secondMom_minus_cs2_2D Function

public pure function secondMom_minus_cs2_2D(cxcx, f, QQ) result(m)

Calculate second moments of some quantity where Q is number of discrete velocity.\n The output is 1 dimentional array which has 6 componenents.\n Specifically, This function is used by shear stress and strain rate. 1=xx, 2=yy, 3=xy


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: cxcx(6,QQ)
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: f(QQ)

quantity to which second moment is applied

integer, intent(in) :: QQ

Return Value real(kind=rk), (3)

Called by

proc~~secondmom_minus_cs2_2d~~CalledByGraph proc~secondmom_minus_cs2_2d secondMom_minus_cs2_2D proc~mus_turbvisc_smagorinsky_fromprecolpdf_2d mus_turbVisc_Smagorinsky_fromPreColPDF_2D proc~mus_turbvisc_smagorinsky_fromprecolpdf_2d->proc~secondmom_minus_cs2_2d