Evaluate if the convergence was achieved
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_convergence_type), | intent(inout) | :: | me |
Convergence description contians |
logical, | intent(out) | :: | achieved |
is all Scalars in current convergence_type are converged |
subroutine tem_convergence_evaluate( me, achieved ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !> Convergence description contians type(tem_convergence_type), intent(inout) :: me !> is all Scalars in current convergence_type are converged logical, intent(out) :: achieved ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! integer :: iVar, iComp, iScalar real(kind=rk) :: residual, threshold_fac logical :: isConverged(me%varMap%nScalars) ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Increase the counter for the checks me%nChecks = me%nChecks + 1 iScalar = 0 do iVar = 1, me%varMap%varPos%nVals do iComp = 1, me%redSpatial(iVar)%nComponents iScalar = iScalar + 1 ! Compare the results against threshold !norm = abs(state(1) - me%result_prev) residual = evaluate_residual( & & me = me, & & state = me%redspatial(ivar)%val(icomp), & & iScalar = iScalar ) if( me%header%absoluteError ) then ! For absolute error, just use threshold threshold_fac = me%header%cond(iVar)%threshold else ! For relative errors, multiply threshold with current state value threshold_fac = me%redSpatial(iVar)%val(iComp) & & * me%header%cond(iVar)%threshold end if isConverged(iScalar) = tem_comparator( & & val = residual, & & operation = me%header%cond(iVar)%operation, & & threshold = threshold_fac ) end do end do ! update the convergence achieved if the last compare was succesful achieved = all(isConverged) end subroutine tem_convergence_evaluate