This function invokes the type of the boundary such as constant, lua or predefined Fortran function.
If temporal block is not defined than it returns value = 1.0.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_temporal_type) | :: | temporal |
boundary state |
type(tem_time_type), | intent(in) | :: | time |
timer object incl. the current time information |
return value of a function
function tem_temporal_for( temporal, time ) result( res ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> boundary state type( tem_temporal_type ) :: temporal !> timer object incl. the current time information type(tem_time_type), intent( in ) :: time !> return value of a function real(kind=rk) :: res ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- res = 0.0_rk select case( trim(adjustl(temporal%kind)) ) case( 'none' ) res = temporal%const case( 'const' ) res = temporal%const case( 'lua_fun' ) res = temporal_lua_for( fun_ref = temporal%lua_fun_ref, & & time = time, & & conf = temporal%conf ) case( 'linear' ) res = temporal_linear_for( temporal%linear, time%sim ) case( 'smooth' ) res = temporal_smooth_for( temporal%linear, time%sim ) case( 'datafile' ) if ( temporal%from_file%periodic )then res = temporal_from_file_periodic_for( me = temporal%from_file, & & time = time ) else write(logUnit(1),*)'Only Periodic datasets are currently implemented!' write(logUnit(1),*)'STOPPING' call tem_abort() end if case( 'cos' ) res = cos( 2.0_rk * PI * temporal%freq * time%sim + temporal%phi ) & & + temporal%offset end select end function tem_temporal_for