my_status_string_vec Function

public function my_status_string_vec(key, info) result(val)

This function returns the strings in the first line which starts with the specified key strings in the text returned from print_self_status.

The key strings themselves are excluded from the returned string. If the specified key is not found in the text an empty string will be returned.

info can be used to change the input that should be read, it defaults to '/proc/self/status'.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: key(:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: info

Return Value character(len=80), (size(key))


proc~~my_status_string_vec~~CallsGraph proc~my_status_string_vec my_status_string_vec proc~newunit newunit proc~my_status_string_vec->proc~newunit proc~print_self_status print_self_status proc~my_status_string_vec->proc~print_self_status proc~print_self_status->proc~newunit

Called by

proc~~my_status_string_vec~~CalledByGraph proc~my_status_string_vec my_status_string_vec proc~my_status_int_vec my_status_int_vec proc~my_status_int_vec->proc~my_status_string_vec proc~tem_trackmem tem_trackmem proc~tem_trackmem->proc~my_status_int_vec

Source Code

  function my_status_string_vec(key, info) result(val)
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    character(len=*), intent(in) :: key(:) !< Case sensitive!
    character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: info
    character(len=80) :: val(size(key))
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    integer :: scratchUnit
    character(len=80) :: bufline
    integer :: ios
    integer :: n, i
    integer :: keylen(size(key))
    logical :: match
    ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    scratchUnit = newUnit()
    n = size(key)

    val = ''
    keylen = len_trim(key)
    open(unit = scratchUnit, status = 'scratch')

    call print_self_status(scratchUnit, info=info)
    do i=1,n
        read(scratchUnit, '(a)', iostat=ios) bufline
        if (ios /= 0) EXIT  ! end of file reached or reading error occurred
        match = ( bufline(1:keylen(i)) == trim(key(i)) )
        if (match) then
          val(i) = trim(bufline(keylen(i)+1:))
        end if
      end do
    end do
    val = adjustl(val)
  end function my_status_string_vec