha values. |
alt_get_penaltyIP | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Function | Return the penalty parameter for the IP discretizations of higher order equations. |
append | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | append a value to the dynamic array and return its position. |
append_advection_1d_consVars | atl_eqn_advection_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Euler equations. |
append_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | appending a value to the dynamic array |
append_da_vecprojection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | appending a sorted list of values to the dynamic array |
append_heat_1d_consVars | atl_eqn_heat_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Heat equations. |
append_heat_2d_consVars | atl_eqn_heat_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Heat equations. |
append_heat_consVars | atl_eqn_heat_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Heat equations. |
append_rans_2d_derivedVars | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
assignment(=) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_poly_project_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_legFpt_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_l2p_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
assignment(=) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
atl_acoustic_2d_numflux | atl_acoustic_2d_flux_module | Interface | Interface for fluxes of acoustic equations. |
atl_acoustic_2d_numflux_cube_vec | atl_acoustic_2d_flux_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f p u r e a c o u s t i c e q u a t i o n d i r e c t l y o n t h e f a c e - v e c t o r |
atl_acoustic_2d_numFlux_oneDir | atl_acoustic_2d_flux_module | Function | |
atl_acoustic_2d_physFlux | atl_acoustic_2d_flux_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the acoustic equation F, 1D? Since it is 1d, there need to be passed the correct background velocity (u0 for F - flux in x direction, v0 for G - flux in y direction, w0 for H - flux in z direction) |
atl_acoustic_numflux | atl_acoustic_numflux_module | Interface | Interface for fluxes of acoustic equations. |
atl_acoustic_numflux_cube_vec | atl_acoustic_numflux_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f p u r e a c o u s t i c e q u a t i o n d i r e c t l y o n t h e f a c e - v e c t o r |
atl_acoustic_numFlux_oneDir | atl_acoustic_numflux_module | Function | |
atl_acoustic_physFlux | atl_acoustic_physflux_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the acoustic equation F, 1D? Since it is 1d, there need to be passed the correct background velocity (u0 for F - flux in x direction, v0 for G - flux in y direction, w0 for H - flux in z direction) |
atl_addTimers | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | Setup timers to assess the runtime of various parts of Ateles. |
atl_addTimers_perElem | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | Setup timers to assess the runtime of various parts of Ateles. |
atl_alloc_temp | atl_initialize_module | Subroutine | Allocate temporary arrays. |
atl_allocate_sourceData | atl_source_module | Subroutine | |
atl_append_acoustic_2d_vars | atl_eqn_acoustic_2d_var_module | Subroutine | \brief append the variables for acoustic simulations the acoustic equation only has 'primitive' variables or different speaking, the equation describe the pertubation in primitive variables |
atl_append_acoustic_vars | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r a c o u s t i c s i m u l a t i o n s |
atl_append_euler_1d_consVars | atl_eqn_euler_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Euler equations. |
atl_append_euler_1d_derivedVars | atl_eqn_euler_1d_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d / s e t d a t a o f d e r i v e d q u a n t i t i e s |
atl_append_euler_1d_primVars | atl_eqn_euler_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Append primitive variables for euler equation |
atl_append_euler_2d_consVars | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Euler equations. |
atl_append_euler_2d_derivedVars | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d / s e t d a t a o f d e r i v e d q u a n t i t i e s |
atl_append_euler_2d_primVars | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Append primitive variables for euler equation |
atl_append_euler_consVars | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | Append conservative variables for Euler equations. |
atl_append_euler_derivedVars | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | Append / set methods and data to compute derived quantities to the variable system. |
atl_append_euler_primVars | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | Append primitive variables for euler equation |
atl_append_lineareuler_2d_derivedVars | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d / s e t d a t a o f d e r i v e d q u a n t i t i e s |
atl_append_LinearEuler_2d_vars | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r L i n e a r E u l e r s i m u l a t i o n s |
atl_append_lineareuler_derivedVars | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d / s e t d a t a o f d e r i v e d q u a n t i t i e s |
atl_append_linearEuler_vars | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r L i n e a r E u l e r s i m u l a t i o n s |
atl_append_maxwell_2d_vars | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r e l e c t r o d y n a m i c s i m u l a t i o n s |
atl_append_maxwell_vars | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r e l e c t r o d y n a m i c s i m u l a t i o n s |
atl_append_maxwellDivCorr_vars | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r e l e c t r o d y n a m i c s i m u l a t i o n s t h a t i n c l u d e |
atl_append_nerplanck_vars | atl_eqn_nerplanck_var_module | Subroutine | a p p e n d t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r d i f f u s i o n s i m u l a t i o n s |
atl_append_newMaterialVars | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Adds the configured material variables to the variable system. |
atl_append_newSourceVars | atl_source_module | Subroutine | |
atl_append_nvrstk_derivedVars | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Subroutine | Append / set methods and data to compute derived quantities to the variable system. |
atl_append_rans_consVars | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_append_rans_primVars | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_assign_elem_varProp | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Assign reference to spacetime functions to the affected elements. This means: The position of the variable in the variable system, which reflects the spacetime function is determined and assigned to the element_list. |
atl_assign_face_matPrp | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Define material properties for the faces of all fluid elements and inherit the face material property to all ghost elements on the finer level. |
atl_averageFluxEuler_1d | atl_averageFlux_1d_module | Subroutine | A most basic flux function which uses the average of both sides for 1D Euler. |
atl_banner | atl_aux_module | Subroutine | Prominently let the user now, what he actually is running right now. |
atl_bc_state_set_fromPoint | atl_bc_state_module | Subroutine | Define the method to set the solverData_evalElem routine for stfuns. |
atl_bubbleSortArray | atl_aux_module | Subroutine | Bubble sorting of array of real numbers of size n |
atl_cflCheck_euler | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physicle values of the state are physically meaningful or not for the Euler and Linear Euler equation, checking the cfl for a fixed timestep |
atl_cflCheck_navier | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physicle values of the state are physically meaningful or not for the Navier-Stokes equation, checking the cfl for a fixed timestep |
atl_cheb_spectral_visc_1d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Damp the modal coefficients of the state vector by a given spectral viscosity method. |
atl_check_val | atl_physCheck_module | Subroutine | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not. |
atl_compute_rhs | atl_compute_module | Interface | |
atl_cons_positivity_preserv | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Apply conservative limitation of denisty and energy to ensure positivity for density and pressure. |
atl_cons_positivity_preserv_2d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Apply conservative limitation of denisty and energy to ensure positivity for density and pressure. |
atl_covolume | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Covolume filtering for 3D equation. |
atl_covolume_1d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Covolume filtering for 1D equation. |
atl_covolume_2d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Covolume filtering for 2D equation. |
atl_covolume_to_primal_projection | atl_covolume_projection_module | Function | P r o j e c t t w o c o - v o l u m e e l e m e n t s o n t o s i n g l e a s i n g l e e l e m e n t . |
atl_covolume_to_primal_projection_1d | atl_covolume_projection_module | Function | P r o j e c t t w o c o - v o l u m e e l e m e n t s o n t o s i n g l e a s i n g l e e l e m e n t . |
atl_covolume_to_primal_projection_2d | atl_covolume_projection_module | Function | P r o j e c t t w o c o - v o l u m e e l e m e n t s o n t o s i n g l e a s i n g l e e l e m e n t . |
atl_covolume_tocovolume | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Recursive routine to project the state from primal mesh to covolume mesh. |
atl_covolume_tocovolume_1d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Recursive routine to project the state from primal mesh to covolume mesh. |
atl_covolume_tocovolume_2d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Recursive routine to project the state from primal mesh to covolume mesh. |
atl_create_fortranVar | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | This routine creates hard coded variables which are required by ateles. |
atl_create_materialBoundaryList | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Create separate compute list for constant-constant, constant-variable (or vice versa) and variable-variable material parameter compute faces on this rank. |
atl_create_materialComputeList | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Create separate compute list for constant-constant, constant-variable (or vice versa) and variable-variable material parameter compute faces on this rank. |
atl_create_materialElemList | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to create element index list for constant and non-constant material parameters. |
atl_deallocate_sourceData | atl_source_module | Subroutine | Deallocates the array for storing the sourceData for the currentLevel |
atl_define_SchemeStencil | atl_scheme_module | Subroutine | Subroutine do define a specific stencil for a certain scheme. |
atl_deriveKineticEnergy | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_deriveLambda2 | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | This routine evaluates the lambda2 criterion. The input is the nodal value |
atl_deriveMachNumber | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_derivePressure | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_derivePressure | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_derivePressure_1d | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_derivePressure_2d | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_deriveQcriterion | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | This routine evaluates the q_criterion. The input is the nodal value of |
atl_deriveSpeedOfSound | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_deriveTemperature | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_divideVecByScal | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_division | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_dump_acoustic_eqn | atl_eqn_acoustic_module | Subroutine | |
atl_dump_materialFun | atl_materialFun_module | Subroutine | Dump material description to lua file |
atl_dumptimers | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | Performance results are written to a file for statistical review The file-format is simple can be evaluated with gnuplot |
atl_dumpWeights | atl_weights_module | Subroutine | Dump weights to a file. |
atl_eqn_acoustic_init | atl_eqn_acoustic_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the Acoustic equation. |
atl_eqn_acoustic_load_bc | atl_eqn_acoustic_hlp_module | Subroutine | Reading boundary conditions for the acoustic equations. |
atl_eqn_advection_1d_init | atl_eqn_advection_1d_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the linearized Euler equations. |
atl_eqn_advection_1d_load_bc | atl_eqn_advection_1d_hlp_module | Subroutine | Reading boundary conditions for the advection equations in 1D. |
atl_eqn_euler_1d_cons2prim | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_1d_cons2prim_elems | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_1d_prim2cons | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_1d_prim2cons_elems | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_cons2prim | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_cons2prim_elems | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_cons2prim_grad | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables including the gradients. (instate(npnts, nScalars+nScalars) |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_cons2primTemp | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables (including temperature instead of pressure). |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_cons2primVel | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to conservative variables (including velocity instead of momentum). |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_prim2cons | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_prim2cons_elems | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_prim2cons_grad | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_primTemp2cons | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales (including temperature instead of pressure) to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_2d_primVel2cons | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative varibales (including velocity instead of temperature) to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_cons2prim | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_cons2prim_elems | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_cons2prim_grad | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables including the gradients. |
atl_eqn_euler_cons2primTemp | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables (including temperature instead of pressure). |
atl_eqn_euler_cons2primVel | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to conservative variables (including velocity instead of momentum). |
atl_eqn_euler_implicit_pen | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Subroutine | Solve the equation system with just the penalization terms to find an implicit update for the IMEX timestepping procedure. |
atl_eqn_euler_init | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the Euler equation. |
atl_eqn_euler_load_bc | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Subroutine | Reading boundary conditions for the euler equations. |
atl_eqn_euler_prim2cons | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_prim2cons_elems | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_prim2cons_grad | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables including their gradients. |
atl_eqn_euler_primTemp2cons | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales (including temperature instead of pressure) to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_euler_primVel2cons | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative varibales (including velocity instead of temperature) to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_filtered_nvrstk_init | atl_eqn_filnvrStk_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the Navier-Stokes equations. |
atl_eqn_getFilNvrStkFluxes | atl_eqn_filnvrStk_hlp_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eqn_heat_init | atl_eqn_heat_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the Heat equation. |
atl_eqn_heat_load_bc | atl_eqn_heat_hlp_module | Subroutine | Reading boundary conditions for the Heat equation. |
atl_eqn_linearEuler_init | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the linearized Euler equations. |
atl_eqn_LinearEuler_load_bc | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_hlp_module | Subroutine | Reading boundary conditions for the LinearEuler equations. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_cons2prim | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_prim2cons | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_cons2prim | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_implicit_pen | atl_eqn_maxwell_hlp_module | Subroutine | Solve the equation system with just the penalization terms to find an implicit update for the IMEX timestepping procedure. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_init | atl_eqn_maxwell_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the Maxwell equations. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_load_bc | atl_eqn_maxwell_hlp_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load boundary conditions for Maxwell equations from a Lua configuration file. |
atl_eqn_maxwell_prim2cons | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_maxwellDivCor_load_bc | atl_eqn_maxwell_hlp_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load boundary conditions for Maxwell equations with divergence correction from a Lua configuration file. For the correction in E-field dirichlet bc and for correction in B-field neumann bc are defined. |
atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_cons2prim | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_prim2cons | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_nvrstk_init | atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the Navier-Stokes equations. |
atl_eqn_nvrstk_load_bc | atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module | Subroutine | VK! density for viscous terms VKbc_state_gradient(1,1) = bc_state(1) VKkvp%key = trim(bc_state_gradient(1,1)%state_name) VKcall append( me = bc_varDict_gradient, val = kvp ) |
