Load internal BC property for 2D Slice.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(treelmesh_type), | intent(in) | :: | tree | |||
type(tem_BC_prop_type), | intent(inout) | :: | me |
Boundary condition construct to load the data into |
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | nSides |
Required sides to set, defaults to 26. |
subroutine load_BC_intern_2D( tree, me, nSides ) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree !> Boundary condition construct to load the data into type(tem_BC_prop_type), intent(inout) :: me !> Required sides to set, defaults to 26. integer, intent(in), optional :: nSides ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer :: iElem integer :: neigh_coord(4) integer :: my_coord(4) integer(kind=long_k) :: tID, neighID ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(nSides)) then me%nSides = nSides else me%nSides = 26 end if me%nBCtypes = 0 allocate(me%BC_label(me%nBCtypes)) allocate(me%boundary_ID(me%nSides, me%Property%nElems)) me%boundary_ID = 0_long_k do iElem=1,me%Property%nElems tID = tree%treeID(me%Property%ElemID(iElem)) me%boundary_ID(q__B, iElem) = -tID me%boundary_ID(q__T, iElem) = -tID if (me%nSides > 6) then my_coord = tem_coordofID(tID) ! Neighbor in the west neigh_coord = my_coord + [-1, 0, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(q_BW, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(q_TW, iElem) = -neighID ! Neighbor in the east neigh_coord = my_coord + [+1, 0, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(q_BE, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(q_TE, iElem) = -neighID ! Neighbor in the south neigh_coord = my_coord + [0, -1, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(q_BS, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(q_TS, iElem) = -neighID ! Neighbor in the north neigh_coord = my_coord + [0, +1, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(q_BN, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(q_TN, iElem) = -neighID if (me%nSides > 18) then ! Neighbor in the south-west neigh_coord = my_coord + [-1, -1, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(qBSW, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(qTSW, iElem) = -neighID ! Neighbor in the south-east neigh_coord = my_coord + [+1, -1, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(qBSE, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(qTSE, iElem) = -neighID ! Neighbor in the north-west neigh_coord = my_coord + [-1, +1, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(qBNW, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(qTNW, iElem) = -neighID ! Neighbor in the north-east neigh_coord = my_coord + [+1, +1, 0, 0] neighID = tem_IdOfCoord(neigh_coord) me%boundary_ID(qBNE, iElem) = -neighID me%boundary_ID(qTNE, iElem) = -neighID end if end if end do end subroutine load_BC_intern_2D