atl_maxwell_type Derived Type

type, public :: atl_maxwell_type

Datatype for Maxwell equations.

This datatype describes the time dependent Maxwell equations of the following form (where is the spatial charge density and is the free current (not including bound current) density ):

(Electric) discplacement field:

Magnetic field:

Nonexistence of magnetic monopoles:

Sources of electric field:

The magnetic permeability and the electric permitivity are assumed constant or variable. D is the (electric) displacement field vector and B is the magnetic field vector (also called magnetic induction).

Inherited by

type~~atl_maxwell_type~~InheritedByGraph type~atl_maxwell_type atl_maxwell_type type~atl_equations_type atl_Equations_type type~atl_equations_type->type~atl_maxwell_type Maxwell type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type atl_varSys_solverData_type type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type->type~atl_equations_type equationPtr type~atl_varsys_data_type atl_varSys_data_type type~atl_varsys_data_type->type~atl_varsys_solverdata_type solverData