Write the mesh information into the VTK output files.
Note: the unstructured meshes we write are consisting of voxels, this assumption is built into the code and exploited.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(hvs_vtk_file_type), | intent(in) | :: | vtk_file |
File handles to the files where the mesh data should be written to. |
type(tem_vrtx_type), | intent(in) | :: | vrtx |
Information on the vertices of the mesh |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nElems |
Number of elements in the mesh |
subroutine hvs_vtk_write_meshdata(vtk_file, vrtx, nElems) !> File handles to the files where the mesh data should be written to. type(hvs_vtk_file_type), intent(in) :: vtk_file !> Information on the vertices of the mesh type(tem_vrtx_type), intent(in) :: vrtx !> Number of elements in the mesh integer, intent(in) :: nElems ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------! real(kind=c_double), target, allocatable :: indata(:) integer(kind=c_int), target, allocatable :: indata_int(:) integer(kind=c_int_least8_t), target, allocatable :: indata_int8(:) character(len=PathLen) :: headerline character :: linebreak logical :: use_ascii integer :: iVrtx, iElem ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------! linebreak = new_line('x') use_ascii = (trim(vtk_file%dataform) == 'ascii') write(headerline,'(a,i0,a,i0,a)') ' <Piece NumberOfPoints="', & & vrtx%nVertices, '" NumberOfCells="', & & nElems, '">' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak ! Write the point data: write(headerline,'(a)') ' <Points>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <DataArray Name="xyz" ' & & // 'NumberOfComponents="3" type="Float64" ' & & // 'format="' // trim(vtk_file%dataform) // '">' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak if (use_ascii) then do ivrtx = 1, vrtx%nvertices write(headerline,*) real(vrtx%coord%val(:,ivrtx), kind = double_k) write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak end do else allocate(indata(vrtx%nVertices*3)) do ivrtx = 1, vrtx%nvertices indata(1+(ivrtx-1)*3:ivrtx*3) = vrtx%coord%val(:,ivrtx) end do call convert_to_base64( indata, vrtx%nVertices*3, vtk_file%outunit ) write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak deallocate(indata) end if write(headerline,'(a)') ' </DataArray>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' </Points>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak ! Write the cell data: write(headerline,'(a)') ' <Cells>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <DataArray type="Int32" Name="connectivity"' & & //' format="'//trim(vtk_file%dataform)//'">' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak if (use_ascii) then do iElem = 1, nElems write(headerline,*) vrtx%map2global(iElem,:) - 1 write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak end do else allocate(indata_int(vrtx%maxVertices)) do iElem = 1, nElems indata_int( & & (iElem-1)*vtk_file%vtx_per_Elem +1 : iElem*vtk_file%vtx_per_Elem) & & = vrtx%map2global(iElem,:) - 1 end do call convert_to_base64( indata_int, vrtx%maxVertices, vtk_file%outunit ) deallocate(indata_int) write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak end if write(headerline,'(a)') ' </DataArray>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak ! Write offsets: write(headerline,'(a)') ' <DataArray type="Int32" Name="offsets"' & & //' format="'//trim(vtk_file%dataform)//'">' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak if (use_ascii) then do iElem = 1, nElems write(headerline,*) iElem*vtk_file%vtx_per_Elem write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline) end do write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak else allocate(indata_int(nElems)) do iElem = 1, nElems indata_int(iElem) = iElem*vtk_file%vtx_per_Elem end do call convert_to_base64( indata_int, nElems, vtk_file%outunit ) deallocate(indata_int) write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak end if write(headerline,'(a)') ' </DataArray>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak ! Write the cell type. write(headerline,'(a)') ' <DataArray type="UInt8" Name="types"' & & // ' format="'//trim(vtk_file%dataform)//'">' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak if (use_ascii) then do iElem = 1, nElems write(headerline,*) vtk_file%CellType write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline) end do write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak else allocate(indata_int8(nElems)) indata_int8 = int(vtk_file%CellType, c_int_least8_t) call convert_to_base64( indata_int8, nElems, vtk_file%outunit ) deallocate(indata_int8) write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak end if write(headerline,'(a)') ' </DataArray>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a,i0,a)') ' </Cells>' write(vtk_file%outunit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(vtk_file%outunit) linebreak ! Add mesh information to the pvtu file accordingly: if (vtk_file%write_pvtu) then write(headerline,'(a)') ' <PPoints>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <PDataArray Name="xyz" ' & & // 'NumberOfComponents="3" type="Float64" ' & & // 'format="' // trim(vtk_file%dataform) // '"/>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' </PPoints>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(vtk_file%punit) linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <PCells>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <PDataArray type="Int32" ' & & // 'Name="connectivity" format="' & & // trim(vtk_file%dataform) // '"/>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <PDataArray type="Int32" ' & & // 'Name="offsets" format="' & & // trim(vtk_file%dataform) // '"/>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' <PDataArray type="UInt8" ' & & // 'Name="types" format="' & & // trim(vtk_file%dataform) // '"/>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(headerline,'(a)') ' </PCells>' write(vtk_file%punit) trim(headerline)//linebreak write(vtk_file%punit) linebreak end if end subroutine hvs_vtk_write_meshdata