add_all_virtual_children Subroutine

private recursive subroutine add_all_virtual_children(sourceID, sourceProperty, foundPos, elemPath, targetLevel, levelDesc, minLevel, tree, stencil, nesting, updated)

Find all the virtual children of the sourceID down to the targetLevel and add to the level-wise ghostFromCoarser list in the level descriptor


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: sourceID

source treeID (existing founded ID in tree%treeID list or children ID from recursion)

integer(kind=long_k), intent(in) :: sourceProperty

property of source element

integer, intent(in) :: foundPos

position of this sourceID in elem%tID list

type(tem_path_type), intent(in) :: elemPath

element path

integer, intent(in) :: targetLevel

level upto which virtual children must be created

type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout) :: levelDesc(minLevel:)

the level descriptor to be filled

integer, intent(in) :: minLevel

minimum level in the tree

type(treelmesh_type), intent(in) :: tree

tree information

type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in) :: stencil

current stencil definition

integer, intent(in) :: nesting

nesting level

logical, intent(out) :: updated

was the element updated in this call?


proc~~add_all_virtual_children~~CallsGraph proc~add_all_virtual_children add_all_virtual_children proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~add_all_virtual_children interface~append~11 append proc~add_all_virtual_children->interface~append~11 interface~init~24 init proc~add_all_virtual_children->interface~init~24 interface~positionofval~5 positionofval proc~add_all_virtual_children->interface~positionofval~5 proc~tem_childnumber tem_childNumber proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~tem_childnumber proc~tem_coordofid tem_CoordOfId proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~tem_coordofid proc~tem_find_bcs_fromcoarser tem_find_BCs_fromCoarser proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~tem_find_bcs_fromcoarser proc~tem_idofcoord tem_IdOfCoord proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~tem_idofcoord proc~tem_levelof tem_LevelOf proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~tem_levelof proc~append_ga_dynlong append_ga_dynlong interface~append~11->proc~append_ga_dynlong proc~append_ga_dynlong_vec append_ga_dynlong_vec interface~append~11->proc~append_ga_dynlong_vec proc~init_ga2d_real init_ga2d_real interface~init~24->proc~init_ga2d_real proc~posofval_label posofval_label interface~positionofval~5->proc~posofval_label proc~tem_coordofid->proc~tem_levelof proc~childtostencil childToStencil proc~tem_find_bcs_fromcoarser->proc~childtostencil interface~expand~9 expand proc~append_ga_dynlong->interface~expand~9 proc~append_ga_dynlong_vec->interface~expand~9 interface~sortedposofval~5 sortedposofval proc~posofval_label->interface~sortedposofval~5 proc~expand_ga_dynlong expand_ga_dynlong interface~expand~9->proc~expand_ga_dynlong proc~sortposofval_label sortposofval_label interface~sortedposofval~5->proc~sortposofval_label

Called by

proc~~add_all_virtual_children~~CalledByGraph proc~add_all_virtual_children add_all_virtual_children proc~add_all_virtual_children->proc~add_all_virtual_children proc~identify_local_element identify_local_element proc~identify_local_element->proc~add_all_virtual_children proc~identify_halo identify_halo proc~identify_halo->proc~identify_local_element proc~single_process_element single_process_element proc~single_process_element->proc~identify_local_element proc~identify_elements identify_elements proc~identify_elements->proc~single_process_element proc~identify_elements->proc~identify_elements proc~request_remotehalos request_remoteHalos proc~request_remotehalos->proc~identify_halo proc~build_levelelements build_levelElements proc~build_levelelements->proc~identify_elements proc~communicate_elements communicate_elements proc~communicate_elements->proc~request_remotehalos proc~create_allparentneighbors create_allParentNeighbors proc~create_allparentneighbors->proc~identify_elements proc~identify_additionalneigh identify_additionalNeigh proc~identify_additionalneigh->proc~identify_elements proc~identify_stencilneigh identify_stencilNeigh proc~identify_stencilneigh->proc~identify_elements

