tem_appendIntListUnique Subroutine

private subroutine tem_appendIntListUnique(firstEntry, entryPos, nItems, added)

append an entry at the end of the integer list If the first entry is zero, write into that one Check, if the current entry already exists Count, how many elements there are in the list


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(tem_intList), pointer :: firstEntry

linked list of resulting elements building the neighbor

integer(kind=int_k), intent(in) :: entryPos

Add that element

integer, intent(inout) :: nItems

how many items are in list

logical, intent(out), optional :: added

has the current item been added?

Called by

proc~~tem_appendintlistunique~~CalledByGraph proc~tem_appendintlistunique tem_appendIntListUnique interface~appendunique appendUnique interface~appendunique->proc~tem_appendintlistunique

Source Code

  subroutine tem_appendIntListUnique( firstEntry, entryPos, nItems, added )
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    !> linked list of resulting elements building the neighbor
    type(tem_intList),pointer :: firstEntry
    !> Add that element
    integer(kind=int_k),intent(in) :: entryPos
    !> how many items are in list
    integer,intent(inout) :: nItems
    !> has the current item been added?
    logical,intent(out),optional :: added
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    type(tem_intList),pointer :: currPos    ! current position in linked list
    logical :: found ! has the new entry been found in the existing list?
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Added = .false.
    found = .false.
    currPos => firstEntry ! The first entry of the list should be given here

    if(currPos%elem .le. 0) then
       ! If the element entry of the current entry is zero
       ! write into that position
       currPos%elem = entryPos
       nItems = 1
       Added = .true.
      ! If element entry /= 0 then find the end of the list
      do while(associated(currPos%next))
        if( currPos%elem .eq. entryPos) found = .true.
        currPos => currPos%next
      if( currPos%elem .eq. entryPos) found = .true.

      if ( .not. found) then
        ! at the end of the list, append new list item
        currPos => currPos%next
        ! And write to the item
        currPos%elem = entryPos
        nItems = nItems + 1

  end subroutine tem_appendIntListUnique