atl_eqn_rans_2d_cons2prim_elems | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_rans_2d_prim2cons_elems | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_rans_cons2prim_elems | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert conservative to primitive variables. |
atl_eqn_rans_load_bc | atl_eqn_filnvrStk_hlp_module | Subroutine | VK allocate(bc_normal_vec_gradient(2)) VK allocate(bc_trafo_gradient(2)) |
atl_eqn_rans_prim2cons_elems | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | Convert primitive varibales to conservative variables. |
atl_eqn_update_background | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_module | Subroutine | Routine which updates the background since it is a temporal function and |
atl_eqn_write | atl_equation_init_module | Subroutine | |
atl_equation_evaluate_source_modal | atl_equation_source_module | Subroutine | |
atl_equation_evaluate_source_nodal | atl_equation_source_module | Subroutine | |
atl_ere_dump_solState | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | |
atl_ere_eval_onEdge | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | Evaluate the state on the edge using the exact riemann solver |
atl_ere_init | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | Compute the exact solution of the Riemann problem for the Euler equation. |
atl_ere_init_consts | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | Set the general constants for the exact riemann solver. |
atl_ere_sample | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | Evaluate the solution to the 1D Riemann problem for a given sample point s. |
atl_eval_force | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eval_massInjection | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eval_source_currentDensity | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eval_source_currentDensity_2d | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " c u r r e n t D e n s i t y " s o u r c e |
atl_eval_source_force | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " c u r r e n t D e n s i t y " s o u r c e |
atl_eval_source_force_2D | atl_eqn_acoustic_2d_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eval_source_massInjection | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eval_source_massInjection_2D | atl_eqn_acoustic_2d_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_eval_source_spongeLayer | atl_eqn_sponge_module | Subroutine | PV: Create a unit test for this routine and compare it to the version before the new varSys |
atl_eval_source_spongeLayer_2d | atl_eqn_sponge_module | Subroutine | PV: Create a unit test for this routine and compare it to the version before the new varSys |
atl_eval_sponge | atl_eqn_sponge_module | Subroutine | |
atl_evalElemMaterial | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Evaluates the material properties for all elements contained in the computeElems variable of the material_desc datatype. |
atl_evalFaceMaterial | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to evaluate the material properties on the nodes of the compute faces (left and right element's trace). |
atl_evalLegendreTensPoly1d | atl_modg_1d_basis_module | Subroutine | |
atl_evalLegendreTensPoly2d | atl_modg_2d_basis_module | Subroutine | |
atl_extend_covol_face | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Function | Lift face data to volume data. |
atl_extend_covol_face_1d | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Function | Lift face data to volume data. |
atl_extend_covol_face_2d | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Function | Lift face data to volume data. |
atl_fill_BCIndex | atl_boundary_module | Subroutine | |
atl_fill_sourceIndex | atl_source_module | Subroutine | Create source elements list for given source variable |
atl_finalize_program | atl_program_module | Subroutine | |
atl_flux_initGodunov | atl_GodunovFlux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_generic_fromConst_getElement | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | Routine to obtain a modal representation for a variable, which is only available in nodal form, like space-time functions. |
atl_generic_fromModal_getElement | atl_derive_module | Subroutine | This routine prepares the data for variable derivation or operators. It gathers all input variables from the variable system, oversamples and projects them into nodal space, calls the function with the actual calculation and projects the results back into modal space. As these projections are common to all elementwise variable accesses, this generic routine does all necessary operations in a generic way. |
atl_generic_fromNodal_getElement | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | Routine to obtain a modal representation for a variable, which is only available in nodal form, like space-time functions. |
atl_get_cpl_elemTimers | atl_timer_module | Function | This function returns local modular variable atl_elemTimers to apesmate |
atl_get_elemTimers | atl_timer_module | Function | This function returns local modular variable atl_elemTimers to apesmate |
atl_get_lower_bound_turb_disscipation | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_get_new_varSys_data_ptr | atl_varSys_module | Function | Routine to get a pointer to a new instance of atl_varSys_data_type to be used as method data for a variable in the variable system. |
atl_get_numberOfElemsPerLevel | atl_cube_elem_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to count the number of elements per level. |
atl_get_numBndElems | atl_boundary_module | Function | Get the number of (virtual) boundary elements for each level and each direction. |
atl_get_penaltyIP_2d | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Function | Return the penalty parameter for the IP discretizations of higher order equations. |
atl_get_points_from_BC | atl_boundary_module | Subroutine | Get all the surface points for a specific boundary. |
atl_get_pointwise_velocity_gradient_2D | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_get_pointwise_visc_stress_tensor_2D | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_get_timerHandles | atl_timer_module | Function | This function returns local modular variable atl_timerHandles to apesmate |
atl_get_timestep | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Subrountine which gather all calls to get the timestep for the current iteration |
atl_getEulerFluxes | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Subroutine | |
atl_getEulerLinInd | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Subroutine | Getting the linearization indicator for Euler equations from the config. |
atl_getLinearEulerFluxes | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_hlp_module | Subroutine | |
atl_getMaterialForElement | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | This routine implements the getElement interface for material variables. |
atl_getMaterialForPoint | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | This routine implements the getPoint interface for material variables. |
atl_getMaxPropSpeed | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | Determines maximum propagation speed, i.e. the speed of light depends only on material parameters. |
atl_getMaxPropSpeedDivCor | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | Determines maximum propagation speed for Maxwell equation with divergence cleaning (hyperbolic), i.e. the speed of light depends only on material parameters. |
atl_getWeights | atl_weights_module | Subroutine | boundary timer should only be measured for boundary elements VK setBnd = tem_getTimerVal( timerHandle = atl_timerHandles%setBnd) VK readBC = tem_getTimerVal( timerHandle = atl_timerHandles%readBC) |
atl_global_time_integration_load | atl_global_time_integration_module | Subroutine | Routine to load the timestepping scheme from the config. |
atl_GodunovEuler | atl_GodunovFlux_module | Subroutine | Godunov flux for the Euler equation. |
atl_GodunovEuler1D | atl_GodunovFlux_module | Subroutine | Godunov flux for the 1D Euler equation. |
atl_GodunovEuler2D | atl_GodunovFlux_module | Subroutine | Godunov flux for the 2D Euler equation. |
atl_HLLEuler | atl_hlleFlux_module | Subroutine | Calculate the HLL flux given the left an right state. |
atl_HLLEuler1D | atl_hlleFlux_module | Subroutine | Calculate the 1D HLL flux given the left an right state. |
atl_HLLEuler2D | atl_hlleFlux_module | Subroutine | Calculate the 2D HLL flux given the left an right state. |
atl_ini_cons_positivity_preserv | atl_cons_positivity_preserv_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load configuration file options for the conservative positivity preserving limiter. |
atl_ini_covolume | atl_covolume_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load configuration file options for the covolume filter method. |
atl_ini_positivity_preserv | atl_positivity_preserv_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load configuration file options for the spectral viscosity method. |
atl_ini_spectral_visc | atl_spectral_viscosity_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load configuration file options for the spectral viscosity method. |
atl_ini_stabilization | atl_stabilization_module | Subroutine | |
atl_init_acoustic_2d_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_acoustic_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Init source terms for flow simulations. |
atl_init_acoustic_2d_vars | atl_eqn_acoustic_2d_var_module | Subroutine | \brief init the variables for acoustic equation |
atl_init_acoustic_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | Init source terms for flow simulations. |
atl_init_acoustic_vars | atl_eqn_acoustic_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r a c o u s t i c e q u a t i o n |
atl_init_advection_1d_vars | atl_eqn_advection_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for simulations of advection equation. |
atl_init_bndList | atl_boundary_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to create the levelwise list of boundaries. |
atl_init_cellStateBuffer | atl_parallel_module | Subroutine | Initialize the parallel module to make it usable in ATELES. |
atl_init_cube_container | atl_cube_container_module | Subroutine | Method to initialize a cube mesh by tree and boundary definitions obtained by treelm. |
atl_init_cube_elem | atl_cube_elem_module | Subroutine | Initialize the cubic elements. |
atl_init_elem_bnd | atl_boundary_module | Subroutine | Creates boundary informations for the faces. |
atl_init_elem_container | atl_container_module | Subroutine | Initialize the container module. |
atl_init_equation | atl_equation_init_module | Subroutine | This subroutine reads the equation system to solve from the configuration. |
atl_init_euler_1d_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_euler_1d_var_module | Subroutine | This routine initializes possible source variables and returns the filled up list of the poss_srcVars |
atl_init_euler_1d_vars | atl_eqn_euler_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for Euler (inviscid) flow simulations. |
atl_init_euler_2d_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | This routine initializes possible source variables and returns the filled up list of the poss_srcVars |
atl_init_euler_2d_vars | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for Euler (inviscid) flow simulations. |
atl_init_euler_material | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | Adds the properties of the expected source terms to the list of possible variables to extract these expected variables later on from the configuration file. |
atl_init_euler_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | Init source terms for flow simulations. This routine initializes possible source variables and returns the filled up list of the poss_srcVars |
atl_init_euler_vars | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for Euler (inviscid) flow simulations. |
atl_init_explicit_ssprk | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize explicit runge kutta scheme for timestepping. |
atl_init_explicitEuler | atl_fwdEuler_module | Subroutine | Initialize explicit euler scheme for timestepping. |
atl_init_explicitLocalPredictorGlobalCorrector | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize explicit runge kutta scheme for timestepping. |
atl_init_explicitRungeKutta | atl_rk4_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize explicit runge kutta scheme for timestepping. |
atl_init_explicitRungeKuttaTaylor | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize explicit runge kutta taylor scheme for timestepping. |
atl_init_face_bnd | atl_boundary_module | Subroutine | Creates boundary informations for the faces. |
atl_init_facedata | atl_facedata_module | Interface | |
atl_init_facedata_asym | atl_facedata_module | Subroutine | I n i t i a l i z e s t h e f a c e d a t a b y a g i v e n s e t o f f a c e s ( a s y m m e t r i c a l l y ) . |
atl_init_facedata_sym | atl_facedata_module | Subroutine | I n i t i a l i z e s t h e f a c e d a t a b y a g i v e n s e t o f f a c e s . |
atl_init_facerep | atl_facedata_module | Subroutine | I n i t i a l i z e s t h e f a c e d a t a b y a g i v e n s e t o f f a c e s . |
atl_init_faceStateBuffer | atl_parallel_module | Subroutine | i n i t i a l i z e s t h e f a c e b u f f e r s f o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n . |
atl_init_filNvrStk_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | Init source terms for flow simulations. This routine initializes possible source variables and returns the filled up list of the poss_srcVars |
atl_init_global_time_integration | atl_global_time_integration_module | Subroutine | Routine to init the timestepping scheme. |
atl_init_heat_1d_vars | atl_eqn_heat_1d_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for simulations of Heat equation. |
atl_init_heat_2d_vars | atl_eqn_heat_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for simulations of Heat equation. |
atl_init_heat_vars | atl_eqn_heat_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for simulations of Heat equation. |
atl_init_imexRungeKutta | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize IMEX Runge-Kutta scheme for timestepping. |
atl_init_kerneldata | atl_kerneldata_module | Subroutine | i n i t r o u t i n e f o r t h e k e r n e l d a t a t y p e . |
atl_init_LinearEuler_2d_vars | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r L i n e a r E u l e r e q u a t i o n |
atl_init_LinearEuler_vars | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r L i n e a r E u l e r e q u a t i o n |
atl_init_lineuler_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_var_module | Subroutine | Init source terms for flow simulations. This routine initializes possible source variables and returns the filled up list of the poss_srcVars |
atl_init_materialParams | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Read the configuration for the material paramters for Maxwell equations from configuration files and init the material parameter datatype. |
atl_init_maxwell_2d_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t s o u r c e t e r m s f o r e l e c t r o d y n a m i c s i m u l a t i o n s . |
atl_init_maxwell_2d_vars | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n ( 2 D , T E - m o d e f o r m u l a t i o n ) . |
atl_init_maxwell_material | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | Adds the properties of the expected source terms to the list of possible variables to extract these expected variables later on from the configuration file. |
atl_init_maxwell_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t s o u r c e t e r m s f o r e l e c t r o d y n a m i c s i m u l a t i o n s . |
atl_init_maxwell_vars | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n |
atl_init_maxwellDivCorr_material | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | Adds the properties of the expected source terms to the list of possible variables to extract these expected variables later on from the configuration file. |
atl_init_maxwellDivCorr_sourceTerms | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t s o u r c e t e r m s f o r e l e c t r o d y n a m i c s i m u l a t i o n s w i t h d i v e r g e n c e |
atl_init_maxwellDivCorr_vars | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n |
atl_init_modg_1d_kernel | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Initiate the MODG kernel for cubic elements on all levels. |
atl_init_modg_2d_kernel | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Initiate the MODG kernel for cubic elements on all levels. |
atl_init_modg_kernel | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Initiate the MODG kernel for cubic elements on all levels. |
atl_init_nerplanck_vars | atl_eqn_nerplanck_var_module | Subroutine | i n i t t h e v a r i a b l e s f o r n e r n s t - p l a n c k e q u a t i o n |
atl_init_parallel_module | atl_parallel_module | Subroutine | initialize the parallel module to make it usable in ATELES |
atl_init_penalization | atl_penalization_module | Subroutine | Routine to init container for penalization data. |
atl_init_physCheck | atl_physCheck_module | Subroutine | R e a d t h e i n f o f o r t h e p h y s i c a l c h e c k s f r o m t h e c o n f i g u r a t i o n f i l e |
atl_init_precice | atl_precice_module | Subroutine | Read from preCICE the requested points |
atl_init_rans_2d_vars | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_init_RANS_closure_coeffs | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_init_Rans_vars | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | Init the variable system for filtered NavierStokes equation. |
atl_init_scheme | atl_scheme_module | Subroutine | subroutine to intialize a scheme as specified by a given lua script file. |
atl_init_spacebasis | atl_space_basis | Subroutine | Initialize the space basis, this subroutine has to be called before using the module variable space_basis#basis. |
atl_init_statedata | atl_kerneldata_module | Subroutine | Initialize the statedata. |
atl_init_varSys_solverData | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | |
atl_initCoordinateRotations | atl_equation_init_module | Subroutine | |
atl_initialize | atl_initialize_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize the complete Ateles solver. |
