mus_check_omegaKine Subroutine

public subroutine mus_check_omegaKine(schemeRelax, omLvlKine, nSolve, minLevel, maxLevel, general)

This routine checks whether omega is within the stability limit. If not it will terminate the simulation with error message. Using limits given in Tölke, J., Freudiger, S., & Krafczyk, M. (2006). An adaptive scheme using hierarchical grids for lattice Boltzmann multi-phase flow simulations. Computers & Fluids, 35(8–9), 820–830. For BGK: 2/3 < omega < 1.976 For MRT: 2/3 < omega < 1.999


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
character(len=*), intent(in) :: schemeRelax

scheme relaxation type

type(mus_relaxationParam_type), intent(in) :: omLvlKine(minLevel:maxLevel)

array of kinematic relaxation parameter on all levels

integer, intent(in) :: nSolve(minLevel:maxLevel)

Number of elements to solve in compute kernel

integer, intent(in) :: minLevel

minlevel and maxlevel

integer, intent(in) :: maxLevel

minlevel and maxlevel

type(tem_general_type), intent(inout) :: general

Contains proc, simControl, solveHead


proc~~mus_check_omegakine~~CallsGraph proc~mus_check_omegakine mus_check_omegaKine bits bits proc~mus_check_omegakine->bits mpi_reduce mpi_reduce proc~mus_check_omegakine->mpi_reduce tem_abort tem_abort proc~mus_check_omegakine->tem_abort

Called by

proc~~mus_check_omegakine~~CalledByGraph proc~mus_check_omegakine mus_check_omegaKine proc~perform_checks perform_checks proc~perform_checks->proc~mus_check_omegakine proc~check_flow_status check_flow_status proc~check_flow_status->proc~perform_checks proc~mus_solve mus_solve proc~mus_solve->proc~check_flow_status program~musubi musubi program~musubi->proc~mus_solve