generate_treelm_slice Subroutine

private subroutine generate_treelm_slice(me, origin, length, level, myPart, nParts, comm)

This serves as an simple grid generation for performance or scaling analysis without being obliged to use Seeder. You have to specify the generic grid parameters in the lua file instead of the mesh folder

 mesh = { predefined='slice',
          origin = {0.,0.,0.},
          length = 10.,
          refinementLevel = 6 }

You have to specify the shape 'slice', a bounding box origin, its length and also the refinement level, which results in different amount elements in the grid. The result of this routine is mainly the treeID list with the additional lists for saving the properties. The generated slice will be all elements in the first layer (XY plane) in Z-direction, with periodicity in Z direction.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(treelmesh_type), intent(out) :: me

Mesh to generate

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: origin(3)

Corner of the cube

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: length

Length of cube

integer, intent(in) :: level

Resolution level

integer, intent(in) :: myPart

Partition of the caller (starts with 0)

integer, intent(in) :: nParts

Number of partitions

integer, intent(in) :: comm

communicator to be used


proc~~generate_treelm_slice~~CallsGraph proc~generate_treelm_slice generate_treelm_slice proc~tem_coordof_2d_id tem_CoordOf_2d_Id proc~generate_treelm_slice->proc~tem_coordof_2d_id proc~tem_firstidatlevel tem_FirstIdAtLevel proc~generate_treelm_slice->proc~tem_firstidatlevel proc~tem_idofcoord tem_IdOfCoord proc~generate_treelm_slice->proc~tem_idofcoord

Called by

proc~~generate_treelm_slice~~CalledByGraph proc~generate_treelm_slice generate_treelm_slice proc~tem_load_internal tem_load_internal proc~tem_load_internal->proc~generate_treelm_slice proc~load_tem load_tem proc~load_tem->proc~tem_load_internal proc~tem_restart_readheader tem_restart_readHeader proc~tem_restart_readheader->proc~load_tem proc~tem_load_restart tem_load_restart proc~tem_load_restart->proc~tem_restart_readheader

Source Code

  subroutine generate_treelm_slice( me, origin, length, level,  myPart, &
    &                               nParts, comm )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> Mesh to generate
    type(treelmesh_type), intent(out) :: me
    !> Corner of the cube
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: origin(3)
    !> Length of cube
    real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: length
    !> Resolution level
    integer, intent(in) :: level
    !> Partition of the caller (starts with 0)
    integer, intent(in) :: myPart
    !> Number of partitions
    integer, intent(in) :: nParts
    !> communicator to be used
    integer, intent(in) :: comm
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer(kind=long_k) :: firstID, lastID
    integer(kind=long_k) :: share
    integer(kind=long_k) :: previous
    integer :: remainder
    integer :: iPart, iElem
    integer :: coord(4)
    integer :: lastcoord
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    me%global%nParts = nParts
    me%global%myPart = myPart
    me%global%comm = comm

    me%global%origin = origin
    me%global%BoundingCubeLength = length
    me%global%minLevel = level
    me%global%maxLevel = level
    me%global%label = 'Generic_Slice'
    me%global%predefined = 'slice'
    write(me%global%comment,'(a15,i7,a16,i2,a1)')                   &
      &     'Generated with ', nParts, ' Parts on Level ', level, '.'
    me%global%dirname = './'

    ! Boundary property to define periodic boundary
    me%global%nProperties = 1
    if (associated(me%global%Property)) deallocate(me%global%property)
    if (associated(me%Property)) deallocate(me%property)


    ! Compute the treeIDs of the mesh:
    firstID = tem_firstIdAtLevel(level)
    lastcoord = 2**level - 1
    lastID = tem_IdOfCoord( coord  = [lastcoord, lastcoord, 0, level], &
      &                     offset = firstID                           )

    ! Total number of elements in this mesh
    me%global%nElems = 4_long_k**level

    share = me%global%nElems / int(nParts, kind=long_k)
    remainder = int(mod(me%global%nElems, int(nParts, kind=long_k)))

    ! The first partition starts always with the firstID
    me%Part_First(1) = firstID

    ! Up to remainder partitions have share + 1 elements
    previous = 0_long_k
    do iPart=2,remainder+1
      previous = previous + int(share)
      coord = tem_coordof_2d_id(previous, level)
      me%Part_Last(iPart-1) = tem_idofcoord(coord, offset = firstID)
      previous = previous + 1
      coord = tem_coordof_2d_id(previous, level)
      me%Part_First(iPart) = tem_idofcoord(coord, offset = firstID)
    end do

    ! The remaining elements get exactly the share elements:
    do iPart=remainder+2,nParts
      previous = previous + int(share) - 1
      coord = tem_coordof_2d_id(previous, level)
      me%Part_Last(iPart-1) = tem_idofcoord(coord, offset = firstID)
      previous = previous + 1
      coord = tem_coordof_2d_id(previous, level)
      me%Part_First(iPart) = tem_idofcoord(coord, offset = firstID)
    end do

    ! The last partition ends always with the lastID
    me%Part_Last(nParts) = lastID

    ! Local data:
    if (myPart < remainder) then
      me%nElems = int(share+1)
      me%elemOffset = int(myPart, kind=long_k) * (share+1_long_k)
      me%nElems = int(share)
      me%elemOffset = (int(myPart, kind=long_k) * share) &
        &           + int(remainder, kind=long_k)
    end if
    ! All elements have (periodic) boundaries
    me%Property(1)%nElems = me%nElems
    me%Property(1)%offset = me%elemOffset
    ! Please note, that the tem_bc_prop_module will set boundary conditions
    ! based on this label accordingly!
    me%global%Property(1)%label = 'internal 2D BC'
    me%global%Property(1)%bitpos = prp_hasBnd
    me%global%Property(1)%nElems = me%Property(1)%nElems


    ! No Properties:
    me%ElemPropertyBits = ibset(0_long_k, prp_hasBnd)

    ! Filling the treeIDs:
    do iElem=1,me%nElems
      me%Property(1)%ElemID(iElem) = iElem
      coord = tem_coordof_2d_id(me%elemOffset + iElem - 1, level)
      me%treeID(iElem) = tem_idofcoord(coord, offset=firstID)
    end do

  end subroutine generate_treelm_slice