atl_initialize_program | atl_program_module | Subroutine | |
atl_initialize_sources | atl_source_module | Subroutine | |
atl_initialize_state_der | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | This routine is used to initialize an array in an OpenMP PARALLEL region. Usually this is done using a WORKSHARE directive, but due to a bug in Intel 15 we cannot make use of WORKSHARE. |
atl_initRestart | atl_restart_module | Subroutine | Initializes writing restart files, if activated. |
atl_initTimeStepInfo | atl_global_time_integration_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the timestep information for the first iteration |
atl_initWeights | atl_weights_module | Subroutine | |
atl_interpolate_elemstate | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Recursive interpolation of element states among the levels of the mesh. |
atl_kerneldata_update_estimates | atl_kerneldata_module | Subroutine | |
atl_kerneldata_update_maxdev | atl_kerneldata_module | Subroutine | Find the maximal deviation for the polynomials representing the state in each element. |
atl_kerneldata_update_maxgrad | atl_kerneldata_module | Subroutine | Find the maximal gradient estimation for the polynomials representing the state in each element. |
atl_kineticEnergy_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_KineticEnergy_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_lambda2_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_lambda2_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_laxFriedAcoustic | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the Acoustic equation |
atl_laxFriedEuler | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the Euler equation |
atl_laxFriedEuler_1d | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_1d_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the 1D Euler equation |
atl_laxFriedEuler_2d | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_2d_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the 2D Euler equation |
atl_laxFriedLinearEuler | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the |
atl_laxFriedLinearEuler_2d | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_2d_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the |
atl_laxFriedRans | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_module | Subroutine | Lax-Friedrich flux (in fully conservative variables) for the Euler equation |
atl_laxFriedRans_2D | atl_laxFriedrichFlux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_legpolyvar_append | atl_legpolyvar_module | Subroutine | |
atl_legpolyvar_load | atl_legpolyvar_module | Subroutine | Load the definition of a Legendre polynomial variable from a Lua script. |
atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_subleft | atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_subright | atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_superleft | atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_superright | atl_LinearEuler_2d_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_2d_physFlux | atl_LinearEuler_2d_physflux_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the LinearEuler equation F, 1D? Since it is 1d, there need to be passed the correct background velocity (u0 for F - flux in x direction, v0 for G - flux in y direction, w0 for H - flux in z direction) |
atl_LinearEuler_numflux_subleft | atl_LinearEuler_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_numflux_subright | atl_LinearEuler_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_numflux_superleft | atl_LinearEuler_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_numflux_superright | atl_LinearEuler_numflux_module | Subroutine | |
atl_LinearEuler_physFlux | atl_LinearEuler_physflux_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the LinearEuler equation F, 1D? Since it is 1d, there need to be passed the correct background velocity (u0 for F - flux in x direction, v0 for G - flux in y direction, w0 for H - flux in z direction) |
atl_linEuler_2d_completState_getElement | atl_eqn_lineareuler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_linEuler_2d_completState_getPoint | atl_eqn_lineareuler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_linEuler_completState_getElement | atl_eqn_lineareuler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_linEuler_completState_getPoint | atl_eqn_lineareuler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_linindicator_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_linindicator_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_load_acoustic | atl_eqn_acoustic_module | Subroutine | Load the configuration for acoustic equations from the Lua script. |
atl_load_advection_1d | atl_eqn_advection_1d_module | Subroutine | subroutine to initialize an equation of type advection equation as defined in the configuration file |
atl_load_BBMEM | atl_eqn_bbm_module | Subroutine | s u b r o u t i n e t o i n t i a l i z e B B M |
atl_load_bc | atl_bc_header_module | Subroutine | Get the boundary configuration. |
atl_load_bc_state | atl_bc_state_module | Subroutine | Load the boundary condition for state variables. |
atl_load_config | atl_program_module | Subroutine | |
atl_load_euler | atl_eqn_euler_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize an equation of type euler equation as defined in the configuration file |
atl_load_filtNS | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | Subroutine | subroutine to initialize an equation of type filtered-navier-stokes equation (turbulence modelling) as defined in the configuration file |
atl_load_general_projection | atl_load_project_module | Subroutine | |
atl_load_heat | atl_eqn_heat_module | Subroutine | subroutine to initialize an equation of type heat equation as defined in the configuration file |
atl_load_initial_condition | atl_initial_condition_module | Subroutine | subroutine to load the initial conditions from a lua configuration file. |
atl_load_LinearEuler | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_module | Subroutine | subroutine to initialize an equation of type linear euler equation as defined in the configuration file |
atl_load_navierStokes | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize an equation of type navier stokes equation as defined in the configuration file |
atl_load_nernstPlanck | atl_eqn_nerplanck_module | Subroutine | s u b r o u t i n e t o i n t i a l i z e N e r n s t - P l a n c k e q u a t i o n w i t h c o n s t a n t |
atl_load_projection | atl_load_project_module | Subroutine | |
atl_load_solver_parameters | atl_solver_param_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize the global parameters, sets the solver module variable. |
atl_load_subprojection | atl_load_project_module | Subroutine | |
atl_machNumber_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_machNumber_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_maxwell_flux | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Interface | Interface for fluxes of pure Maxwell equations. |
atl_maxwell_flux_2d | atl_maxwell_flux_2d_module | Interface | Interface for fluxes of pure Maxwell equations. |
atl_maxwell_hc_flux | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Interface | Interface for fluxes of Maxwell equations with hyperbolic divergence cleaning. |
atl_modg_1d_advection_numFlux | atl_modg_1d_advection_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for the advection equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_1d_advection_physFlux | atl_modg_1d_advection_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and advection equation. |
atl_modg_1d_bnd | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Function | Subroutine to create the modal representation for a ceratin boundary face. |
atl_modg_1d_coarseToFineFace | atl_modg_1d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | \brief Interpolate modal face representation from coarse to next finer faces (level difference between coarser and finer faces has to be 1). |
atl_modg_1d_ensure_pos_face | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Lift the value on the face to a positive value if necessary. |
atl_modg_1d_euler_numFlux | atl_modg_1d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Euler equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_1d_euler_penalization_Const | atl_modg_1d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_1d_euler_penalization_NonConst | atl_modg_1d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_1d_euler_physFlux_const | atl_modg_1d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Euler equation with constant characteristic (mask function) in the element. |
atl_modg_1d_euler_physFlux_nonConst | atl_modg_1d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Euler equation with variable characteristic (mask function) in the element. |
atl_modg_1d_fineToCoarseFace | atl_modg_1d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | I n t e r p o l a t e m o d a l f a c e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n f r o m n e x t f i n e r f a c e s t o c o a r s e l e v e l ( l e v e l |
atl_modg_1d_heat_numFlux | atl_modg_1d_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for the Heat equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_1d_heat_physFlux | atl_modg_1d_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Heat equation. |
atl_modg_1d_invMassMatrix | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. |
atl_modg_1d_LoclinEuler_physFlux | atl_modg_1d_LoclinEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Linearized euler equation. |
atl_modg_1d_modalVolToModalFace | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Projects modal representation of each cell to its faces, i.e. this subroutine creates a modal representation on the faces. |
atl_modg_1d_modalVolToModalFace | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projects modal representation of each cell to its faces, i.e. this subroutine creates a modal representation on the faces. |
atl_modg_1d_project_PhysFlux_testFunc | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of physical flux, numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
atl_modg_1d_project_testFunc | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of physical flux, numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
atl_modg_1d_scheme_init | atl_modg_1d_scheme_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_1d_scheme_load_polyDegree | atl_modg_1d_scheme_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_1d_set_bnd | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to set face values to impose boundary conditions. |
atl_modg_1d_VolToFace_grad_Q | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_1d_volToFace_Q | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for Q space. |
atl_modg_2d_acoustic_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_acoustic_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for acoustic equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_2d_acoustic_physFlux | atl_modg_2d_acoustic_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Acoustic equation. |
atl_modg_2d_bnd | atl_modg_2d_bnd_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to create the modal representation for a ceratin boundary face. |
atl_modg_2d_coarseToFineFace | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | I n t e r p o l a t e m o d a l f a c e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n f r o m c o a r s e t o n e x t f i n e r f a c e s ( l e v e l |
atl_modg_2d_ensure_pos_facemean | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Lift the mean on the face to a positive value if necessary. |
atl_modg_2d_euler_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Euler equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_2d_euler_oneDim_numFlux_const | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Euler equation across the faces in a single spatial direction (with constant penalization parameters). |
atl_modg_2d_euler_oneDim_numFlux_nonconst | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Euler equation across the faces in a single spatial direction (with non-constant penalization parameters). |
atl_modg_2d_euler_penalization_const | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_2d_euler_penalization_NonConst | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_2d_euler_physFlux_const | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Euler equation. |
atl_modg_2d_euler_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_2d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Navier-Stokes equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_physFlux_const | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with non-constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_2d_fineToCoarseFace | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | I n t e r p o l a t e m o d a l f a c e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n f r o m n e x t f i n e r f a c e s t o c o a r s e l e v e l ( l e v e l |
atl_modg_2d_heat_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Heat equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_2d_heat_physFlux | atl_modg_2d_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Heat equation. |
atl_modg_2d_invMassMatrix | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 2D scheme. |
atl_modg_2d_LinearEuler_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_LinearEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for LinearEuler equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_2d_LinearEuler_physFlux | atl_modg_2d_LinearEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Linearized euler equation. |
atl_modg_2d_LoclinEuler_physFlux | atl_modg_2d_LoclinEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Linearized euler equation. |
atl_modg_2d_modalVolToModalFace | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projects modal representation of each cell to its faces, i.e. this subroutine creates a modal representation on the faces. |
atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Navier-Stokes equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_penalization_const | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_penalization_Nonconst | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_physFlux_const | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with non-constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_2d_project_NumFlux | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
atl_modg_2d_project_physFlux_testFunc | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of physical flux, numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
atl_modg_2d_project_source | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
atl_modg_2d_scheme_init | atl_modg_2d_scheme_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_2d_scheme_load_polyDegree | atl_modg_2d_scheme_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_2d_set_bnd | atl_modg_2d_bnd_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to set face values to impose boundary conditions at a certain point of the domain. The subroutine is operating levelwise. |
atl_modg_2d_volToFace_grad_Q | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of gradients of an element to one of its faces for Q space. |
atl_modg_2d_volToFace_P | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for P space. |
atl_modg_2d_volToFace_Q | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for Q space. |
atl_modg_acoustic_numFlux | atl_modg_acoustic_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for acoustic equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_acoustic_physFlux | atl_modg_acoustic_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Acoustic equation. |
atl_modg_bnd | atl_modg_bnd_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to create the modal representation for a ceratin boundary face. |
atl_modg_coarseToFineElem | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Project coarse parent element to its 8 finer child elements by a simple L2 projection. |
atl_modg_coarseToFineElem_1d | atl_modg_1d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Project coarse parent element to its 8 finer child elements by a simple L2 projection. |
atl_modg_coarseToFineElem_2d | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Project coarse parent element to its 8 finer child elements by a simple L2 projection. |
atl_modg_coarseToFineFace | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | I n t e r p o l a t e m o d a l f a c e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n f r o m c o a r s e t o n e x t f i n e r f a c e s ( l e v e l |
atl_modg_ensure_pos_facemean | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Lift the mean on the face to a positive value if necessary. |
atl_modg_euler_numFlux | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Euler equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_euler_oneDim_numFlux_const | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Euler equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
atl_modg_euler_oneDim_numFlux_nonconst | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Euler equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
atl_modg_euler_penalization_const | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_euler_penalization_NonConst | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_euler_physFlux_const | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Euler equation. |
atl_modg_euler_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Euler equation. |
atl_modg_filNvrStk_numFlux | atl_modg_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Navier-Stokes equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_filNvrStk_physFlux_const | atl_modg_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_filNvrStk_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with non-constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_fineToCoarseElem | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Project data from 8 smaller elements to its parent element in terms of L2 projections. |
atl_modg_fineToCoarseElem_1d | atl_modg_1d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Project data from 8 smaller elements to its parent element in terms of L2 projections. |
atl_modg_fineToCoarseElem_2d | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Project data from 8 smaller elements to its parent element in terms of L2 projections. |
