Refine all elements defined in subtree by one level in the original mesh, and create a new mesh.
Orig_mesh needs to be a properly defined treelmesh, and subtree an accompanying subtree in that mesh. orig_bcs needs to be the boundary conditions accompanying the original mesh. New_mesh will be the resulting mesh after refining the elements at elempos. New_bcs will be the resulting boundary conditions for that new mesh. Per default, the elements from the orig_mesh that are not covered by the subtree are still part of new_mesh, just not refined. To change this behavior and include only the refined elements in the new mesh, set restrict_to_sub to true.
The boundary properties are the only ones, that will be inherited to the new mesh. All other properties will get lost!!!
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(treelmesh_type), | intent(in) | :: | orig_mesh |
The original mesh to be refined. |
type(tem_BC_prop_type), | intent(in) | :: | orig_bcs |
Boundary conditions for the original mesh. |
type(tem_subTree_type), | intent(in) | :: | subtree |
(Process local) positions of elements to refine. |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | ndims |
Number of dimensions for the refinement The dimensionality can restrict the elements to create. |
type(treelmesh_type), | intent(out) | :: | new_mesh |
Newly created refined mesh. |
type(tem_BC_prop_type), | intent(out) | :: | new_bcs |
Boundary conditions for the new mesh. |
logical, | intent(in), | optional | :: | restrict_to_sub |
Flag to indicate, wether only refined elements should be put into the new mesh. |
subroutine tem_refine_global_subtree( orig_mesh, orig_bcs, subtree, ndims, & & new_mesh, new_bcs, restrict_to_sub ) !> The original mesh to be refined. type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: orig_mesh !> Boundary conditions for the original mesh. type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(in) :: orig_bcs !> (Process local) positions of elements to refine. type(tem_subtree_type), intent(in) :: subtree !> Number of dimensions for the refinement !! !! The dimensionality can restrict the elements to create. integer, intent(in) :: ndims !> Newly created refined mesh. type(treelmesh_type), intent(out) :: new_mesh !> Boundary conditions for the new mesh. type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(out) :: new_bcs !> Flag to indicate, wether only refined elements should be put into the !! new mesh. logical, optional, intent(in) :: restrict_to_sub ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! logical :: restrict logical :: refine_all integer :: iParent integer :: nParents integer :: parentpos integer :: childpos integer :: newpos integer :: subpos integer :: iError integer :: bcprop integer :: iBC_elem integer :: iElem integer :: iChild integer :: iProp integer :: iSide integer(kind=long_k) :: nNewElems integer(kind=long_k) :: nBCElems integer(kind=long_k) :: childID_off integer(kind=long_k) :: child_bcid(orig_bcs%nSides,2**ndims) integer, allocatable :: bc_child(:) type(grw_long2dArray_type) :: newbcid logical :: has_boundary ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! refine_all = subtree%useGlobalMesh if (present(restrict_to_sub)) then restrict = restrict_to_sub else restrict = .false. end if nParents = subtree%nElems ! (local) Number of new elements: if (restrict) then nNewElems = nParents*(2**ndims) else nNewElems = nParents*(2**ndims-1) + orig_mesh%nElems end if new_mesh%nElems = int(nNewElems) new_mesh%global = orig_mesh%global ! Need to create new properties for the new mesh nullify(new_mesh%global%Property) nullify(new_mesh%Property) ! Find the boundary property bcprop = 0 do iProp=1,orig_mesh%global%nProperties if (orig_mesh%global%Property(iProp)%bitpos == prp_hasBnd) then bcprop = iProp EXIT end if end do ! Only carry on boundary conditions if (bcprop > 0) then new_mesh%global%nProperties = 1 new_bcs%nSides = orig_bcs%nSides new_bcs%nBCtypes = orig_bcs%nBCtypes new_bcs%BC_label = orig_bcs%BC_label call init( me = newbcid, & & width = orig_bcs%nSides, & & length = (ndims*2-1)*orig_bcs%property%nElems ) else new_mesh%global%nProperties = 0 end if ! Adapt the level range in the new mesh. new_mesh%global%maxlevel = new_mesh%global%maxlevel + 1 if (refine_all .or. restrict) then new_mesh%global%minlevel = new_mesh%global%minlevel + 1 end if ! Overall number of elements in the new mesh and