Source Code

  recursive subroutine add_all_virtual_children(                       &
    &                    sourceID, sourceProperty, foundPos, elemPath, &
    &                    targetLevel, levelDesc, minLevel, tree,       &
    &                    stencil, nesting, updated                     )
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    !> source treeID (existing founded ID in tree%treeID list or children ID
    !! from recursion)
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in)            :: sourceID
    !> property of source element
    integer(kind=long_k), intent(in)            :: sourceProperty
    !> element path
    type(tem_path_type), intent(in)             :: elemPath
    !> nesting level
    integer, intent(in)                         :: nesting
    !> position of this sourceID in elem%tID list
    integer, intent(in)                         :: foundPos
    !> level upto which virtual children must be created
    integer,intent(in)                          :: targetLevel
    !> minimum level in the tree
    integer, intent(in)                         :: minLevel
    !> the level descriptor to be filled
    type(tem_levelDesc_type), intent(inout)     :: levelDesc(minLevel:)
    !> tree information
    type(treelmesh_type), intent(in)            :: tree
    !> current stencil definition
    type(tem_stencilHeader_type), intent(in)    :: stencil
    !> was the element updated in this call?
    logical, intent(out)                        :: updated
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
    integer :: targetPos, iChild, iDir, nVals, sourceLevel
    ! position of the existing (source) tID in the elem list
    integer :: sourcePos
    logical :: wasAdded
    logical :: childUpdated
    integer(kind=long_k) :: cTreeID      ! current treeID to identify
    integer(kind=long_k) :: ichildID     ! child treeID
    integer(kind=long_k) :: curNeighborID
    integer(kind=long_k), allocatable :: tNeighID(:)
    type(tem_stencilElement_type) :: tStencil(1)
    integer :: iChildCoord(4), curLevel, offset(4), xc(4), childCoord(4)
    integer :: addedPos
    ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !

    !Position of the coarser source element
    sourceLevel = tem_LevelOf(sourceID)
    sourcePos = PositionOfVal( me  = levelDesc( sourceLevel )%elem%tID, &
      &                        val = sourceID                           )
    allocate( tNeighID(stencil%QQN) )
    offset(4) = 0

    ! By default, set that no element was updated
    updated = .false.
    childUpdated = .false.

    ! create virual children until target level is reached
    if ( sourceLevel < targetLevel ) then
      curLevel = sourceLevel + 1
      call init( me = tStencil(1), QQN = stencil%QQN, headerPos = 1 )
      ! Add to the level-wise ghost list
      cTreeID = elemPath%node( targetLevel - sourceLevel )
      call append( me              = levelDesc( curLevel )%elem, &
        &          tID             = cTreeID,                    &
        &          property        = sourceProperty,             &
        &          eType           = eT_ghostFromCoarser,        &
        &          sourceProc      = tree%global%myPart+1,       &
        &          stencilElements = tStencil,                   &
        &          pos             = targetPos,                  &
        &          haloNesting     = nesting,                    &
        &          wasAdded        = wasAdded                    )

      if (wasAdded) then

        write(dbgUnit(7),"(2(A,I0))") 'Added as a GhostFromCoarser: ', &
          &                           cTreeID, ', to level: ', curLevel

        updated = .true.
        iChild = tem_childNumber(cTreeID)
        iChildCoord(:) = tem_coordOfId( int(iChild, long_k) )
        ! inherit the boundary infos from the parent
        tNeighID = 0_long_k
        ! Get neighIds of (source) coarse element
        do iDir = 1, 3
          call tem_find_BCs_fromCoarser( dir            = iDir,        &
            &                            childCoord     = iChildCoord, &
            &                            sourceLevel    = sourceLevel, &
            &                            sourcePos      = sourcePos,   &
            &                            neighID        = tNeighID,    &
            &                            minLevel       = minLevel,    &
            &                            levelDesc      = levelDesc,   &
            &                            computeStencil = Stencil      )
        end do