atl_modg_fineToCoarseFace | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | I n t e r p o l a t e m o d a l f a c e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n f r o m n e x t f i n e r f a c e s t o c o a r s e l e v e l ( l e v e l |
atl_modg_heat_numFlux | atl_modg_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Heat equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_heat_numFlux_sipg | atl_numFluxHeat_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Heat equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
atl_modg_heat_physFlux | atl_modg_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Heat equation. |
atl_modg_invMassMatrix | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. |
atl_modg_kernel_utests | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to test the various routines of this module. |
atl_modg_LinearEuler_numFlux | atl_modg_LinearEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for LinearEuler equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_LinearEuler_physFlux | atl_modg_LinearEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Linearized euler equation. |
atl_modg_LoclinEuler_physFlux | atl_modg_LoclinEuler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Linearized euler equation. |
atl_modg_maxwell_2d_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Maxwell equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_maxwell_2d_penalization_Const | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_maxwell_2d_penalization_NonConst | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_maxwell_2d_physFlux_const | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Maxwell equation. used for both space P and Q |
atl_modg_maxwell_2d_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Maxwell equation. used for both space P and Q |
atl_modg_maxwell_numFlux | atl_modg_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Maxwell equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_maxwell_physFlux_const | atl_modg_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_maxwell_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_numFlux | atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Maxwell equation with hyperbolic divergence cleaning and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_physFlux_const | atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Maxwell equation with hyperbolic divergenc cleaning. |
atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Maxwell equation with hyperbolic divergenc cleaning. |
atl_modg_modalVolToModalFace | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projects modal representation of each cell to its faces, i.e. this subroutine creates a modal representation on the faces. |
atl_modg_navierstokes_numFlux | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the numerical flux for Navier-Stokes equation and MODG scheme |
atl_modg_navierstokes_penalization_const | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_navierstokes_penalization_nonconst | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | PV 20150820 Get the correct penalization data here |
atl_modg_navierstokes_physFlux_const | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_navierstokes_physFlux_NonConst | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Navier-Stokes equation (with non-constant penalizations). |
atl_modg_project_NumFlux | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of physical flux, numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
atl_modg_project_PhysFlux_testFunc | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of physical flux, numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
atl_modg_project_source | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
atl_modg_project_source_P | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
atl_modg_project_source_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
atl_modg_scaledTransposedInvMassMatrix_P | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies a scaled transposed inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. The result is a transformation of the polynomial basis from the ansatz- to the test-polynomials. This is useful for a local predictor |
atl_modg_scaledTransposedInvMassMatrix_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies a scaled transposed inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. The result is a transformation of the polynomial basis from the ansatz- to the test-polynomials. This is useful for a local predictor |
atl_modg_scaledTransposedProject_physFlux_P | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux for the local predictor: This function expects the physical flux transformed in the basis of test-polynomials and projects it onto the ansatz-functions. Thus, the result is directly given in the basis of ansatz-polynomials (no invMassMatrix-call needed afterwards) |
atl_modg_scaledTransposedProject_physFlux_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux for the local predictor: This function expects the physical flux transformed in the basis of test-polynomials and projects it onto the ansatz-functions. Thus, the result is directly given in the basis of ansatz-polynomials (no invMassMatrix-call needed afterwards) |
atl_modg_scheme_init | atl_modg_scheme_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_scheme_load_polyDegree | atl_modg_scheme_module | Subroutine | |
atl_modg_set_bnd | atl_modg_bnd_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to set face values to impose boundary conditions at a certain point of the domain. The subroutine is operating levelwise. |
atl_modg_stabViscNavierStokes_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for stab-viscous part of the Navier-Stokes equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
atl_modg_viscNavierStokes_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for viscous part of the Navier-Stokes equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
atl_modg_volToFace_grad_Q | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of gradients of an element to one of its faces for Q space. |
atl_modg_volToFace_P | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for P space. |
atl_modg_volToFace_Q | atl_volToFace_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for Q space. |
atl_mult_nu11_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu11_NavierStokes_2d | atl_physFluxNvrStk_2d_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu11_Rans_2d | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu12_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu12_NavierStokes_2d | atl_physFluxNvrStk_2d_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu12_Rans_2d | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu13_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu21_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu21_NavierStokes_2d | atl_physFluxNvrStk_2d_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu21_Rans_2d | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu22_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu22_NavierStokes_2d | atl_physFluxNvrStk_2d_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu22_Rans_2d | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu23_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu31_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu32_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_mult_nu33_NavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_nearest_projection | atl_writePrecice_module | Subroutine | For a 2D testcase just the edges are of importance, in 3D also triangles have to be provided loop over all faces and edges. Set an offset, to get from one face to the other For a 3D testcase in addition to the edges triangles have to be created |
atl_nerplanck_numflux_preprocess | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Interface | |
atl_nerplanck_numflux_solve | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Interface | |
atl_nerplanck_physflux_preprocess | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Interface | |
atl_nerplanck_physflux_solve | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Interface | |
atl_op_deviation_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_op_divideVecByScal_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_op_division_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_op_Gradient_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | This routine takes in a variable and differentiates it in a modal way |
atl_op_Gradient_forPoint | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_op_gradient_fromIndex | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | to do |
atl_op_GradientX_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | This routine takes in a variable and differentiates it in a modal way |
atl_op_GradientY_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | This routine takes in a variable and differentiates it in a modal way |
atl_op_GradientZ_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | This routine takes in a variable and differentiates it in a modal way |
atl_op_local_L2_mean_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_op_meansquare_forElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_opVar_setupIndices | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | This routine takes points coordinates, pass them tp the input variables the opertaion depends and return indices |
atl_physCheck_acoustic | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the acoustic equation. |
atl_physCheck_acoustic_2d | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the acoustic 2d equation. |
atl_physCheck_euler | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the Euler equation. |
atl_physCheck_euler1d | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the Euler equation. |
atl_physCheck_euler2d | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the Euler equation. |
atl_physCheck_lineareuler | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the linear euler equation. |
atl_physCheck_lineareuler_2d | atl_physCheck_module | Function | R o u t i n e t o c h e c k i f t h e p h y s i c a l v a l u e s o f a s t a t e a r e p h y s i c a l l y m e a n i n g f u l |
atl_physCheck_maxwell | atl_physCheck_module | Function | Routine to check if the physical values of a state are physically meaningful or not for the Maxwell equation. |
atl_physCheck_Rans | atl_physCheck_module | Function | R o u t i n e t o c h e c k i f t h e p h y s i c a l v a l u e s o f a s t a t e a r e |
atl_physCheck_Rans_2d | atl_physCheck_module | Function | |
atl_physFluxEuler | atl_physFluxEuler_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_physFluxEuler_1d | atl_physFluxEuler_1d_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_physFluxEuler_2d | atl_physFluxEuler_2d_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_physFluxEuler_vec | atl_physFluxEuler_module | Subroutine | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_physFluxMaxwell | atl_modg_maxwell_kernel_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the Maxwell equations in terms of D and B. |
atl_physFluxMaxwell_2d | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the Maxwell equations in terms of D and B. |
atl_physFluxMaxwellDivCor | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Function | Function for physical flux of the Maxwell equations in terms of D and B. |
atl_physFluxRans | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for the |
atl_physFluxRans_2d | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | JZ: here, we divide by a polynomial, we should be careful! We are leaving the polynomial space here! |
atl_positivity_preserv | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Apply pointwise limitation of denisty and energy to ensure positivity for density and pressure. |
atl_positivity_preserv_2d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Apply pointwise limitation of denisty and energy to ensure positivity for density and pressure. |
atl_postprocess_rhs | atl_compute_module | Interface | |
atl_preprocess_local_rhs | atl_compute_local_module | Interface | |
atl_preprocess_modg_1d_kernel | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
atl_preprocess_modg_2d_kernel | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to execute the preprocessing for the MODG kernels. Currently this includes: Convert external source terms to modal representation. |
atl_preprocess_modg_kernel | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to execute the preprocessing for the MODG kernels. Currently this includes: Convert external source terms to modal representation. |
atl_preprocess_modg_nerplanck_kernel | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Interface | interface for preprocessing the data for the kernel |
atl_preprocess_rhs | atl_compute_module | Interface | |
atl_pressure_1d_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_1d_getIndex | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_1d_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_1d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_2d_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_2d_getIndex | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_2d_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_pressure_getIndex | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | call varSys%method%val(fun%inpuit_varPos(1))%get_point( & & varSys = varSys, & & point = point, & & time = time, & & tree = tree, & & nPnts = nPnts, & & res = density ) call varSys%method%val(fun%input_varPos(2))%get_point( & & varSys = varSys, & & point = point, & & time = time, & & tree = tree, & & nPnts = nPnts, & & res = momentum ) call varSys%method%val(fun%input_varPos(3))%get_point( & & varSys = varSys, & & point = point, & & time = time, & & tree = tree, & & nPnts = nPnts, & & res = energy ) |
atl_pressure_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_primal_to_covolume_projection | atl_covolume_projection_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t t w o e l e m e n t s o n t o s i n g l e c o - v o l u m e e l e m e n t . |
atl_primal_to_covolume_projection_1d | atl_covolume_projection_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t t w o e l e m e n t s o n t o s i n g l e c o - v o l u m e e l e m e n t . |
atl_primal_to_covolume_projection_2d | atl_covolume_projection_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t t w o e l e m e n t s o n t o s i n g l e c o - v o l u m e e l e m e n t . |
atl_qCriterion_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_qCriterion_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_Rans_pressure_getElement | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_Rans_pressure_getPoint | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_read_precice | atl_writePrecice_module | Subroutine | loop over linked list of spacetimefunction set the current to head loop over all shapes of that spacetimefunction check if there is a precice kind get the number of unquie points ( xyz should be same number) |
atl_readRestart | atl_restart_module | Subroutine | Read the serialized restart file into the state vectors |
atl_reassignStFunPtr | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Reassigns the spacetime function pointers based on the material variable position and the spacetime function position. |
atl_ref_in_elempos | atl_reference_element_module | Subroutine | Transform reference points to physical points in the element of the tree identified by the provided elempos. |
atl_refToPhysCoord | atl_reference_element_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to move points defined on the reference element [-1,+1] to the physical element coordinates. |
atl_resetTimers | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | |
atl_save_acoustic | atl_eqn_acoustic_module | Subroutine | dump the equation variables into the lua file |
atl_save_advection_1d | atl_eqn_advection_1d_module | Subroutine | |
atl_save_euler | atl_eqn_euler_module | Subroutine | |
atl_save_heat | atl_eqn_heat_module | Subroutine | |
atl_save_LinearEuler | atl_eqn_LinearEuler_module | Subroutine | |
atl_save_maxwell | atl_eqn_maxwell_module | Subroutine | |
atl_save_navierStokes | atl_eqn_nvrstk_module | Subroutine | |
atl_schemeID2ndim | atl_scheme_module | Function | |
atl_set_covolume_bnd | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Subroutine | Routine to set boundary values for the covolume filter. |
atl_set_cpl_elemTimers | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | This routine sets elementTimers passed by apesmate |
atl_set_elemTimers | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | This routine sets elementTimers passed by apesmate |
atl_set_opVar_getElement | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
atl_set_stFun_getElement | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | |
atl_set_timerHandles | atl_timer_module | Subroutine | This routine sets atl_timerHandles passed by apesmate |
atl_shearestimate_getElement | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_shearestimate_getPoint | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_solve_program | atl_program_module | Subroutine | NE ! Dump and reset the timer after each Iteration NE call atl_dumpTimers( general = params%general, & NE & nElems = tree%global%nElems, & NE & nDofs = element_container%cubes & NE & %scheme_list(tree%global%minLevel) & NE & %nDofs, & NE & nVars = equation%varSys%nScalars ) NE call atl_resetTimers() |
atl_source_prim2cons | atl_source_module | Subroutine | This routine converts primitive variables in source terms to convervative |
atl_spectral_visc_1d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Damp )the modal coefficients of the state vector by a given spectral viscosity method. |
atl_spectral_visc_2d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Damp )the modal coefficients of the state vector by a given spectral viscosity method. |
atl_spectral_visc_3d | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Damp )the modal coefficients of the state vector by a given spectral viscosity method. |
atl_speedOfSound_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_speedOfSound_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_stabilize | atl_stabilize_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to apply the stabilization procedure to the state vector. |
