Synchronize the status bits across all processes and update the time.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_simControl_type), | intent(inout) | :: | me |
Simulation control information. |
type(tem_comm_env_type), | intent(in) | :: | proc |
Communicator to use for the communication of status flags. |
real(kind=rk), | intent(in), | optional | :: | dt |
Time step to use for updating the simulation time. If this is not given, no advance of the time will be done. |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | d_iter |
Number of iterations to add to the current number of iterations. (Default: 1) |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | outUnit |
Unit to write messages to. If this argument is present, the current time will be printed whenever the interval of the simControl is triggered. |
subroutine tem_simControl_syncUpdate(me, proc, dt, d_iter, outUnit) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Simulation control information. type(tem_simControl_type), intent(inout) :: me !> Unit to write messages to. !! !! If this argument is present, the current time will be printed whenever !! the interval of the simControl is triggered. integer, intent(in), optional :: outUnit !> Communicator to use for the communication of status flags. type(tem_comm_env_type), intent(in) :: proc !> Time step to use for updating the simulation time. !! !! If this is not given, no advance of the time will be done. real(kind=rk), intent(in), optional :: dt !> Number of iterations to add to the current number of iterations. !! (Default: 1) integer, intent(in), optional :: d_iter ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! logical :: max_reached(tem_time_n_ids) logical :: stat_interval logical :: out_interval ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call tem_startTimer(timerHandle = me%syncUpdate_timer) if (present(dt)) then call tem_time_advance( me = me%now, & & sim_dt = dt, & & iter = d_iter ) end if max_reached = tem_timeControl_reached_max(me%timeControl, me%now) me%status%bits(tem_stat_max_sim) = max_reached(tem_time_sim_id) me%status%bits(tem_stat_max_iter) = max_reached(tem_time_iter_id) if (mod(me%now%iter, me%timeControl%check_iter) == 0) then me%status%bits(tem_stat_max_clock) = max_reached(tem_time_clock_id) me%status%bits(tem_stat_interval) = tem_timeControl_triggered( & & me = me%timeControl, & & now = me%now ) me%status%bits(tem_stat_stop_file) & & = tem_stop_file_exists( abortCriteria = me%abortCriteria, & & rank = proc%rank ) stat_interval = me%status%bits(tem_stat_interval) if (me%delay_check) then call tem_status_communicate_delayed(me = me%status, comm = proc%comm) me%status%bits(tem_stat_max_sim) = max_reached(tem_time_sim_id) me%status%bits(tem_stat_max_iter) = max_reached(tem_time_iter_id) out_interval = stat_interval else call tem_status_communicate(me = me%status, comm = proc%comm) out_interval = me%status%bits(tem_stat_interval) end if if (present(outUnit) .and. out_interval) then call tem_time_set_clock(me%now) call tem_time_dump(me%now, outUnit) end if call tem_timeControl_update( me = me%timeControl, & & now = me%now, & & hasTriggered = out_interval, & & localTriggered = stat_interval ) end if call tem_stopTimer(timerHandle = me%syncUpdate_timer) end subroutine tem_simControl_syncUpdate