Load the subresolution property from disk.
Before this can be done, the coloring information has to have been loaded.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_subres_prop_type), | intent(out) | :: | me |
Color definitions to load. |
type(treelmesh_type), | intent(in) | :: | tree |
Tree to build the polynomial subresolution information for |
type(tem_color_prop_type), | intent(in) | :: | coloring |
Information on the colors in the mesh. |
subroutine tem_subres_prop_load( me, tree, coloring ) ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------! !> Color definitions to load. type(tem_subres_prop_type), intent(out) :: me !> Tree to build the polynomial subresolution information for type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Information on the colors in the mesh. type(tem_color_prop_type), intent(in) :: coloring ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------! integer :: rl integer :: fUnit character(len=pathLen) :: datafile integer :: iColor integer :: iProp integer :: colChar, colBit integer(kind=long_k), allocatable :: long_counts(:) integer :: iError integer :: iElem integer :: ice ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------! prp_loop: do iprop=1, tree%global%nProperties if (tree%global%Property(iprop)%bitpos == prp_hasPolynomial) then me%header => tree%global%Property(iprop) me%property => tree%property(iprop) datafile = trim(tree%global%dirname)//'subres.ascii' allocate(me%subresolved_colors(coloring%nChars, me%property%nElems)) allocate(me%nElems(coloring%nColors)) allocate(me%Offset(coloring%nColors)) me%Offset = 0_long_k ! If there are actually subresolved elements on the local process, ! read them now. if (me%property%nElems > 0) then allocate(me%elem(coloring%nColors)) inquire(iolength=rl) me%subresolved_colors(:,1) call tem_open( newunit = fUnit, & & file = datafile, & & action = 'read', & & access = 'stream', & & form = 'unformatted', & & status = 'old' ) read(fUnit, pos=me%property%offset+1) me%subresolved_colors close(fUnit) do iColor=1,coloring%nColors colChar = (iColor-1)/colors_per_char + 1 colBit = mod(iColor-1, colors_per_char) me%nElems(iColor) & & = count( btest(ichar(me%subresolved_colors(ColChar,:)), & & ColBit) ) allocate( me%elem(iColor)%id(me%nElems(iColor)) ) ! Store the element link for each color. if (me%nElems(iColor) > 0) then ice = 0 do iElem=1,me%property%nElems if ( btest(ichar(me%subresolved_colors(ColChar,iElem)), & & colBit) ) then ice = ice + 1 me%elem(iColor)%id(ice) = me%property%elemid(iElem) end if end do end if end do else ! No subresolved elements on the local partition: me%nElems = 0 end if allocate( long_counts(coloring%nColors) ) long_counts = me%nElems call MPI_Exscan( long_counts, me%Offset, coloring%nColors, & & MPI_INTEGER8, MPI_SUM, tree%global%comm, iError ) EXIT prp_loop end if end do prp_loop end subroutine tem_subres_prop_load