atl_store_bcVarPos | atl_bc_header_module | Subroutine | Routine to store position of user variable defined state and state_gradient boundary variable in bc(iBC)%state(iVar)%varPos and bc(iBC)%state_gradient |
atl_subres_import_color | atl_subresolution_module | Subroutine | Get the subresolution data for all elements for a given color and in the requested format. |
atl_subresolution_load | atl_subresolution_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load subresolution information for a given tree. |
atl_temperature_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_temperature_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_update_materialParams | atl_materialIni_module | Subroutine | Read the configuration for the material paramters for Maxwell equations from configuration files and init the material parameter datatype. |
atl_update_sourcedata | atl_source_module | Subroutine | s u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e R H S o f t h e P D E f r o m t h e s u m o f a l l |
atl_varSys_getStateForElement | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | To obtain values of a given variable, it is necessary to state the treeID and time at which the variable should be evaluated. The interface is nDofs values to cover the all degrees of freedoms in the element. Of course the variable system itself also needs to be passed in, to allow the computation of other derived quantities as needed. The method description itself is passed in automatically, and has not to be provided explicitly. |
atl_varSys_getStateForPoint | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | Interface description for a variable access method (single point). |
atl_varSys_getStateValOfIndex | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | Routine for gettint the actual value for a given array of indices. The indices belong to the grwarray of points storing levelwise in Pointdata%pntLvl(iLevel). Hence this routines takes the indeices as input, can refer to the pointData and evaluate the variable and returns the values |
atl_varSys_load_user | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | Method to load user defined variables from the configuration. |
atl_varSys_setupStateIndices | atl_varSys_module | Subroutine | This routine takes points coordinates, stores them in the method_data and return indices where points are located in the growing array of points or values ( sometimes we do not need to store the points ) It is need to setup points for every variable. Points will be provided by boundaries or sources depends on what uses the variable. This points do not change with time . This indices will be stored in corresponding boundary or source to evaluate a value on that point later using tem_varSys_proc_getValOfIndex. |
atl_viscindicator_getElement | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_viscindicator_getPoint | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Subroutine | |
atl_viscNavierStokes | atl_viscNumFlux_Nvrstk_module | Subroutine | |
atl_viscNavierStokes_2d | atl_viscNumFlux_Nvrstk_2d_module | Subroutine | |
atl_viscPhysFluxNavierStokes | atl_physFluxNvrStk_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_viscPhysFluxNavierStokes_2d | atl_physFluxNvrStk_2d_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_viscPhysFluxRans | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | Physical flux calculation along x direction for Euler equation. |
atl_viscPhysFluxRans_2d | atl_physFluxFilNvrStk_module | Function | |
atl_viscRans_2d | atl_numFlux_filNvrStk_module | Subroutine | |
atl_volToFace | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Function | Project elemental state to a particular face. |
atl_volToFace_1d | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Function | Project elemental state to a particular face. |
atl_volToFace_2d | atl_covolume_boundary_module | Function | Project elemental state to a particular face. |
atl_vorticity_getElement | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_vorticity_getPoint | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_write_equiPoints | atl_writePrecice_module | Subroutine | ceate equidistant points for write to precice and use the number of these points for the setup_indices routine. If its set by the user, the Nearest-Pojection can be used for these points |
atl_write_nonequiPoints | atl_writePrecice_module | Subroutine | setup_indices for boundary variables are read_var in precice space-time function we are not able to use 'idx' created here as input for get_valOfIndex for write_vars.Therefore we have to do setup_indices for write_vars once during initialization and then store the idx in precice_coupling type. This is done for the non-equidistant points. We also set the vertices and the edges as well as the triangles for the Interpolation between the domains. |
atl_write_precice | atl_writePrecice_module | Subroutine | loop over linked list of spacetimefunction set the current to head loop over all shapes of that spacetimefunction check if there is a precice kind |
atl_write_precice_getPoint | atl_writePrecice_module | Subroutine | loop over linked list of spacetimefunction set the current to head check if there is a precice kind loop over all shapes of that spacetimefunction |
atl_writeRestart | atl_restart_module | Subroutine | Writes a restart file for the current point in time. |
atl_writeRestartIfNecessary | atl_restart_module | Subroutine | Writes a restart file, if necessary. |
atl_writeSolverSpecInfo | atl_restart_module | Subroutine | Write solver specific info to scratch file |
atl_xFrom1D_getElement | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | We only want to have one component, thus we don't need to loop over them |
atl_xFrom1D_getPoint | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_xFrom2D_getElement | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | We only want to have one component, thus we don't need to loop over them |
atl_xFrom2D_getPoint | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_xFrom3D_getElement | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | We only want to have one component, thus we don't need to loop over them |
atl_xFrom3D_getPoint | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_yFrom2D_getElement | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | We only want to have one component, thus we don't need to loop over them |
atl_yFrom2D_getPoint | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_yFrom3D_getElement | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | We only want to have one component, thus we don't need to loop over them |
atl_yFrom3D_getPoint | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | |
atl_zFrom3D_getElement | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | We only want to have one component, thus we don't need to loop over them |
atl_zFrom3D_getPoint | atl_eqn_maxwell_derive_module | Subroutine | |
beta | ply_split_legendre_module | Function | Coefficient beta from the recursive formulation of Legendre polynomials, for the Legendre mode 'mode'. |
bico | integrateLeg_test | Function | Compute the binomial n over k |
calc_barycoord | atl_cube_elem_module | Subroutine | Calculate barycentric coordinates of the tree ids given in treeids. |
calc_common_global_timestep | atl_calc_time_module | Function | Function to find a single global time step for all levels and processes. |
calc_eigenValues_3by3_matrix | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
calc_matrix_QCriterion | atl_eqn_euler_derive_module | Subroutine | |
calc_timestep_acoustic_2d_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a acoustic simulation. |
calc_timestep_acoustic_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a acoustic simulation. |
calc_timestep_adv_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL number of cubes in a advection simulation. |
calc_timestep_ed_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL number of cubes in a electrodynamic simulation. |
calc_timestep_flow_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a flow simulation. |
calc_timestep_flow_cube_1d | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a flow simulation. |
calc_timestep_flow_cube_2d | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a flow simulation. |
calc_timestep_flow_cube_mod | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | |
calc_timestep_heat_cube_1d | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a flow simulation. |
calc_timestep_linearEuler_2d_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a linear Euler 2d simulation. |
calc_timestep_linearEuler_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a linear Euler simulation. |
calc_timestep_nerplanck_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL number of cubes in a Nernst-Planck simulation. |
calc_timestep_viscflow_cube | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a viscous flow simulation. |
calc_timestep_viscflow_cube_2d | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate time step based on a given CFL condition for a cube in a viscous flow simulation. |
calculate_cfl_timestep | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | Calculate the timestep for a whole part of a cubic mesh by a CFL condition. |
check_fpt | ply_project_fpt_lobattoPoints_test | Subroutine | |
check_fpt | ply_project_fpt_test | Subroutine | |
check_fpt_2d | ply_project_2d_fpt_test | Subroutine | |
check_fpt_2d | ply_project_2d_fpt_lobattoPoints_test | Subroutine | |
check_fwd_bwd | ply_fpt_ifpt_test | Subroutine | |
check_fxt_1d | test_fxtd_n2m2n | Subroutine | |
check_fxt_2d | test_fxtd_n2m2n | Subroutine | todo NA: Check if nodes kind and factor are correctly used for |
check_fxt_3D | test_fxtd_n2m2n | Subroutine | |
compute_intermediate | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | |
compute_physFlux | atl_modg_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Compute the physical flux in x direction. |
compute_physFlux_2d | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Compute the physical flux in x direction. |
compute_physFlux_nonConst | atl_modg_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Compute the physical flux in x direction. |
compute_physFlux_nonConst_2d | atl_modg_2d_maxwell_kernel_module | Subroutine | Compute the physical flux in x direction. |
compute_physFluxDivCor | atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_kernel_module | Subroutine | Compute the physical flux in x direction. For other directions a properly defined variable permutation can be used. This routine covers only constant material parameters. |
compute_physFluxDivCor_nonConst | atl_modg_maxwellDivCor_kernel_module | Subroutine | Compute the physical flux in x direction. For other directions a properly defined variable permutation can be used. This routine covers non-constant material parameters. |
compute_rhs_cubes | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | c o m p u t e t h e r i g h t h a n d s i d e o f y o u r d i s c r e t e e q u a t i o n . |
compute_rhs_cubes_modg | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | Computes the right hand side for cubical elements and MODG scheme. |
compute_rhs_cubes_modg_1d | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | Computes the right hand side for cubical elements and 1D MODG scheme. |
compute_rhs_cubes_modg_2d | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | Computes the right hand side for cubical elements and 2D MODG scheme. |
compute_scalProd_DualLeg | atl_scheme_module | Subroutine | precompute the scalar products of the anstaz and test function |
compute_up | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | |
compute_vec | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_fpt | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_fpt_header | ply_fpt_header_module | Subroutine | Copy the FPT header information. |
Copy_fxt_header | ply_fxt_header_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_l2p_header | ply_l2p_header_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_nodes_header | ply_nodes_header_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_ply_l2p | ply_l2p_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_ply_prj_init | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_poly_proj_header | ply_prj_header_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_poly_project | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_poly_project_body | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | |
Copy_trafo_params | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Subroutine | |
create_global_timestep | atl_calc_time_module | Subroutine | \brief subroutine to create a single global timestep. |
destroy | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | destroy the dynamic array |
destroy_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | destruction of a dynamic array |
elemental_timestep_euler | atl_fwdEuler_module | Subroutine | Interface definition for elementwise timestepping routine. |
elemental_timestep_imexrk | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping IMEX-RK. |
elemental_timestep_predcor_cerk4 | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 4. |
elemental_timestep_rk4 | atl_rk4_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 4. |
elemental_timestep_rktaylor | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of type Runge Kutta Taylor |
elemental_timestep_ssprk2 | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 2. |
elemental_timestep_vec_euler | atl_fwdEuler_module | Subroutine | Interface definition for elementwise timestepping routine. |
elemental_timestep_vec_imexrk | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 4. |
elemental_timestep_vec_predcor_cerk4 | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 4. |
elemental_timestep_vec_rk4 | atl_rk4_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 4. |
elemental_timestep_vec_rktaylor | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of type Runge Kutta Taylor |
elemental_timestep_vec_ssprk2 | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Elemental operation for timestepping of order 2. |
empty | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | empty the array, reset nvals to be 0 |
empty_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | empty all contents of the array without changing the size or status of any array |
eqn_maxwell_2d_load_bc | atl_eqn_maxwell_hlp_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load boundary conditions for 2D Maxwell equations from a Lua configuration file. |
eval_arbitrary | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_arbitrary_2d | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_charge | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " c u r r e n t D e n s i t y " s o u r c e |
eval_currentDensity | atl_eqn_maxwell_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " c u r r e n t D e n s i t y " s o u r c e |
eval_currentDensity_2d | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_gravitation | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_gravitation_2d | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_pml_2d | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_source_arbitrary | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | |
eval_source_arbitrary_2d | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | PV: Create a unit test for this routine and compare it to the version before the new varSys |
eval_source_charge | atl_eqn_maxwelldivcorr_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " c h a r g e " s o u r c e |
eval_source_gravitation | atl_eqn_euler_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " c u r r e n t D e n s i t y " s o u r c e |
eval_source_gravitation_2d | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | PV: Create a unit test for this routine and compare it to the version before the new varSys |
eval_source_pml_2d | atl_eqn_maxwell_2d_var_module | Subroutine | e v a l u a t e " p m l " s o u r c e ( u n i a x i a l P M L ) |
eval_source_rans2D | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | |
expand | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | increase the size of the container for the array. |
expand_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | expanding the dynamic array |
fftw_execute_r2r | fftw_wrap | Subroutine | |
fftw_plan_many_r2r | fftw_wrap | Function | |
fftw_plan_r2r_1d | fftw_wrap | Function | |
fxt_faltld_del | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_faltld_evl | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_faltld_exp | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_faltld_preproc | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_faltld_wsize | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_faltld_wsizemax | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_flptld_del | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_flptld_evl | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_flptld_exp | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_flptld_init | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_flptld_preproc | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_flptld_wsize | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_vecl_new | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxt_vecld_new | fxt_fif | Interface | |
fxtf_faltld_evl | fxt_fwrap | Interface | Interface declarations to the fxtf_wrapper.c routines. |
fxtf_faltld_exp | fxt_fwrap | Interface | Interface declarations to the fxtf_wrapper.c routines. |
fxtf_flptld_evl | fxt_fwrap | Interface | Interface declarations to the fxtf_wrapper.c routines. |
fxtf_flptld_exp | fxt_fwrap | Interface | Interface declarations to the fxtf_wrapper.c routines. |
fxtf_flptld_init | fxt_fwrap | Subroutine | Initialize the flpt data structure for fast legendre polynomial transformation via the fxtpack. |
fxtf_flptld_m2n | fxt_fwrap | Subroutine | Convert modal data to nodal data using flpt. |
fxtf_flptld_n2m | fxt_fwrap | Subroutine | Convert nodal data to modal data using flpt. |
get_rans_reynolds_tensor_2D | atl_eqn_filNvrStk_var_module | Subroutine | current state |
get_sampled_element | ply_sampling_module | Subroutine | Get sampled data. |
get_sampled_element | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | Subroutine | Get sampled data. |
get_statePtr | atl_operator_module | Subroutine | |