offsets. call MPI_Exscan(nNewelems, new_mesh%ElemOffset, 1, long_k_mpi, & & MPI_SUM, new_mesh%global%comm, iError ) ! Initialize for rank 0 if (new_mesh%global%myPart == 0) new_mesh%ElemOffset = 0_long_k new_mesh%global%nElems = new_mesh%ElemOffset+nNewElems call MPI_Bcast( new_mesh%global%nElems, 1, long_k_mpi, & & new_mesh%global%nParts-1, & & new_mesh%global%comm, iError ) allocate(new_mesh%treeID(nNewElems)) allocate(new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(nNewElems)) allocate(new_mesh%Part_First(orig_mesh%global%nParts)) allocate(new_mesh%Part_Last(orig_mesh%global%nParts)) newpos = 0 subpos = 1 iBC_elem = 0 ! Need to iterate through all elements of the original mesh to properly ! account for the boundary elements. origsall: do iParent=1,orig_mesh%nElems has_boundary = btest( orig_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(iParent), & & prp_hasbnd ) if (has_boundary) iBC_elem = iBC_elem + 1 if (refine_all) then parentPos = iParent else if (nParents >= subpos) then parentPos = subtree%map2global(subpos) else ! Element not part of the subtree! parentPos = -1 end if end if dorefine: if (parentPos == iParent) then ! Element in subtree to be refined. childID_off = orig_mesh%treeID(iParent)*8_long_k childpos = newpos ! store current position for boundaries do iChild=1,2**ndims newpos = newpos+1 new_mesh%treeID(newpos) = childID_off + iChild new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(newpos) = 0_long_k end do if (has_boundary) then child_bcid = 0_long_k do iSide=1,2*ndims ! Only iterate over direct neighbors if (orig_bcs%boundary_ID(iSide, iBC_elem) > 0) then call tem_eligibleChildren( eligible_child = bc_child, & & direction = iSide ) do iChild=1,2**(ndims-1) new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(childpos+bc_child(iChild)) & & = ibset(0_long_k, prp_hasbnd) child_bcid(iSide, bc_child(iChild)) = orig_bcs & & %boundary_ID( iSide, & & iBC_elem ) end do deallocate(bc_child) end if end do do iChild=1,2**ndims if ( btest(new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(childpos+iChild), & & prp_hasBnd) ) then call append( me = newbcid, & & val = child_bcid(:,iChild) ) end if end do end if subpos = min(subpos + 1, subtree%nelems) else dorefine ! Element NOT in subtree to be refined. if (.not. restrict) then ! Add also non-refined elements to the new mesh. newpos = newpos+1 new_mesh%treeID(newpos) = orig_mesh%treeID(iParent) new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(newpos) = 0_long_k if (has_boundary) then new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(newpos) = ibset(0_long_k, prp_hasbnd) call append( me = newbcid, & & val = orig_bcs%boundary_ID(:,iBC_elem) ) end if end if end if dorefine end do origsall call MPI_Allgather( new_mesh%treeID(1), 1, long_k_mpi, & & new_mesh%Part_First, 1, long_k_mpi, & & new_mesh%global%comm, iError ) call MPI_Allgather( new_mesh%treeID(new_mesh%nElems), 1, long_k_mpi, & & new_mesh%Part_Last, 1, long_k_mpi, & & new_mesh%global%comm, iError ) ! Set boundary property, if needed. if (bcprop > 0) then allocate(new_mesh%Property(1)) allocate(new_mesh%global%Property(1)) new_mesh%global%property(1)%label & & = orig_mesh%global%Property(bcprop)%label new_mesh%global%property(1)%bitpos & & = orig_mesh%global%Property(bcprop)%bitpos new_mesh%Property(1)%nElems = newbcid%nVals nBCElems = int(newbcid%nVals, kind=long_k) allocate(new_mesh%Property(1)%ElemID(newbcid%nVals)) iBC_elem = 0 do iElem=1,int(nNewElems) if ( btest(new_mesh%ElemPropertyBits(iElem), prp_hasBnd) ) then iBC_elem = iBC_elem + 1 new_mesh%Property(1)%ElemID(iBC_elem) = iElem end if end do allocate(new_bcs%boundary_ID(new_bcs%nSides, newbcid%nVals)) new_bcs%property => new_mesh%Property(1) new_bcs%header => new_mesh%global%Property(1) new_bcs%boundary_ID = newbcid%val(:,:newbcid%nVals) call destroy(newbcid) call MPI_Exscan(nBCElems, new_bcs%property%Offset, 1, long_k_mpi, & & MPI_SUM, new_mesh%global%comm, iError ) nBCElems = new_bcs%property%Offset+nBCElems call MPI_Bcast(nBCElems, 1, long_k_mpi, new_mesh%global%nParts-1, & & new_mesh%global%comm, iError ) new_bcs%header%nElems = nBCElems else if (associated(new_mesh%property)) & & deallocate(new_mesh%property) if (associated(new_mesh%global%property)) & & deallocate(new_mesh%global%property) allocate(new_mesh%Property(0)) allocate(new_mesh%global%Property(0)) end if end subroutine tem_refine_global_subtree