This routine loads the deformation table from transformation table
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_deformation_type), | intent(out) | :: | deform |
deform for spatial object |
type(flu_State) | :: | conf |
lua state |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | thandle |
spatial object parent handle |
subroutine tem_load_deformation( deform, conf, thandle ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! !inferface variables !> deform for spatial object type(tem_deformation_type), intent(out) :: deform !> lua state type(flu_state) :: conf !> spatial object parent handle integer, intent(in) :: thandle !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! integer :: deform_handle, deform_subhandle integer :: iError, iPos integer :: vError(3), errFatal(3) real(kind=rk) :: const, vec(3) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------! errFatal = aoterr_fatal deform%active = .false. deform%matrix = 0.0_rk !First check if deformation is defined as a constant call aot_get_val(L=conf, thandle = thandle, key='deformation', & & val=const, ErrCode=iError) if(btest(iError, aoterr_fatal)) then call aot_table_open(L = conf, parent = thandle, & & thandle = deform_handle, & & key = 'deformation') if(deform_handle > 0) then deform%active = .true. !deformation is defined as a table call aot_table_open(L = conf, parent = deform_handle, & & thandle = deform_subhandle, & & pos = 1) if(deform_subhandle > 0) then call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=deform_subHandle) !sub table exist load it as matrix do iPos=1,3 call aot_get_val(L=conf, thandle=deform_handle, & & pos=iPos, val=vec, ErrCode=vError) if (any(btest(vError, errFatal))) then write(logunit(0),*) 'Error in configuration: ' write(logunit(0),*) ' Deformation table at pos', iPos call tem_abort() end if deform%matrix(iPos,:) = vec end do else call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=deform_Handle) !if single table then it is vec call aot_get_val(L=conf, thandle=thandle, & & key='deformation', val=vec, ErrCode=vError) if (any(btest(vError, errFatal))) then write(logunit(0),*) 'Error in configuration: ' write(logunit(0),*) ' Loading deformation table as vector' call tem_abort() end if deform%matrix(1,1) = vec(1) deform%matrix(2,2) = vec(2) deform%matrix(3,3) = vec(3) endif else !deformation table not defined !close the table call aot_table_close(L=conf, thandle=deform_Handle) endif else !it is a constant scaling factor deform%active = .true. deform%matrix(1,1) = const deform%matrix(2,2) = const deform%matrix(3,3) = const endif if (deform%active) then write(logunit(1),"(A,3E12.5)") ' Deformation = ', deform%matrix(1,:) write(logunit(1),"(A,3E12.5)") ' ', deform%matrix(2,:) write(logunit(1),"(A,3E12.5)") ' ', deform%matrix(3,:) endif end subroutine tem_load_deformation