global_corrector_substep | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates a substep of corrector, this is the same as a usual substep of the RKDG |
imexrk_substep | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates a substep of the IMEX Runge-Kutta timestepping scheme. |
imexrk_update | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates the final update step of the Runge-Kutta method. It is performing levelwise. |
implicit_update | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | and the code from here should move into its hlp module. |
init | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | initialize the dynamic array |
init_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | initialization of a dynamic array |
init_fptHeader | ply_fpt_header_test | Subroutine | |
init_kernel | atl_container_module | Subroutine | Initialize the kernel states for all parts of the mesh. |
init_local_time_integration | atl_scheme_module | Subroutine | r o u t i n e t o i n i t t h e t i m e s t e p p i n g s c h e m e . |
inviscous_deactivated | atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module | Function | Deactivate adaptive inviscous computations. |
inviscous_indicator_2d | atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module | Function | Estimate the impact of viscous terms in 2D. |
inviscous_indicator_3d | atl_eqn_nvrstk_hlp_module | Function | Estimate the impact of viscous terms in 3D. |
isEqual | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | This function provides the test for equality of two projections. |
isEqual | ply_l2p_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for equality of two projections. |
isEqual | ply_prj_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for equality of the header for two projections. |
isEqual | ply_fpt_header_test | Function | |
isEqual | ply_fpt_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for equality of two projections. |
isEqual | ply_nodes_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for equality of two nodes descriptions. |
isEqual | ply_fxt_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for equality of two projections. |
isGreater | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | This function provides a > comparison of two projections. |
isGreater | ply_l2p_header_module | Function | This function provides a > comparison of two projections. |
isGreater | ply_prj_header_module | Function | This function provides a > comparison of the header of two projections. |
isGreater | ply_fpt_header_test | Function | |
isGreater | ply_fpt_header_module | Function | This function provides a > comparison of two projections. |
isGreater | ply_nodes_header_module | Function | This function provides a > comparison of nodes descriptions. |
isGreater | ply_fxt_header_module | Function | This function provides a > comparison of two projections. |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | This function provides a >= comparison of two projections. |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_l2p_header_module | Function | This function provides a >= comparison of two projections. |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_prj_header_module | Function | This function provides a >= comparison of the header of two projections. |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_fpt_header_test | Function | |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_fpt_header_module | Function | This function provides a >= comparison of two projections. |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_nodes_header_module | Function | This function provides a >= comparison of two nodes descriptions. |
isGreaterOrEqual | ply_fxt_header_module | Function | This function provides a >= comparison of two projections. |
isSmaller | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | This function provides a < comparison of two projections. |
isSmaller | ply_l2p_header_module | Function | This function provides a < comparison of two projections. |
isSmaller | ply_prj_header_module | Function | This function provides a < comparison of the header of two projections. |
isSmaller | ply_fpt_header_test | Function | |
isSmaller | ply_fpt_header_module | Function | This function provides a < comparison of two projections. |
isSmaller | ply_nodes_header_module | Function | This function provides a < comparison of two nodes descriptions. |
isSmaller | ply_fxt_header_module | Function | This function provides a < comparison of two projections. |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | This function provides a <= comparison of two projections. |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_l2p_header_module | Function | This function provides a <= comparison of two projections. |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_prj_header_module | Function | This function provides a <= comparison of the header of two projections. |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_fpt_header_test | Function | |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_fpt_header_module | Function | This function provides a <= comparison of two projections. |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_nodes_header_module | Function | This function provides a <= comparison of two nodes descriptions. |
isSmallerOrEqual | ply_fxt_header_module | Function | This function provides a <= comparison of two projections. |
isUnequal | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | This function provides the test for unequality of two projections. |
isUnequal | ply_l2p_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for unequality of two projections. |
isUnequal | ply_prj_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for unequality of the header of two projections. |
isUnequal | ply_fpt_header_test | Function | |
isUnequal | ply_fpt_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for unequality of two projections. |
isUnequal | ply_nodes_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for unequality of two nodes descriptions. |
isUnequal | ply_fxt_header_module | Function | This function provides the test for unequality of two projections. |
linearization_deactivated | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator that completely deactivates linearization. |
linearization_indicator_density | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the density. |
linearization_indicator_energy1d | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the energy in 2D. |
linearization_indicator_energy2d | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the energy in 2D. |
linearization_indicator_energy3d | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the energy in 3D. |
linearization_indicator_err1d | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the error estimate. |
linearization_indicator_err2d | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the error estimate. |
linearization_indicator_err3d | atl_eqn_euler_hlp_module | Function | An indicator to decide whether linearization of fluxes is tolerable based on the error estimate. |
local_predictor_substep | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates a substep of the local predictor |
maxwell_flux_cube | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to calculate the flux for pure Maxwell equations without any divergence cleaning on the reference cubic face. |
maxwell_flux_cube_2d | atl_maxwell_flux_2d_module | Subroutine | S u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e f l u x f o r p u r e M a x w e l l e q u a t i o n s w i t h o u t |
maxwell_flux_cube_vec | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f p u r e m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n d i r e c t l y o n t h e |
maxwell_flux_cube_vec_2d | atl_maxwell_flux_2d_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f p u r e m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n d i r e c t l y o n t h e f a c e - v e c t o r |
maxwell_flux_nonconst_cube_vec | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f p u r e m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n d i r e c t l y o n t h e |
maxwell_flux_nonconst_cube_vec_2d | atl_maxwell_flux_2d_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f p u r e m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n d i r e c t l y o n t h e f a c e - v e c t o r |
maxwell_hc_flux_cube | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Subroutine | S u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e f l u x f o r p u r e M a x w e l l e q u a t i o n s w i t h |
maxwell_hc_flux_cube_vec | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n w i t h h y p e r b o l i c d i v e r g e n c e |
maxwell_hc_flux_nonconst_cube_vec | atl_maxwell_flux_module | Subroutine | c a l c u l a t e f l u x o f m a x w e l l e q u a t i o n w i t h h y p e r b o l i c d i v e r g e n c e |
mesh_timestep_euler | atl_fwdEuler_module | Subroutine | s u b r o u t i n e f o r t i m e s t e p p i n g w i t h e x p l i c i t e u l e r . |
mesh_timestep_imexrk | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Subroutine for timestepping with IMEX Runge-Kutta. |
mesh_timestep_predcor_cerk4 | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Subroutine for timestepping with explicit runge kutta of order 4. |
mesh_timestep_rk4 | atl_rk4_module | Subroutine | Subroutine for timestepping with explicit runge kutta of order 4. It contains four Euler forwarding substeps: 0.1 temp = u0 1.1 u1 = rk4_substep(temp) = rhs(temp) 1.2 temp = u0 + dt/2 * u1 2.1 u2 = rk4_substep(temp) = rhs(temp) 2.2 temp = u0 + dt/2 * u2 3.1 u3 = rk4_substep(temp) = rhs(temp) 3.2 temp = u0 + dt * u3 4.1 u4 = rk4_substep(temp) = rhs(temp) 4.2 u0 = u0 + dt/6 * ( u1 + 2*(u2+u3) + u4 ) After each substep, the results are stabilized |
mesh_timestep_rktaylor | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Subroutine for timestepping with explicit runge kutta taylor |
mesh_timestep_ssprk2 | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Subroutine for timestepping with explicit runge kutta of order 2. |
modg_1d_advection_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_1d_advection_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for the advection equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_1d_bnd_extrapolate | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Function | Function to extrapolate face values for a given boundary condition in physical or modal space. |
modg_1d_bnd_mirrorModalConst | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Function | Function to mirror a modal representation around a given boundary condition in modal space. |
modg_1d_bnd_mirrorPoint | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Function | Function to mirror pointvalues for a given boundary conditions. |
modg_1d_compute_project_physFlux | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | |
modg_1d_euler_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_1d_euler_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Euler equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_1d_heat_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_1d_heat_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for the Heat equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_1d_invMassMatrix_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. |
modg_1d_modal_bnd | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Function | Set boundary values in a modal way |
modg_1d_nodal_bnd | atl_modg_1d_bnd_module | Function | Set boundary values in a nodal way |
modg_1d_project_numFlux_diffTestX_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in x direction onto the differentiated |
modg_1d_project_numFluxX_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_1d_project_penalization | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the penalization terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
modg_1d_project_physFluxX_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_1d_project_source_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
modg_1d_project_testFunc_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project modal representations of physical flux, numerical flux and source terms onto test functions. |
modg_1d_VolToFace_grad_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
modg_1d_volToFace_Q | atl_modg_1d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projects derivative of modal representation of each cell to its faces, i.e. this subroutine creates a modal representation on the faces. Project modal representation of an element to one of its faces for Q space. |
modg_2d_bnd_extrapolate | atl_modg_2d_bnd_module | Function | Function to extrapolate face values for a given boundary condition in physical or modal space. |
modg_2d_bnd_mirrorPoint | atl_modg_2d_bnd_module | Subroutine | Function to mirror pointvalues for a given boundary conditions. |
modg_2d_compute_project_physFlux | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | This subroutine computes the physical fluxes for various equation system |
modg_2d_invMassMatrix_P | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 2D scheme in P_space. |
modg_2d_invMassMatrix_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 2D scheme in Q_space. |
modg_2d_modal_bnd | atl_modg_2d_bnd_module | Subroutine | Set boundary values in a modal way |
modg_2d_nodal_bnd | atl_modg_2d_bnd_module | Subroutine | Set boundary values in a nodal way |
modg_2d_project_numFluxX_diffTestX_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_numFluxX_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions for Q_space. |
modg_2d_project_numFluxY_diffTestY_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_numFluxY_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions for Q_space. |
modg_2d_project_penalization_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the penalization terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
modg_2d_project_physFluxX_P | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_physFluxX_Q | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_physFluxY_P | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_physFluxY_Q | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_source_P | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
modg_2d_project_source_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the source terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
modg_2d_project_stabViscNumFluxX_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_project_stabViscNumFluxY_Q | atl_modg_2d_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_2d_rans_oneDim_numFlux_const | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Rans 2D equation across the faces in a single spatial direction (with constant penalization parameters). |
modg_2d_rans_oneDim_numFlux_nonconst | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Rans equation across the faces in a single spatial direction (with non-constant penalization parameters). |
modg_2d_semiCoarseFace | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t m o d a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a s e m i - r e f i n e d f a c e ( i . e . o n a f a c e |
modg_2d_semiRefineFace | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t m o d a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o n a f a c e t o a s e m i - r e f i n e d f a c e ( i . e . o n a f a c e |
modg_2d_stabViscNavierStokes_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for stab-viscous part of the Navier-Stokes equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_2d_stabViscRans_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for stab-viscous part of the RANS equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_2d_viscNavierStokes_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_navierstokes_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for viscous part of the Navier-Stokes equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_2d_viscRans_oneDim_numFlux | atl_modg_2d_filNvrStk_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for viscous part of the RANS equation across the faces in a single spatial direction. |
modg_bnd_extrapolate | atl_modg_bnd_module | Function | Function to extrapolate face values for a given boundary condition in physical or modal space. |
modg_bnd_mirrorPoint | atl_modg_bnd_module | Function | Function to mirror pointvalues for a given boundary conditions. |
modg_compute_project_physFlux | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | TODO NA - Move this routine to the atl_modg_kernel_module |
modg_invMassMatrix_P | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. |
modg_invMassMatrix_pre | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. |
modg_invMassMatrix_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Applies the inverse of the mass matrix for a 3D scheme. |
modg_modal_bnd | atl_modg_bnd_module | Subroutine | Set boundary values in a modal way |
modg_nerplanck_physFlux_pre | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Subroutine | Calculate the projection of the physical flux for the MODG scheme and Nernst-Planck equation. |
modg_nerplanck_x_numFlux_pre | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Nernst-Planck equation across the faces in X direction. |
modg_nerplanck_y_numFlux_pre | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Nernst-Planck equation across the faces in Y direction. |
modg_nerplanck_z_numFlux_pre | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Subroutine | Numerical flux calculation for Nernst-Planck equation across the faces in Z direction. |
modg_nodal_bnd | atl_modg_bnd_module | Subroutine | Set boundary values in a nodal way |
modg_prj_pflux1_q_5 | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | X direction for 5 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_prj_pflux1_q_6 | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | X direction for 6 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_prj_pflux2_q_5 | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Y direction for 5 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_prj_pflux2_q_6 | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Y direction for 6 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_prj_pflux3_q_5 | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Z direction for 5 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_prj_pflux3_q_6 | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Z direction for 6 scalars projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_project_numFlux_diffTest_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux onto the differentiated testfunctions. |
