public pure function getEquilibriumIncomp(dens, vel, layout, rho0) result(equil)
Calculate the equilibrium distribution function in all directions
This is the incompressible formulation with reference density rho0
The equilibrium distribution function is:\n
where is the weight in each direction,\n
is the macroscopic density,\n
is the speed of sound,\n
is the lattice unit velocity in each direction,\n
is the macroscopic value of velocity.
Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.
Nodes of different colours represent the following:
Solid arrows point from a procedure to one which it calls. Dashed
arrows point from an interface to procedures which implement that interface.
This could include the module procedures in a generic interface or the
implementation in a submodule of an interface in a parent module.