        ! loop over all directions to determine neighIDs for ghost child
        ! (targetPos)
        do iDir = 1, stencil%QQN
          ! compute virtual neighbor child from coarser neighbor in iDir
          ! direction
          if( tNeighID(iDir) > 0_long_k ) then
            ! find the corresponding children of the neighbor defined for my
            ! parent. Find the child in the corresponding direction
            ! get the corresponding neighbor in the offset direction, which
            ! is a child of the coarser neighbor element. Use +2 offset to get
            ! only positive numbers
            ! (child coordinates always range between {0..1})
            offset(1:3) = stencil%cxDir(1:3, iDir )
            xc(1:3) = mod( iChildCoord(1:3) + 2 + offset(1:3), 2 )
            xc(4) = 1
            ! get the child number of the corresponding neighbor within the
            ! coarser element. (is {1...8})
            ichildID  = tem_IdOfCoord( xc )
            ! calculate the child treeID from the coarser neighbor and the
            ! childID
            curNeighborID = tNeighID(iDir)*8_long_k + ichildID
          else if (tNeighID(iDir) == 0_long_k) then
            ! virtual neighbor child exist in current parent.
            ! If the neighbor is still 0, it must be a direct sibling,
            ! so we can directly compute its tID.
            ! find the neighbor according to stencil offset from me
            childCoord = tem_coordOfId( cTreeID )
            offset(1:3) = stencil%cxDir(1:3, iDir )
            curNeighborID = tem_IdOfCoord( childCoord + offset )
          else ! tNeighID(iDir) < 0_long_k
            ! inherit the boundary ID
            curNeighborID = tNeighID(iDir)
          end if

          ! append the neighbor ID ...
          call append( me  = levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%neighID     &
            &                                    %val( targetPos ), &
            &          val = curNeighborID,                         &
            &          pos = addedPos                               )
          ! ... and store this position in the stencil
          levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%stencil%val( targetPos )       &
            &                               %val(1)%tIDpos( iDir )  &
            &  = addedPos

          ! to append the neighbors of ghosts to required list
          !call append( me       = levelDesc( curLevel )%require, &
          !  &          val      = curNeighborID,                 &
          !  &          pos      = addedPos,                      &
          !  &          wasAdded = wasAdded )

        end do !iDir QQN

        ! Set prp_hasBnd if any of neighbors is boundary
        nVals = levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%neighID%val( targetPos )%nVals
        if ( minval( levelDesc(curLevel)%elem%neighID%val(targetPos)      &
          &          %val(1:nVals)                                  ) < 0 ) then
          ! Found boundary
          levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%property%val( targetPos )              &
            &  = ibset( levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%property%val(targetPos), &
            &           prp_hasBnd                                          )
          ! Unset the property bit
          levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%property%val( targetPos )              &
            &  = ibclr( levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%property%val(targetPos), &
            &           prp_hasBnd                                          )
        end if

        ! Existing element encountered.
        updated = .false.
      end if
      ! Overwrite the eventually existing nesting with the smallest value.
      ! The smallest nesting determines if further neighbors have to be
      ! retrieved in communicate_elements
      if ( nesting < levelDesc(curLevel)%elem%haloNesting    &
        &                                    %val(targetPos) ) then
        ! needs update
        updated = .true.
        levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%needsUpdate%val( targetPos ) = .true.
        levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%haloNesting%val( targetPos )            &
          &   = min( nesting,                                              &
          &          levelDesc( curLevel )%elem%haloNesting%val(targetPos) )
      end if
      ! In any case we have to recurse down to the target level
      ! lower levels might not yet exist.
      call add_all_virtual_children( sourceID       = cTreeID,        &
        &                            foundPos       = foundPos,       &
        &                            elemPath       = elemPath,       &
        &                            nesting        = nesting,        &
        &                            targetLevel    = targetLevel,    &
        &                            levelDesc      = levelDesc,      &
        &                            minLevel       = minLevel,       &
        &                            updated        = childUpdated,   &
        &                            tree           = tree,           &
        &                            sourceProperty = sourceProperty, &
        &                            Stencil        = Stencil         )
    end if ! sourceLevel < targetLevel
    updated = ( updated .or. childUpdated )

  end subroutine add_all_virtual_children