modg_project_numFlux_P | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux onto the testfunctions for P_space. |
modg_project_numFlux_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux onto the testfunctions for Q_space. |
modg_project_penalization_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the penalization terms (in modal representation) to the test functions. |
modg_project_physFlux_P | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops => fewer loop-overhead/instructions, but more "random" memory accesses MZ: perhaps this version is faster for low order (or always, depending on the machine?) |
modg_project_physFlux_Q | atl_project_physflux_module | Subroutine | Projection of the physical flux onto the testfunctions, with unrolled loops |
modg_project_stabViscNumFluxX_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in x direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_project_stabViscNumFluxY_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_project_stabViscNumFluxZ_Q | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Projection of the numerical flux in y direction onto the testfunctions. |
modg_semiCoarseElem | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to semi-coarsen an element with modal polynomial representation to its semi-parent. |
modg_semiCoarseElem_1d | atl_modg_1d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to semi-coarsen an element with modal polynomial representation to its semi-parent. |
modg_semiCoarseElem_2d | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to semi-coarsen an element with modal polynomial representation to its semi-parent. |
modg_semiCoarseFace | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t m o d a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f a s e m i - r e f i n e d f a c e ( i . e . o n a f a c e |
modg_semiRefineElem | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to semi-refine an element with modal polynomial representation into its semi-children. |
modg_semiRefineElem_1d | atl_modg_1d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to semi-refine an element with modal polynomial representation into its semi-children. |
modg_semiRefineElem_2d | atl_modg_2d_multilevel_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to semi-refine an element with modal polynomial representation into its semi-children. |
modg_semiRefineFace | atl_modg_multilevel_module | Subroutine | P r o j e c t m o d a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o n a f a c e t o a s e m i - r e f i n e d f a c e ( i . e . o n a f a c e |
modg_volToFace_Q_x | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to its two faces in X. |
modg_volToFace_Q_y | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to its two faces in Y. |
modg_volToFace_Q_z | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | Project modal representation of an element to its two faces in Y. |
nerplanck_numflux_concentration | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Subroutine | S u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e n u m e r i c a l f l u x f o r t h e f i r s t e q u a t i o n ( u ) |
nerplanck_numflux_diffusiveFlux | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Subroutine | S u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e f l u x f o r N e r n s t - P l a n c k e q u a t i o n s . |
nerplanck_physflux_concentration | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Subroutine | S u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e n u m e r i c a l f l u x f o r t h e f i r s t e q u a t i o n ( u ) |
nerplanck_physflux_diffusiveFlux | atl_nerplanck_flux_module | Subroutine | S u b r o u t i n e t o c a l c u l a t e t h e f l u x f o r N e r n s t - P l a n c k e q u a t i o n s . |
nr_1side | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | Compute one-sided iteration |
nr_start | atl_exact_riemann_euler_module | Subroutine | Initial setup for the iterative computation of the solution to the Riemann problem. |
operator(/=) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
operator(/=) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
operator(/=) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
operator(/=) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(/=) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
operator(/=) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
operator(<) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<=) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
operator(<=) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<=) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<=) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<=) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
operator(<=) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(==) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
operator(==) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
operator(==) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
operator(==) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(==) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
operator(==) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
operator(>) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>=) | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | |
operator(>=) | ply_l2p_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>=) | ply_prj_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>=) | ply_fpt_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>=) | ply_nodes_header_module | Interface | |
operator(>=) | ply_fxt_header_module | Interface | |
outputAppendResult | atl_eqn_euler_2d_var_module | Subroutine | Outputs the result of appending a variable. If appending was not successful, the program is aborted. |
ply_alpha | ply_poly_transformation_module | Function | Coefficients from the recursive formulation of legendre polynomials. L_n = alpha * x * L_n-1 + beta * L_n-2 |
ply_alpha_beta | ply_poly_transformation_module | Function | Prodcut of alpha(numerator) * beta(denominator) / alpha(denominator) |
ply_alpha_frac | ply_poly_transformation_module | Function | Quotient of two alpha values. |
ply_beta | ply_poly_transformation_module | Function | Coefficients from the recursive formulation of legendre polynomials. L_n = alpha * x * L_n-1 + beta * L_n-2 |
ply_calcDiff_leg | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | |
ply_calcDiff_leg_1d | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | |
ply_calcDiff_leg_2d | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | |
ply_calcDiff_leg_2d_normal | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | |
ply_calcDiff_leg_normal | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | do IDeg1 = 1, mPd+1 do IDeg2 = 1, mPd=1 !! iDeg2 = mod(iDeg-1,mpd+1)+1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
ply_calcDiff_leg_x_vec | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | Compute the derivative in X direction for 3D Legendre polynomial. |
ply_calcDiff_leg_y_vec | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | Compute the derivative in Y direction for 3D Legendre polynomial. |
ply_calcDiff_leg_z_vec | ply_leg_diff_module | Subroutine | Compute the derivative in Y direction for 3D Legendre polynomial. |
ply_calculate_coeff_strip | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Subroutine | |
ply_change_poly_space | ply_dof_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to change the polynomial space (Q or P) of an atl_statedata_type from Q-space to P-space and vice versa. |
ply_check_legToPnt | ply_fpt_test | Subroutine | do iPoint = 1, maxPolyDegree+1 write(,) 'Point: ', chebPnt(iPoint), & & ' FPT: ', pntVal(iPoint), & & ' Ref.: ', refVal(iPoint), & & ' error: ', pntVal(iPoint)-refVal(iPoint) end do |
ply_check_legToPnt | ply_fpt_lobattoNodes_test | Subroutine | do iPoint = 1, maxPolyDegree+1 write(,) 'Point: ', chebPnt(iPoint), & & ' FPT: ', pntVal(iPoint), & & ' Ref.: ', refVal(iPoint), & & ' error: ', pntVal(iPoint)-refVal(iPoint) end do |
ply_check_legToPnt_2D | ply_fpt_ifpt_2D_singVar_test | Subroutine | do iDof = 1, (maxPolyDegree+1)2 write(,) 'Leg coeff ', iDof, ' has error: ', legVal(iDof) - legCoeffs(iDof) end do |
ply_check_legToPnt_2D | ply_fpt_ifpt_2D_singVar_lobattoNodes_test | Subroutine | do iDof = 1, (maxPolyDegree+1)2 write(,) 'Leg coeff ', iDof, ' has error: ', legVal(iDof) - legCoeffs(iDof) end do |
ply_check_legToPnt_2D | ply_fpt_ifpt_2D_multiVar_test | Subroutine | do iDof = 1, (maxPolyDegree+1)2 write(,) 'Leg coeff ', iDof, ' has error: ', legVal(iDof) - legCoeffs(iDof) end do |
ply_check_legToPnt_2D | ply_fpt_ifpt_2D_multiVar_lobattoNodes_test | Subroutine | do iDof = 1, (maxPolyDegree+1)2 write(,) 'Leg coeff ', iDof, ' has error: ', legVal(iDof) - legCoeffs(iDof) end do |
ply_check_legToPnt_3D | ply_fpt_ifpt_3D_singVar_test | Subroutine | |
ply_check_legToPnt_3D | ply_fpt_ifpt_3D_singVar_lobattoNodes_test | Subroutine | |
ply_check_legToPnt_3D | ply_fpt_ifpt_3D_multiVar_lobattoNodes_test | Subroutine | |
ply_check_legToPnt_3D | ply_fpt_ifpt_3D_multiVar_test | Subroutine | |
ply_check_pntToLeg | ply_ifpt_test | Subroutine | do iPoly = 1, maxPolyDegree+1 write(,) 'Poly degree: ', iPoly, & & ' iFPT: ', legVal(iPoly), & & ' Ref.: ', legCoeffs(iPoly), & & ' error: ', legVal(iPoly)-legCoeffs(iPoly) end do |
ply_check_pntToLeg | ply_ifpt_lobattoNodes_test | Subroutine | do iPoly = 1, maxPolyDegree+1 write(,) 'Poly degree: ', iPoly, & & ' iFPT: ', legVal(iPoly), & & ' Ref.: ', legCoeffs(iPoly), & & ' error: ', legVal(iPoly)-legCoeffs(iPoly) end do |
ply_convert2oversample | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Copy a single element state into a larger array and pad it with zeroes. |
ply_convert2oversample_1d | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Copy a single 1D element state into a larger array and pad it with zeroes. |
ply_convert2oversample_2d | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Copy a single 2D element state into a larger array and pad it with zeroes. |
ply_convert2oversample_3d | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Copy a single element state into a larger array and pad it with zeroes. |
ply_convertFromOversample | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Truncating an oversampled polynomial representation back to the original representation. |
ply_convertFromOversample_1d | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Truncating an oversampled 1D polynomial representation back to the original representation. |
ply_convertFromOversample_2d | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Truncating an oversampled 2D polynomial representation back to the original representation. |
ply_convertFromOversample_3d | ply_oversample_module | Subroutine | Truncating an oversampled polynomial representation back to the original representation. |
ply_degree_2dof | ply_dof_module | Function | |
ply_dof_2degree | ply_dof_module | Function | |
ply_dofToQPoly | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to convert linearized dof index to ansatz function number for Q-Polynomials. |
ply_evalLegendreTensPoly | ply_modg_basis_module | Subroutine | Evaluate three-dimensional tensor product Legendre polynomials (not-normalized) at a given set of coordinates. |
ply_faceValLeftBndAns | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the non-normalized Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndAns_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the non-normalized Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndDiffAns | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the non-normalized differentiated Legendre polynomial at the leftboundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the gradient of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndgradTest_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the gradient of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndTest | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndTest_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.Vectorized version. |
ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1. |
ply_faceValLeftBndTestGrad_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the left boundary of the reference element, i.e. at -1.Vectorized version. |
ply_faceValRightBndDiffAns | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the non-normalized differentiated Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. |
ply_faceValRightBndgradTest | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the gradient of dual Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. |
ply_faceValRightBndgradTest_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the gradient of dual Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. Vectorized version. |
ply_faceValRightBndTest | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. |
ply_faceValRightBndTest_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. Vectorized Version. |
ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1. |
ply_faceValRightBndTestGrad_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Returns the value of the derivaitve of the dual Legendre polynomial at the right boundary of the reference element, i.e. at +1.vectoized version. |
ply_fill_dynProjectArray | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | Load settings to describe a projection method from a Lua table. |
ply_fill_project_list | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | Fill ups the bodys accroding to the DA. |
ply_filter_element_load | ply_filter_element_module | Subroutine | Loading parameters for the filtering from the configuration script. This needs to be performed before any call of the actual transformation ply_split_element_1D. |
ply_filter_element_oddfract | ply_filter_element_module | Subroutine | Filter a polynomial representation in elements in one dimension according to its odd mode fraction. |
ply_filter_oddfract_1D | ply_filter_element_module | Subroutine | Filter one-dimensional elements of degree element_degree. |
ply_filter_oddfract_2D | ply_filter_element_module | Subroutine | Filter two-dimensional elements of degree element_degree. |
ply_filter_oddfract_3D | ply_filter_element_module | Subroutine | Filter three-dimensional elements of degree element_degree. |
ply_fpt_exec | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Subroutine | Convert strip of coefficients of a modal representation in terms of Legendre polynomials to modal coefficients in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. |
ply_fpt_exec_striped | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Subroutine | Convert coefficients of a modal representation in terms of Legendre polynomials to modal coefficients in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. |
ply_fpt_header_define | ply_fpt_header_module | Subroutine | Define settings for the Fast Polynomial Transformation. |
ply_fpt_header_display | ply_fpt_header_module | Subroutine | Print the FPT settings to the log output. |
ply_fpt_header_load | ply_fpt_header_module | Subroutine | Read the FPT configuration options from the provided Lua script in
ply_fpt_header_out | ply_fpt_header_module | Subroutine | Write FPT settings into a Lua table. |
ply_fpt_init | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Subroutine | |
ply_fpt_single | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Subroutine | Convert strip of coefficients of a modal representation in terms of Legendre polynomials to modal coefficients in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. |
ply_fptm2n | ply_legFpt_module | Interface | |
ply_fptn2m | ply_legFpt_module | Interface | |
ply_fxt_header_display | ply_fxt_header_module | Subroutine | |
ply_fxt_header_load | ply_fxt_header_module | Subroutine | Load settings to describe a projection method from a Lua table. |
ply_fxt_header_out | ply_fxt_header_module | Subroutine | Write FXT settings into a Lua table. |
ply_fxt_m2n_1D | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | Convert modal data to nodal data in 1D using flpt. |
ply_fxt_m2n_2D | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | Convert modal data to nodal data in 2D using flpt. |
ply_fxt_m2n_3D | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | Convert modal data to nodal data in 3D using flpt. |
ply_fxt_n2m_1D | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | Convert nodal data to modal data using flpt. |
ply_fxt_n2m_2D | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | |
ply_fxt_n2m_3D | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | |
ply_gauleg | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Subroutine | subroutine to create gauss points and weights for one-dimensional integration on the interval [x1,x2]. |
ply_gaussLegPoints | ply_space_integration_module | Subroutine | Create Gauss-Legendre integration points and weights for one-dimensional integration on the interval [x1,x2]. |
ply_get_quadpoints_faces | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | function to provide the coordinates from the quadrature points on the faces |
ply_get_quadpoints_faces_1d | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | |
ply_get_quadpoints_faces_2d | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | |
ply_init_fxt | ply_fxt_module | Subroutine | Initialize the flpt data structure for fast legendre polynomial transformation via the fxtpack. |
ply_init_l2p | ply_l2p_module | Subroutine | Initialize the transformations via L2 projections. |
ply_init_legFpt | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to initialize the fast polynomial transformation for Legendre expansion. |
ply_init_modg_covolumeCoeffs | ply_modg_basis_module | Subroutine | Integral of combination of all anzatz functions for projection onto finer element |
ply_init_modg_multilevelCoeffs | ply_modg_basis_module | Subroutine | Integral of combination of all anzatz functions for projection onto finer element |
ply_initQLegProjCoeff | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Subroutine | Routine to initialize the projection coefficients for a usage in the subsampling routine to project degrees of freedoms of a parent cell to the degrees of freedoms of a child cell if the degrees of freedoms are Q-Legendre polynomials. |
