ply_lagrange_define Function

public function ply_lagrange_define(nPoints, nodeset, values) result(me)

Define a new polynomial in the Lagrange basis.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: nPoints

Number of points to define the polynomial.

procedure(ply_nodeset_coords) :: nodeset

The set of nodes where the function assumes the given values.

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: values(nPoints)

Function values at all nPoints of the nodeset.

Return Value type(ply_lagrange_type)

The newly created Lagrange series describing the polynomial function.

Called by

proc~~ply_lagrange_define~~CalledByGraph proc~ply_lagrange_define ply_lagrange_define proc~ply_init_l2p ply_init_l2p proc~ply_init_l2p->proc~ply_lagrange_define