get_moment Function

public pure function get_moment(QQ, cxDir, expX, pdf) result(mom)

Calculate the moment of a centain order The moment of a distribution is defined as:\n The fucntion argument expX is array of size 3, which contains the values of \f$p, q, r\f$


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: QQ
integer, intent(in) :: cxDir(3,QQ)
integer, intent(in) :: expX(3)
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: pdf(QQ)

distribution value

Return Value real(kind=rk)


proc~~get_moment~~CallsGraph proc~get_moment get_moment proc~get_momentvector get_momentVector proc~get_moment->proc~get_momentvector proc~mus_imomvector mus_iMomVector proc~get_momentvector->proc~mus_imomvector