ply_integrateLeg | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Integrate the integrand function in Legendre basis, and represent the integral again in the Legendre basis up to the maximal degree. |
ply_l | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Function | |
ply_l2_projection | ply_l2p_module | Subroutine | Actual implementation of the matrix operation to change between nodal and modal representations. |
ply_l2p_header_define | ply_l2p_header_module | Subroutine | |
ply_l2p_header_display | ply_l2p_header_module | Subroutine | |
ply_l2p_header_load | ply_l2p_header_module | Subroutine | Load settings to describe a projection method from a Lua table. |
ply_l2p_header_out | ply_l2p_header_module | Subroutine | Write L2P settings into a Lua table. |
ply_l2p_trafo_1D | ply_l2p_module | Subroutine | Transformation between modal and nodal values in 1D via L2 projection. |
ply_l2p_trafo_2D | ply_l2p_module | Subroutine | Transformation between modal and nodal values in 2D via L2 projection. |
ply_l2p_trafo_3D | ply_l2p_module | Subroutine | Transformation between modal and nodal values in 3D via L2 projection. |
ply_l_int | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Function | |
ply_lagrange_1D | ply_lagrange_module | Function | |
ply_lagrange_define | ply_lagrange_module | Function | Define a new polynomial in the Lagrange basis. |
ply_lagrange_eval | ply_lagrange_module | Function | Evaluate a polynomial in the Lagrange basis at some point x. |
ply_lagrange_mode_at | ply_lagrange_module | Function | Evaluate the given Lagrangian mode (which is 1 at coord(mode) and 0 in all other points) at a given point x. |
ply_lambda | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Function | \todo: as we use a relation of gamma, it might be better to use the gammln function provided by the numerical recipes, and just use the difference in an exponential function. |
ply_legendre_1D | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Evaluate all 1D Legendre polynomials at a given set of points up to the given degree. |
ply_legser | ply_legser_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to convert Chebyshev (A) to Legendre (B) coefficients. |
ply_legToPnt_2D | ply_legFpt_2D_module | Interface | |
ply_legToPnt_2D_multVar | ply_legFpt_2D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_legToPnt_2D_singVar | ply_legFpt_2D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_LegTopnt_3D | ply_legFpt_3D_module | Interface | |
ply_legToPnt_3D_multVar | ply_legFpt_3D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. VK: no multivar fashion of this routine is used anymore |
ply_legToPnt_3D_singvar | ply_legFpt_3D_module | Subroutine | |
ply_legToPnt_lobatto_single | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev-Lobatto nodes. |
ply_legToPnt_lobatto_vec | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Vectorizing subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev-Lobatto nodes. |
ply_legToPnt_single | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_legToPnt_vec | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Vectorizing subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_legVal | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Function | Evaluate a given set of Legendre polynomials a given set of 1D points. |
ply_m | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Function | |
ply_m_int | ply_polyBaseExc_module | Function | |
ply_nodes_create | ply_nodes_module | Subroutine | Initialize points with the Chebyshev quadrature points, 3D |
ply_nodes_surface_coords | ply_nodes_module | Subroutine | Create the integration points on the surface of (cubical) elements. |
ply_nodes_volume_coords | ply_nodes_module | Subroutine | Create multidimensional points from given 1D set of nodes in the cubic reference element. |
ply_nodeset_chebyloba | ply_nodeset_module | Function | Generates a given number of Chebyshev-Lobatto points on the unit interval [-1;+1]. |
ply_nodeset_chebyshev | ply_nodeset_module | Function | Generates a given number of Chebyshev points on the unit interval [-1;+1]. |
ply_nodeset_coords | ply_nodeset_module | Interface | |
ply_nodeset_legendre | ply_nodeset_module | Function | Compute Gauss-Legendre integration points on the interval [-1,1]. |
ply_pntToLeg_2D | ply_legFpt_2D_module | Interface | |
ply_pntToLeg_2D_multVar | ply_legFpt_2D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_pntToLeg_2D_singVar | ply_legFpt_2D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_pntToLeg_3D | ply_legFpt_3D_module | Interface | |
ply_pntToLeg_3D_multVar | ply_legFpt_3D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_pntToLeg_3D_singVar | ply_legFpt_3D_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform Legendre expansion to point values at Chebyshev nodes. |
ply_pntToLeg_lobatto_single | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform point values at Chebyshev-Lobatto nodes to a Legendre expansion. |
ply_pntToLeg_lobatto_vec | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Vectorizing subroutine to transform point values at Chebyshev-Lobatto nodes to a Legendre expansion. |
ply_pntToLeg_single | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to transform point values at Chebyshev nodes to a Legendre expansion. |
ply_pntToLeg_vec | ply_legFpt_module | Subroutine | Vectorizing subroutine to transform point values at Chebyshev nodes to a Legendre expansion. |
ply_point_tensor | ply_nodes_module | Subroutine | Compute a multi-dimensional tensor for the given set of nodes. |
ply_poly_project_fillbody | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | Fill the body of the projection with all required data, ply_poly_project_define has to be used beforehand to set necessary header information. |
ply_poly_project_m2n | ply_poly_project_module | Interface | |
ply_poly_project_m2n_multiVar | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | Convert nDoF modes to nodal values. |
ply_poly_project_n2m | ply_poly_project_module | Interface | |
ply_poly_project_n2m_multiVar | ply_poly_project_module | Subroutine | Convert nodal values to nDoFs modes. |
ply_Poly_Transformation | ply_poly_transformation_module | Subroutine | Projection of polynomial data from parent elements to child elements. The projection is done by a direct transformation of the modal coeffiecients to another coordinate system with z=ax+b. |
ply_prj_header_load | ply_prj_header_module | Subroutine | Load settings to describe a projection method from a Lua table. |
ply_prj_header_out | ply_prj_header_module | Subroutine | Load settings to describe a projection method from a Lua table. |
ply_prj_init_define | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | Define a projection, without filling its body. |
ply_projDataToChild | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project elemental data from a parent cell to one of its children. |
ply_projDataToChild | ply_poly_transformation_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to project element data from a parent cell to its children. |
ply_QLegOneDimCoeff | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Function | Routine to create one-dimensional projection coefficient for a coarse element to a fine element. |
ply_QLegSqNorm | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Function | Function to calculate the squared L2-Norm of a given Legendre polynomial on the reference element [-1,+1]. |
ply_QPolyProjection | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Subroutine | Subsampling by L2-Projection of the Q-Tensorproduct Legendre polynomials. |
ply_sample_adaptive | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | Subroutine | Sample data described by varsys in orig_mesh according to the tracking object trackInst with adaptive refinements. |
ply_sample_data | ply_sampling_module | Subroutine | Sampling polynomial data from a given array and mesh to a new mesh with a new data array, where just a single degree of freedom per element is used. |
ply_sampled_track_init | ply_sampled_tracking_module | Subroutine | Initialize the sampled tracking entities. |
ply_sampled_track_output | ply_sampled_tracking_module | Subroutine | Output sampled tracking data. |
ply_sampled_tracking_load | ply_sampled_tracking_module | Subroutine | Load the configuration of sampled tracking objects. |
ply_sampling_adaptive_load | ply_sampling_adaptive_module | Subroutine | Load the configuration for adaptive subsampling. |
ply_sampling_free_methodData | ply_sampling_module | Subroutine | Free previously allocated methodData of variable. |
ply_sampling_load | ply_sampling_module | Subroutine | This subroutine reads the sampling configuration from the Lua script provided in conf and fills the sampling data in 'me' accordingly. |
ply_sampling_var_allocate | ply_sampling_varsys_module | Subroutine | Allocate memory for a sampled variable. |
ply_sampling_var_compute_elemdev | ply_sampling_varsys_module | Subroutine | This routine computes for each element whether the solution in it is
considered to be deviating from the mean above the given threshold or
not. The logical result is stored in |
ply_sampling_var_move | ply_sampling_varsys_module | Subroutine | Move the variable data from source to destination. |
ply_sampling_varsys_for_track | ply_sampling_varsys_module | Subroutine | Create a variable system for the given tracking instance. |
ply_scalProdDualLeg | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Function to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial (ansatz function) and a dual Legendre polynomial (test function) on the reference element [-1;+1]. |
ply_scalProdDualLeg_vec | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Vectorized Function to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial (ansatz function) and a dual Legendre polynomial (test function) on the reference element [-1;+1] and to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial (ansatz function) and a differentiated dual Legendre polynomial (test function) on the reference element [-1;+1]. |
ply_scalProdDualLegDiff | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Function to calculate the scalar product between a Legendre polynomial (ansatz function) and a differentiated dual Legendre polynomial (test function) on the reference element [-1;+1]. |
ply_scalProdLeg | ply_modg_basis_module | Function | Function to calculate the L2 scalar product of a Legendre polynomial with itself on the reference element [-1,+1]. |
ply_split_element_1D | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Split one-dimensional elements of degree parent_degree into two elements with polynomials of degree child_degree. |
ply_split_element_1D_test | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Testing the 1D splitting. |
ply_split_element_2D | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Split two-dimensional elements of degree parent_degree into four elements with polynomials of degree child_degree. |
ply_split_element_2D_test | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Testing the 2D splitting. |
ply_split_element_3D | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Split three-dimensional elements of degree parent_degree into eight elements with polynomials of degree child_degree. |
ply_split_element_3D_test | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Testing the 3D splitting. |
ply_split_element_init | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Initialization of the module. This needs to be performed before any call of the actual transformation ply_split_element_1D. |
ply_split_element_singleD | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Project a polynomial representation in elements in one dimension to its two halves in that direction. |
ply_split_element_test | ply_split_element_module | Subroutine | Testing routine for the functions of this module. |
ply_split_legendre_matrix | ply_split_legendre_module | Function | Compute the transformation matrix for a projection to the left and right half-interval of Legendre polynomials for the given maximal number of modes. |
ply_split_legendre_test | ply_split_legendre_module | Subroutine | A small testing routine to check the functions of this module. |
ply_subres_get_elemcolor | ply_subresolution_module | Subroutine | Get the color of an element. |
ply_subres_import_color | ply_subresolution_module | Subroutine | Get the subresolution data for all elements for a given color and in the requested format. |
ply_subresolution_load | ply_subresolution_module | Subroutine | Subroutine to load subresolution information for a given tree. |
ply_subsampleData | ply_LegPolyProjection_module | Subroutine | Routine to subsample mesh information for one refinement level. |
ply_subsampleData | ply_poly_transformation_module | Subroutine | |
ply_test_transfer_1d | ply_transfer_test_module | Subroutine | Test for ply_transfer_dofs_1d. |
ply_test_transfer_2d | ply_transfer_test_module | Subroutine | Test for ply_transfer_dofs_2d. |
ply_test_transfer_3d | ply_transfer_test_module | Subroutine | Test for ply_transfer_dofs_3d. |
ply_transfer_dofs | ply_transfer_module | Subroutine | Small helping routine to wrap transfers in all allowed dimensions. |
ply_transfer_dofs_1D | ply_transfer_module | Subroutine | Transfer of degrees of freedom from one polynomial to another in 1D. |
ply_transfer_dofs_2D | ply_transfer_module | Subroutine | Transfer of degrees of freedom from one polynomial to another in 2D. |
ply_transfer_dofs_3D | ply_transfer_module | Subroutine | Transfer of degrees of freedom from one polynomial to another in 3D. |
ply_transfer_P_dim | ply_transfer_module | Subroutine | Transfer the polynomial in P representation from on dimension to another one. |
ply_transform_matrix | ply_poly_transformation_module | Subroutine | Compute the transformation matrix for a projection to the left and right half-interval of Legendre polynomials for the given maximal number of modes. |
positionofval | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | return the position of a given value in the array val, which is what you usually want to know. it is the index of a given value |
posofval_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | the actual position of a given value in the dynamic array |
postprocess_rhs_cubes | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | A p p l i e s t h e p o s t p r o c e s s i n g s t e p o f t h e c o m p u t e s t e p . |
preprocess_local_rhs_cubes | atl_compute_local_module | Subroutine | s h o u l d o n l y e v a l u a t e s o u r c e s |
preprocess_modg_nerplanck_kernel | atl_modg_nerplanck_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
preprocess_rhs_cubes | atl_compute_module | Subroutine | c o m p u t e t h e r i g h t h a n d s i d e o f y o u r d i s c r e t e e q u a t i o n . |
read_legpolyvar_modes | atl_legpolyvar_module | Subroutine | |
rk2_substep | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates a substep of the Runge-Kutta timestepping scheme. Calls itself recursively for the finer levels until the finest level is reached. |
rk2_update | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates the final update step of the Runge-Kutta method. It is performing levelwise. |
rk4_substep | atl_rk4_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates a substep of the Runge-Kutta timestepping scheme. Calls itself recursively for the finer levels until the finest level is reached. |
rktaylor_substep | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates a substep of the Runge-Kutta-Taylor timestepping scheme. Calls itself recursively for the finer levels until the finest level is reached. |
rktaylor_update | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Subroutine calculates the final update step of the Runge-Kutta Taylor method. It is performing levelwise. |
serializeData | atl_restart_module | Subroutine | This subroutine serializes the given data to perform a restart. |
shear_estimate_2d | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Function | Estimate the magnitude of shear terms. |
shear_estimate_3d | atl_eqn_nvrstk_var_module | Function | Estimate the magnitude of shear terms. |
solve_admissible_state | atl_stabilize_module | Function | Solve for admissible state of the conservative positivity preserving limiter. |
solve_admissible_state_2d | atl_stabilize_module | Function | Solve for admissible state of the conservative positivity preserving limiter. |
sortedposofval | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | return the position of a given value in the list 'sorted'. this is mainly for internal usage. the sorted list is only a pointer list to the actual values thus, in order to get the index of a given value, you need to look up the entry in the sorted list. this is done by the positionofval routine |
sortposofval_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Function | return the sorted position of a value in the given dynamic array |
sorttruncate | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | fix the dynamic array, meaning: store the array in the sorted order and cut off the trailing empty entries |
sorttruncate_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | fixing the dynamic array |
stripMatPrefix | atl_materialFun_module | Function | Strips the prefix from material variables created by the solver when adding material to the variable system. |
test_project_stabViscNumFlux | atl_modg_kernel_module | Subroutine | |
truncate | ply_dynarray_project_module | Interface | truncate the array, meaning cut off the trailing empty entries |
truncate_da_projection | ply_dynarray_project_module | Subroutine | truncate the array after the last valid entry and hence cut off the empty trailing empty entries |
update_timestep_euler | atl_fwdEuler_module | Subroutine | Interface definition for levelwise updating of timestepping routine. |
update_timestep_imexrk | atl_imexrk_module | Subroutine | Levelwise update of IMEX Runge-Kutta |
update_timestep_predcor_cerk4 | atl_predcor_cerk4_module | Subroutine | Levelwise updating of runge kutta of order 4 |
update_timestep_rk4 | atl_rk4_module | Subroutine | Levelwise updating of runge kutta of order 4 |
update_timestep_rktaylor | atl_rktaylor_module | Subroutine | Levelwise updating of runge kutta taylor method |
update_timestep_ssprk2 | atl_ssprk2_module | Subroutine | Levelwise updating of runge kutta of order 2 |