This routine write variable labels into buffer and this buffer is written into the second line of ascii result file for spatial (asciiSpatial) and transient (ascii) tracking.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(tem_varSys_type), | intent(in) | :: | varSys |
solver-provided variable systems |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | varPos(:) |
Position of variables to dump in varSys |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | nDofs |
The number of dofs for each scalar variable of the equation system |
logical, | intent(in) | :: | isReduce |
is spatial Reduction active |
buffer containing first column of the header
function getHeader( varSys, varPos, nDofs, isReduce ) result(buffer) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> solver-provided variable systems type(tem_varSys_type), intent(in) :: varSys !> Position of variables to dump in varSys integer, intent(in) :: varPos(:) !> The number of dofs for each scalar variable of the equation system integer, intent(in) :: nDofs !> is spatial Reduction active logical, intent(in) :: isReduce !> buffer containing first column of the header character(len=OutLen) :: buffer ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !local variable character(len=pathLen) :: buffer2 integer :: iVar, iComp, iDof character(len=4) :: reduceChar ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- buffer = '' ! If reduction is applied to this variable, append a ending to its label if( isReduce ) then reduceChar = '_red' else reduceChar = '' end if do iVar = 1, size(varPos) if (nDofs == 1 .or. isReduce) then if ( varSys%method%val( varPos(iVar) )%nComponents > 1 ) then ! when variable has more that one componenets, append icomp to the end ! of its label do iComp = 1, varSys%method%val( varPos(iVar) )%nComponents write( buffer2, '(a,i2.2)' ) & & trim(varSys%varName%val(varPos(iVar)))//trim(reduceChar)//'_',& & iComp if ( len(trim(buffer)) + 25 > OutLen ) then call tem_abort( errorMsg = & & 'max char length for header exceeded, use vtk or '// & & 'harvester for tracking. Restarting will result in '// & & 'res file without header.' ) end if write(buffer, '(a,1x,a24)') trim(buffer), trim(buffer2) end do else write(buffer, '(a,1x,a24)') trim(buffer), & & trim(varSys%varName%val(varPos(iVar)))//trim(reduceChar) end if else do iDof = 1, nDofs if ( varSys%method%val( varPos(iVar) )%nComponents > 1 ) then ! when variable has more that one componenets, append icomp to the end ! of its label do iComp = 1, varSys%method%val( varPos(iVar) )%nComponents write( buffer2, '(a,i3.3,a,i2.2)' ) & & trim(varSys%varName%val(varPos(iVar)))//trim(reduceChar) & & //'_d', iDof, '_c', iComp write(buffer, '(a,1x,a24)') trim(buffer), trim(buffer2) end do else write(buffer, '(a,1x,a24,i3.3)') trim(buffer), & & trim(varSys%varName%val(varPos(iVar)))//trim(reduceChar) & & //'_d', iDof end if end do end if end do end function getHeader